Bias by Omission

CNN Relieved By 'Adults' on Biden's Hacky Comms Team
In the midst of their constant praise for President-Elect Joe Biden and his picks for cabinet positions and senior officials, leftist CNN once again ignored the credentials of the nominees. On Monday morning’s New Day, co-hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota praised the "historic" nature of an all-female White House communication’s team. This ignored their past partisan hackery and the fact…

CNN Praises Biden’s Pick of Yellen: Offers No Substantive Discussion
Critical, that is how CNN Newsroom co-host Poppy Harlow was describing Janet Yellen Tuesday, who President-Elect Joe Biden was planning to nominate for Treasury Secretary. Rather than give information about her qualification, past positions, and how she would steer the ship during the post-COVID economic recovery, the partisan network gushes over her past fights for inequality and her…

CNN Flacks Boasts Biden Has a ‘Repair Team’ to ‘Fix What’s Broken’
Information. At its most basic core, information is what any news organization should be focused on providing to its audience. Instead, we've gotten nothing but praise over Joe Biden’s cabinet picks instead of actual analysis from our so-called nonpartisan and pro-facts news media. On Tuesday morning, CNN Newsroom decided to accomplish the less-than-serious path with help from none…
CNN: GOP Purposely Let COVID Get Bad, Need to Bring 'Cold' Retribution
The rhetoric coming from CNN’s Chris Cuomo has gotten more and more disturbing with each passing week since the election. Monday made it the third week in a row he had used PrimeTime as a platform to launch thinly veiled threats against the lives of Republicans. According to the roid-raging anchor, the GOP intentionally allowed the pandemic to get out of control, and demanded that…

Revolving Door: 'New Day' Refuses to Note Biden Pick Worked for CNN
During Monday’s New Day, the partisan CNN took a break from their rhetoric assaults against President Trump to wax poetic about Tony Blinken being named as Joe Biden’s pick for Secretary of State. Throughout the three hour broadcast, co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman gushed over Blinken’s experience and what Biden’s foreign policy might be. Naturally, they missed one major plot…
Nets Cover-Up Dem Newsom’s Elitist Dinner Party Breaking COVID Rules
While the liberal media painstakingly monitor and denote every moment in which President Trump, members of his administration, and supporters at rallies fail to wear a face mask or attend a public gathering, they were noticeably non-hawkish when their Democratic buddies were caught red-handed breaking their own edicts. Such was the case as ABC, CBS, and NBC covered up California Democratic…
Nets Censor Grilling of Big Tech at Conservative Censorship Hearing
At a contentious Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, Senate Republicans torched the liberal CEOs of Facebook and Twitter for their sleazy censorship of conservatives on their platforms. Ironically, the events at the hearing were subsequently censored by ABC, CBS, and NBC as they refused to share the news during their evening newscasts. Instead, they chose to fear-monger about…

ABC, NBC Evening News Ignore Stock Records After Moderna Vaccine News
Moderna, a major beneficiary of President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, announced yesterday its vaccine had achieved nearly 95 percent effectiveness against COVID-19. Afterwards, stocks skyrocketed to break records.

Unhinged CNN: GOP Hates ‘Democracy,’ ‘Uncomfortable’ With Voters
CNN and the leftist-aligned media are demonizing the Republican party for ideas and actions they themselves advocated for in the past. It has a very ‘rules for thee but not for me’ vibe that belies their partisanship. CNN Analyst John Avlon appeared on Monday morning’s New Day for his regular “Reality Check”. Rather than report fairly, the leftist hack remarked: “Republicans are…

CNN's Cabrera and Leftist Professor Push Insane Conspiracy
On Saturday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, host Ana Cabrera conspired with radical leftist Yale professor of history Timothy Snyder to spout insane conspiracy theories about President Trump. Cabrera proclaimed that she was “unsettled” by a tweet from Snyder in which he claimed that Trump “has attempted” a “coup d'état” and Snyder responded by crazily insisting that Trump is “going for it…
CBS’s King Discouraged By 73 Million Trump Votes, Predicts Violence
In a pre-recorded interview for CBS Sunday Morning, Obama family vacation buddy and CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King conducted a gooey interview with former President Obama regarding his new memoir about his time in office. Aside from whining about Republican opposition to his agenda, King lamented the state of the country seeing as almost 73 million people voted to…

CNN Touts Claim Trump 'Wants to Lose,' 'Worried' He'll Get 'Arrested'
CNN seems to be invested in pushing fake news, constantly touting articles that bash President Trump but have no evidence or sources behind them. The latest item seized upon by the leftist network, from New York Magazine, cites a “friend” of the President claiming Trump actually didn’t want to win the election.
On Friday, New Day co-host John Berman was happy to…

Bitter CNN Wails: Trump Is ‘Stealing Moment of National Pride’
The DNC-aligned CNN continued its gushing over Joe Biden’s declared victory on Friday’s New Day, but bitterly whined that President Trump was ruining their partisan celebration. Co-host Alisyn Camerota complained: “This should be a moment of national pride. But President Trump is stealing that moment of national pride for us, that we did something so well, because he's tainting it.”…

Spanish Nets Hide Death Threats to Pro-Trump Salsa Group
For the past week, the nation's Spanish-speaking media have devoted story after story to the exaltation of their declared President-elect – Joe Biden – with a particular emphasis on how he will magically unify a divided nation and bring peace and love to all Latinos. However, these same outlets have turned a blind eye to very real threats of physical danger against those who supported…