Bias by Omission
CNN Misleadingly Suggests Most Killed by Police Are Black
On Tuesday's New Day on CNN, the liberal news network's flagship morning show served as a microcosm of one of the big problems with how the media covers police-involved violence, exaggerating it into more of a racial issue than it actually is. The three-hour show highlighted three cases in which suspects died during arrests under circumstances similar to George Floyd's death.
Blitzer Interviews Fauci for 17 Mins on Virus, But Nothing on Protests
For someone with a long, legendary career in journalism, CNN’s Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer has been no better in the Trump era than fellow Zuckerville citizens Jim Acosta, Chris Cuomo or Don Lemon, offering partisan takes, snarky chyrons, and, omitting key facts or sides to a story. We saw that final point on Friday when he spent 17 minutes and 12 seconds interview the NIH’s Dr.…
Cuomo Claims ‘Too Many’ Trump Supporters Want Blacks ‘Put Down’
Despite his false claims to the contrary, CNN host Chris Cuomo hates President Trump and loathed his supporters. He flashed that disdain again on Thursday when he suggested that the President was sending more racist “dog whistles” to his fans when he talked about “dominating” the streets. He even seemed to suggest Trump’s supporters wanted to see blacks killed, or “put down” in the words of…
Nets Downplay, Provide Cover for Seattle’s Extremist ‘Autonomous Zone’
After three days of silence as radical leftists in Seattle seized land and declared themselves their own country, the liberal broadcast networks finally discovered the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” or CHAZ. ABC’s Good Morning America was the only newscast to cover it Thursday morning. Butfor the evening shows, the networks were all gaslighting their viewers by suggesting the group…
CNN's Blitzer, Guests Demand Return to Lockdowns, Ignore Mass Protests
This week, CNN made the pivot from openly encouraging nationwide, social distance-free Black Lives Matter protests to where they had been for months prior, which was shaming anyone who dared to unlock their doors, leave their homes, and attend in-person gatherings (unless it’s a protest, of course). Wednesday’s The Situation Room served an encapsulation with over eight minutes of…
Nets Turn Blind Eye to BLM Militantly Taking Over Part of Seattle
The so-called “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” is a roughly seven-block section of Seattle, Washington where radical Black Lives Matter protesters along with Antifa have essentially declared their own country. They have makeshift living accommodations and armed guards patrolling the perimeter and shaking down businesses unlucky enough to be caught in their secession. It has been days since this…
NBC Scoffs at Fact Cops Getting Targeted, Downplay Cop Shot in Face
While the liberal media were busy helping to promote the radical calls to “defund the police,” NBC Nightly News took to downplaying instances of cops getting ambushed and attacked, even scoffing at the notion. During Wednesday’s edition of the show, correspondent Gadi Schwartz downplayed a California sheriff getting shot in the face. Luckily, ABC’s Will Carr dedicated a full report to…
NBC Scoffs at Fact Cops Getting Targeted, Downplay Cop Shot in Face
While the liberal media were busy helping to promote the radical calls to “defund the police,” NBC Nightly News chose to not only downplay instances of cops getting ambushed and attacked, but scoff at such a notion. During Wednesday’s edition of the show, correspondent Gadi Schwartz downplayed a California sheriff getting shot in the face. Luckily, ABC’s Will Carr dedicated a full…
DID IT AGAIN! Evening News Shows Censor Nasdaq’s ‘Historic’ Close
Ten thousand examples of bias — all at once. ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows repeated the bias of the night before by ignoring a huge investment milestone.
Network Evening News Shows Censor Nasdaq Topping 10,000 Milestone
For those looking for any good news in the market, don’t rely on the lead ABC, CBS, or NBC evening newscasts to cover it consistently for you, especially when it really matters. The Nasdaq Composite, which is dominated by big technology companies like Apple, Amazon Microsoft and Facebook, “briefly topped the 10000 milestone for the first time Tuesday,” The Wall Street…
'You're Just Incorrect': Cuomo Gets DESTROYED By GA Election Official
Georgia’s primary election hit a few snags Tuesday as compounding complications (coronavirus, new machines, and problem counties) caused long lines and delays. Of course, the liberal media reacted by crying racism and voter suppression. But, in a schooling reminiscent of when he got embarrassed by former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, CNN host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo got utterly demolished by…
WHO Now Says COVID Rarely Spreads Asymptomatically, CBS/NBC Ignore
Back in April, CBS and NBC threw a fit because President Trump had decided to cut off U.S. tax dollars from flowing to the World Health Organization (WHO), citing their kowtowing to China. They defended the organization as critical to fighting the coronavirus. But, on Monday, the WHO announced that the virus was very rarely transmitted via asymptomatic patients. Due to what was a mystery of…
War Is Peace: Nets Use Orwellian Doublespeak to ‘Defund the Police’
You’re probably familiar with the concept of doublespeak made famous by George Orwell’s 1984; “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” Well, fiction became reality on Monday as the broadcast networks told viewers not to trust their lying ears when it came to radical leftist calls to “defund the police.” Even though they acknowledged efforts to abolish the police…
NY Times: What Virus? Only ‘Personal Liberation’ for Protestors
The New York Times has changed its entire outlook on the dangers of the deadly coronavirus pandemic since protests against police racism started nearly two weeks ago. No more lectures about social distancing or masks. Instead the paper’s news pages are actually celebrating the breaking of the lockdown rules as “personal liberation.” (Those who were forbidden to work only to have their…