
ABC Spent Less than a Minute on Federal Cuomo Probe, 4x on Cruz Optics

February 18th, 2021 8:59 PM

Having not touched New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home scandal story since Monday and despite two days of continuously unfolding revelations, the Thursday edition of ABC’s World News Tonight spent just 54 seconds telling viewers about the federal investigation into his deadly corruption. And ignoring the moves by state Democrats to remove his emergency powers and…


Biden Calls Minorities Ignorant, Univision and Telemundo HIDE It

February 18th, 2021 3:06 PM

On Monday, President Joe Biden took part in a CNN Town Hall and while Univision and Telemundo covered the event, showing the same two edited segments of the Q&A session in all their newscasts and leaving out the most relevant moment for their audiences: when Biden called Latinos (and Black) ignorant.

Rush Limbaugh Melania Trump Medal of Freedom

MSNBC, CNN Can't Find Morning News of Rush's Death

February 18th, 2021 10:53 AM

Love Rush Limbaugh or hate him, it is undeniable that he was a huge, transformative media figure. If there was ever a more impactful conservative media voice, this NewsBusters can't think of who it might be. And yet, incredibly, despicably, neither MSNBC's Morning Joe nor CNN's New Day devoted any time to a discussion of Rush's passing. On New Day, the blackout was absolute. The word "Rush"…

Convenient Timing: CNN Bans Cuomo from Covering Brother and Scandal

February 17th, 2021 11:22 PM

Just as New York Democratic Governor Andrew “Luv Gov” Cuomo was being called out by state Democratic lawmakers for obstructing justice and the stage was being set for his impeachment, CNN executives reinstated a ban on the lesser Cuomo, Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo, prohibiting him from interviewing or covering his big brother.


Nets Spike New York Dems ‘Setting the Stage’ for Cuomo Impeachment

February 17th, 2021 9:06 PM

After propping up New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s lie-laced defense of his corruption in a Monday press conference, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) refused to continue covering the still-exploding nursing home deaths scandal. The silence was deafening, especially since state Democrats seemed to be moving to remove him from office. And there were also reports alleging Cuomo…

Savannah Guthrie and Kamala Harris

NBC’s Guthrie Grills Harris on Reopening Schools, Ignores VP’s Lies

February 17th, 2021 10:26 AM

After President Biden was treated to a softball CNN town hall Tuesday night, on Wednesday morning, Vice President Kamala Harris was hit with somewhat tougher questions during an exclusive live interview on NBC’s Today show. However, while co-host Savannah Guthrie grilled the VP on when schools could fully reopen amid the pandemic, the anchor ignored Harris lying in a recent interview…


Cold Shoulder: Nets Ignore Green Energy Frozen Out in Texas

February 16th, 2021 9:07 PM

Parts of Texas were in a dangerous situation Tuesday as back-to-back freezing weather systems left the Lone Star state with rolling blackouts as the power grid struggled to heat homes. But while the broadcast networks gawked at their plight, one even blaming it on a lack of federal control, they failed to tell viewers the truth: so-called green energy systems such as wind turbines were…

Telemundo ESCONDE escándalo de Cuomo y muerte de ancianos

February 16th, 2021 4:37 PM

La interminable cruzada de Telemundo para plasmar al gobernador de Nueva York Andrew Cuomo como líder de la mejor respuesta de la nación al covid-19, se hizo añicos con la noticia de que su gobierno deliberadamente encubrió la tasa de muertes por covid en los asilos de ancianos del estado. Sin embargo, la audiencia de Telemundo aún no se ha enterado de estos impactantes acontecimientos.

Telemundo HIDES Cuomo’s Nursing Home Death Scandal 

February 16th, 2021 4:16 PM

Telemundo's unending crusade to portray New York governor Andrew Cuomo as leader of the nation's best response to COVID-19 was shattered by news that his administration willfully covered up the state’s nursing home COVID-19 death toll. But Telemundo’s viewers have not seen any reporting on these shocking developments.

Andrew Cuomo

SHAMEFUL: ABC Still Has Not Done Full Story on Cuomo Scandal

February 16th, 2021 12:52 PM

Astonishingly, since the latest bombshell landed on Friday in the scandal swirling around New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s mishandling of COVID in nursing homes across the state and his administration’s attempt to cover it up, ABC News has only offered a pathetic 59 seconds of air time to the story. Meanwhile, CBS finally managed a full report on the controversy Tuesday morning and NBC has…


Sneaky Brian Williams Quietly Stops Citing Disgraced Lincoln Project

February 16th, 2021 5:56 AM

In the aftermath of the anti-Republican group, the Lincoln Project, having some of its dirty laundry exposed to the public, MSNBC host Brian Williams has been sneaky in quietly cutting back references to the group on his The 11th Hour show, without ever bothering to inform MSNBC viewers of the scandalous behavior of group members.


ABC, CBS Prop Up Cuomo’s Corruption, Cover-Up of Nursing Home Deaths

February 15th, 2021 8:27 PM

In a Monday press conference, corrupt New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) spun a web of lies and misinformation about his administration’s cover-up of nursing home deaths due to COVID-19. Blaming everyone from former President Trump to nursing home staff, Cuomo refused to take responsibility as he openly lied about his administration’s actions. Despite how blatant and easily disprovable his…


ABC IGNORES Disgraced WH Aide’s Resignation for Attacking Ex-Colleague

February 15th, 2021 4:04 PM

When it comes to circling the wagons, the liberal media did just that for the Trump era, defending colleagues whenever they were called out by President Trump or a White House aide and framed such condemnations as dangerous attacks on our democracy. But when it came to light on Friday that Biden White House Deputy Press Secretary T.J. Ducklo threatened Politico’s Tara Palmeri, the…

Friday Bias: ABC, NBC Skip WH Scandal, Nets Downplay Cuomo in Trouble

February 12th, 2021 8:49 PM

On Friday night’s broadcast network newscasts, they all chose to finally acknowledge but downplay the Cuomo story while ABC and NBC skipped over Ducklo.