
No Correction from AP on Unfounded News of Human Death from Bird Flu

June 9th, 2024 1:17 PM

The Associated Press (AP) has been criticized for not correcting a misleading story about a man in Mexico reported as dying from a new strain of bird flu. Further investigation revealed the man died due to severe chronic diseases, not the bird flu virus. Yet, AP has not updated the story to correct the information. Critics suggest the inaccurate reporting could be motivated by a desire to…


Nets Mask Round 3 of Twitter Files as ABC Urges Masks for Holidays

December 10th, 2022 12:26 PM

The Saturday editions of the network morning shows concealed round three of The Twitter Files, where it was revealed that Twitter’s decision to ban former President Trump was the culmination a process that began well before January 6. Other things that ABC’s Good Morning America want to conceal include your face as prepare for your upcoming holiday festivities during flu…


Ouch: Maher Slams Liberals Trying to Shield China Over COVID-19

April 11th, 2020 4:54 PM
On Friday's Real Time show on HBO, host Bill Maher delivered another of his lectures against his fellow liberals on the issue of political correctness as he argued that they should stop trying to shield China in its culpability for allowing the deadly COVID-19 virus to get out by claiming that valid criticisms of China are racist.

'Death Cloud' Could Kill Millions of Americans Who Live in Oil Refiner

February 25th, 2011 4:03 PM
What do oil refineries and rental cars have in common? They will probably kill you, at least according to ABC's Brian Ross. Ross is either bored with his job or just doesn't seem to care about frightening his viewers with exaggerated reports. But either way, ABC's chief investigative correspondent is breathing new life into the term yellow journalism. Those who are familiar with Ross's work…

Pentagon Rescinds Franklin Graham’s Invitation, Al Sharpton is Welco

April 23rd, 2010 10:21 AM
The Pentagon rescinded the invitation of evangelist Franklin Graham to speak at its May 6 National Day of Prayer event because of complaints about his previous comments about Islam. The Military Religious Freedom Foundation expressed its concern over Graham's involvement with the event in an April 19 letter sent to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. MRFF's complaint about Graham, the son of…

CNN's Campbell Brown: 'Why Not Be Open to Trying' ObamaCare

June 23rd, 2009 5:20 PM
CNN anchor Campbell Brown used a proponent’s own talking point about President Obama’s planned health care socialization as she pressed a doctor over his skepticism of the project during her program on Monday: “There’s plenty of evidence...that...two-thirds of all bankruptcies in this country [are] due to people’s medical bills. It’s clear the current system isn’t working, so why not be open to…