Bias by Omission
ABC/NBC Spike ‘Mostly Peaceful’ Protests Leaving $2 Billion in Damages
For months now, the liberal media have been downplaying and, in many cases, lying about the widespread violence and destruction caused by Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Calling them “mostly peaceful protests,” so-called journalists like MSNBC’s Ali Velshi and CNN’s Omar Jimenez would stand in full view of burning buildings and claims things were “not, generally speaking, unruly,” and “fiery…
ABC Ambushes Trump With a Debate at Q&A, POTUS Brings the Heat (Pt.1)
What was pitched to viewers as a “20/20 Special Event” Tuesday, a town hall with President Trump, turned out to be the first 2020 presidential debate. But instead of Democratic nominee Joe Biden as Trump’s opponent, the President squared off against ABC’s chief anchor and Clinton lackey, George Stephanopoulos, who took every opportunity to battle his guest.
Hateful Nets Decry Middle East Peace Deal, ‘More of a Business Deal’
It was quite the sad sight to behold during the Tuesday evening newscasts. The liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were so overcome with their visceral hatred for President Trump that they went out their way to decry the Trump administration-brokered Abraham Accords, the Middle East peace deal between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain.

WashPost Parrots Flawed Recommendation: Men Limited to One Drink a Day
The liberal media are again peddling their anti-men-drinking-alcohol schtick. This time, The Washington Post pushed a very flawed government report recommending men should only have one drink a day.

CNN Host Gives ZERO Pushback to Guest Accusing Trump of Homicide
On Sunday evening’s CNN Newsroom, host Ana Cabrera conspired with medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner to make insane accusations towards President Trump in response to his rally in Las Vegas. The deranged doctor accused Trump of “negligent homicide” because the rally will cause “the death of others.”

WashPost Becomes Haven for Antifa Sympathizer to Refute ‘Myths’
Last Friday (9/11 of all days), the Washington Post published a “perspective” piece written by Rutgers University “historian,” Mark Bray. You might remember Bray from NewsBusters reporting about how NBC political director Chuck Todd gave him multiple platforms to preach Antifa’s virtues of physically assaulting your political opponents. Well, in his Post piece, he was out to massage…
BLM Extremists Block ER Entrance, Chant ‘Death to Police,’ ABC Spikes
Overnight, two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputies were hospitalized and fighting for their lives after a man walked up to their cruiser and opened fire in an ambush-style attack. After the deputies were rushed to the hospital, a crowd of Black Lives Matter extremists swarmed the Emergency Room entrance, blocking admittance while they chanted “death to police” and “we hope they die.” Come…
After Assailing DHS for Election Warning, CBS Only Believes Microsoft
In a stunning example of journalistic malpractice Thursday, CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell and chief Homeland Security correspondent Jeff Pegues shared a “new” warning from Microsoft about counties such as Russia, China, and Iran launching cyber-attacks on both presidential campaigns. The problem? These same two spent part of their Wednesday evening newscast being appalled by…
Tapper Aids Biden in Trump Hate-Fest, Lets Him LIE About NoKo Talks
While CNN host Jake Tapper would eventually press Democratic nominee Joe Biden on his support for NAFTA and “favored country status” for China, his interview with the former Vice President (taped Wednesday and aired Thursday) was largely a Trump-bashing session. It featured Tapper repeatedly teeing up his 2020 candidate to take swings at his favorite hate object. Tapper even let Biden lie…
Sleazy Duo: Cuomo Minimizes Shady Texts, Lets Strzok LIE About Probe
From the get-go Wednesday, CNN host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo telegraphed that he wasn’t going to take his interview with disgraced, former FBI agent Peter Strzok seriously. “They were the text messages that launched everything from conspiracy theories to congressional investigations. Not to mention more than 50 presidential tweets and countless hours of programming on state TV, a.k.a. Fox,” he…
Nets Gift 16 Min. to Anti-Trump Book, ZERO to Peace Prize Nomination
It was easy to tell the broadcast networks were in full campaign mode on Wednesday seeing as they spent large chunks of their evening newscasts hawking yet another anti-Trump book, Rage by Bob Woodward. But while they spent over 16 minutes (16:26) being up in arms over something President Trump said publicly back in April, they used it to cover-up how the President was nominated by a…
Nets Skip Outrage at Disney for Thanking China Concentration Camp Boss
While the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were stoking fear of any coronavirus vaccine produced under Trump’s presidency, they blacked out the nationwide outrage at ABC-owner Disney for giving a “special thanks” to the operators of China’s Uighur concentration camps in the credits of their new movie Mulan. It was a missed opportunity for their competitors at CBS and NBC.

Le cuesta a Univisión decir que asesino de Portland era ANTIFA
Las dos principales cadenas noticiosas en español del país optaron por tomar rutas diferentes en su cobertura del tiroteo de Michael Forest Reinoehl, un soldado antifa que confesó haber matado a un partidario de Trump durante los disturbios de Portland el sábado pasado. Una cadena nos sorprendió, la otra no.

CNN Hypes Anita Hill Endorsing Biden While Totally Ignoring Tara Reade
As the Labor Day edition of CNN's New Day hyped Brandeis University professor and sexual harassment activist Anita Hill's decision to endorse Joe Biden for President, the sexual assault accusations made against the Democratic nominee by former Senate office employee Tara Reade were not mentioned at all.