
RECALL: ABC/CBS Stoke Fear of Larry Elder, NBC Holds Newsom to Account

September 13th, 2021 9:00 PM

The Monday night before California’s recall election, two of the broadcast networks were solidly backing embattled Governor Gavin Newsom as they downplayed his COVID hypocrisy and tried to stoke fear of Republican front runner and radio host, Larry Elder. But meanwhile, one network saw fit to hold Newsom’s feet to the fire by opposing his smears of recall effort and calling out how Democrats…

Nets Skip WH Pulling ATF Nominee After Accusations of Racism Surface

September 9th, 2021 10:46 PM

NewsBusters asked and the broadcast networks answered! On Thursday, the Biden administration was forced to pull the nomination of radical gun control activist David Chipman to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives after evidence surfaced that he had targeted black agents with false negative reviews during promotions while at the bureau years ago. As expected, ABC, CBS,…


Nets Call It Quits, Done Covering Americans Held Hostage By Taliban

September 8th, 2021 8:49 PM

Out of sight, out of mind. That’s the message the broadcast networks sent Wednesday evening as ABC and CBS chose not to follow up with the over 100 Americans still trapped in Afghanistan, some even being held on airplanes on a tarmac; reminiscent of the Iranian hostage crisis. Meanwhile, these Americans President Biden abandoned were only an afterthought to NBC.


ABC Helps State Dept Steal Credit for Saving Family, Fox/Cuomo Stop It

September 7th, 2021 11:10 PM

With the Biden administration abandoning hundreds of Americans and our allies to be victimized in Afghanistan and reports that the State Department was hampering efforts to get them out, they desperately needed some good press. And ABC’s World News Tonight was more than willing to help them steal credit for getting a Texas mother and her three kids over the border to a neighboring…


Nets Censor EVIDENCE Fauci Lied About Funding Wuhan COVID Experiments

September 7th, 2021 8:43 PM

In an overnight bombshell on Monday, The Intercept published a report and documents exposing how the U.S. National Institutes of Health funneled taxpayer money to laboratories in Wuhan, China so they could do experiments with coronaviruses. It was the truth that Dr. Anthony Fauci repeatedly lied to the Senate about while under oath. But none of the broadcast networks chose to cover it Tuesday…

Lib Media Pounce on FAKE NEWS Hospital Making Gunshot Victims Wait

September 5th, 2021 12:32 PM

Apparently, pushing the fake UVA rape story and the subsequent lawsuits wasn’t enough to persuade Rolling Stone magazine from sticking to covering just music. But in a now-discredit article published on Friday, the music rag claimed Northeastern Hospital System Sequoyah was making gunshot patients wait as they deal with an influx of people overdosing on a livestock deworming…


USA Today Tried to SMEAR Gold Star Families After Criticism of Biden

September 2nd, 2021 11:16 PM

As NewsBusters reported earlier this week, Gold Star fathers of two of the Marines killing at the Kabul airport during the Afghanistan evacuation spoke out against President Biden in outrage of him disrespecting their sons and looking at his watch during the dignified transfer. Well, on Wednesday, a Biden sycophant at USA Today named Daniel Funke decided he was going to try to drag…


Nets Try to Rebuild Biden’s Image, Tout Him Out to Fight Pro-Life Law

September 2nd, 2021 8:56 PM

After President Biden’s deadly disaster of an evacuation from Afghanistan, the liberal media were desperate to improve his image, including among Democrats. The new pro-life law defending the unborn in Texas was the opportunity they needed, as ABC World News Tonight anchor David Muir boasted that Biden had called “the law an unprecedented assault on a woman's constitutional rights,…


NBC and CBS DROP Afghanistan, ABC Warns of U.S.-Equipped Taliban

September 2nd, 2021 2:55 PM

After Thursday’s CBS Evening News decided it was time to abandon coverage of President Biden’s Afghanistan debacle, on Thursday, CBS This Morning and NBC’s Today show both made the same decision to ignore the ongoing foreign policy disaster. Only ABC’s Good Morning America managed to provide any Afghanistan coverage, warning viewers that the Taliban had…


Lemon: 'Stop Beating Up' Biden, 'We Don't Know' If People Were Left

September 1st, 2021 11:24 PM

The liberal media’s fever may have finally broken after spending the last two weeks or so heavily criticizing President Biden’s unmitigated disaster of a withdrawal from Afghanistan. On Wednesday’s edition of his show, CNN’s Don Lemon spent most of the hand-off from Cuomo Prime Time demanding people be “level-headed” and “stop beating up on” the President. He even went so far as to…


CBS Moves on from Afghan Debacle, ABC Forgets Americans Left Behind

September 1st, 2021 8:43 PM

Unbelievably, the CBS Evening News thought the day after President Biden’s arbitrary deadline to get Americans out of Afghanistan was the perfect time to drop the subject completely. There was absolutely no mention of Afghanistan on their Wednesday newscast but they found the time to dedicate over two minutes (2:05) to bashing and decrying Texas’s new pro-life law. And while they…


Nets Skip Biden Checking Watch at Dignified Transfer, Families Speak

August 31st, 2021 2:30 PM

On Sunday, President Biden spat in the faces of the grieving families whose loved ones, service members were killed by a suicide bomb at the Kabul airport last week. As their bodies were being tended to during the dignified transfer at Dover Air Force Base, Biden repeatedly looked down at his watch as if he was counting the minutes until the inconvenient photo op was over. Meanwhile, the…

NewsBusters Podcast: Imagine Media Covering Trump with Today's News

August 30th, 2021 8:24 PM

As the American war effort in Afghanistan ended, the news environment for President Biden is bad right now, but it could be a lot worse. Imagine how the press would react if all this happened after President Trump had won a second term. Every crying war widow and dissenting colonel would be magnified intensely.


'Kill List': Nets Spike Biden Admin Giving Taliban Names of Americans

August 26th, 2021 11:24 PM

According to a disturbing Politico report from Thursday, “U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies” so they could be allowed through Taliban checkpoints. And President Biden admitted in a press conference that evening that the report could very well be accurate. But none of the broadcast networks cared to…