Confidence Crash Mostly Concealed: AP Barely Notes, Bloomberg Minimize

December 11th, 2012 10:41 AM
The first entirely post-election reading from the University of Michigan-Thomson Reuters consumer confidence survey came out on Friday. It was awful. As reported at MarketWatch, the overall index "fell to 74.5 from 82.7 in November," far below expectations of 82.0, representing "the biggest one-month drop since March 2011." Zero Hedge noted that it's the "biggest miss on record" compared to…

Jansing & Co. Presents Slanted & Misinformed Take on Michigan's Right

December 10th, 2012 6:25 PM
Michigan may very well become the 24th state to adopt right-to-work legislation on Tuesday, and liberal media outlets have given its opponents ample opportunity to state their case. While proponents have not been allowed to defend the law at all, MSNBC's Chris Jansing was more than happy to briefly play "devil's advocate" with her guest on Monday -- newly elected state representative Tim…

NBC's Williams Fantasizes Over Change in Constitution Allowing Obama t

December 7th, 2012 12:34 PM
In an interview with Apple CEO Tim Cook for Thursday's NBC Rock Center, host Brian Williams wondered why the tech giant couldn't be a "made-in-America company" and outlined a political scenario in which President Obama was all-powerful: "Let's say our Constitution was a little different and Barack Obama called you in tomorrow and said, 'Get everybody out of China and do whatever you have to do…

Not News: The Flat Big 3 and GM's (Election-Driven?) Channel-Stuffing

December 4th, 2012 5:46 PM
While it's not fair to criticize the press's coverage of November's vehicle sales as unfair or not balanced, it would be more than fair to say that the press is either ignoring or minimizing the impact of two important influences which have been at work all year. The first is the continued loss of combined market share at the industry's two US-headquartered makers, General Motors and Ford (…

Fun Facts of the Night in the West Coast Ports Strike

December 2nd, 2012 11:50 PM
Tonight's fun facts relate to the strike by the group a Reuters report describes as "500 clerical workers at the ports, members of the relatively small Office of Clerical Union Workers" at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. The strikers' picket lines have been honored by "some 10,000 members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union." These fun facts are rarely mentioned, but…

Dan Gainor on FNC Business: ABC Reporting on 'Pink Slime' 'Bunk

November 30th, 2012 3:39 PM
Dan Gainor, MRC's vice president of business and culture, appeared on "Stossel" with John Stossel on Fox Business Nov. 29, to discuss ABC's crusade against a product called lean finely textured beef (LFTB), which they referred to over and over again by the perjorative: "pink slime." Gainor said that the company that made LFTB, Beef Products, Inc. (BPI) has received awards for how well they…

CBO: Extending Unemployment Benefits Would Cost $100K Per Job Created

November 29th, 2012 11:59 PM
Today, the Congressional Budget Office released a report informing readers that extending unemployment benefits for a year, an outlay which would cost the federal government $30 billion, would, because of its allegedly stimulative impact, generate 300,000 jobs. Even if true, neither the CBO, nor the Associated Press in covering the report, noted that this result works out to a cost $100,000…

Keeping Tabs on Mark Thompson, the New York Times Co.'s Controversial

November 29th, 2012 9:06 PM
The New York Times has aggressively covered lurid scandals involving its perceived ideological opponents, from questioning what Pope Benedict XVI knew about the sex abuse and coverup in the Catholic Church, to the phone-hacking committed in Rupert Murdoch's tabloid empire. But when it comes to a pedophilia scandal and coverup that has been brought into the New York Times Co.'s own backyard, the…

Most News Reports Don't Tell Readers or Viewers How Little Money 'Buff

November 29th, 2012 5:54 PM
A search at the Associated Press's national website on Warren Buffett's last name at about 5 p.m. ET returned two recent items which are still present there. Each item (here and here) mentions the Obama Fan of Omaha's idea to "impose a minimum tax of 30 percent on income between $1 million and $10 million, and a 35 percent rate for income above that." Neither mentions the pathetically small…

Oct. New Home Sales Flat; AP's Crutsinger Insists on Tagging Sandy; Ne

November 28th, 2012 3:54 PM
The real news in today's new-home sales information published by the Census Bureau is that September's previously reported 389,000 in seasonally adjusted annual sales was written down by over 5 percent to 369,000. Hmm -- The higher figure, aggressively touted as the highest in 2-1/2 years by the Associated Press and other establishment media outlets, was reported on October 24, just 13 days…

Hoax Claiming Walmart Heiress Supported Friday Protests Fools USA Toda

November 25th, 2012 9:34 AM
The third page of an unbylined report with an early Saturday time stamp credited to "USA Today" carried at the Jackson, Mississippi Clarion Ledger (like USAT, a Gannett Company) claimed that "Walmart heiress Alice Walton expressed solidarity with Walmart's striking workers." Putting aside whether or not an action taken by what the company estimated may have been fifty associates is a "strike…

Media Pre-Thanksgiving References to 'Christmas' in Describing Shoppin

November 20th, 2012 6:28 PM
This is the eighth year I have looked into how the media treats these two topics: The use of "Christmas shopping season" vs. "holiday shopping season," and the frequency of Christmas and holiday layoff references.   I have done three sets of simple Google News searches each year -- the first in late November, followed by identical searches roughly two and four weeks later. I will wait until…

Walter E. Williams Column: Disaster Ignorance

November 19th, 2012 3:32 PM
Here's a which-is-better question for you. Suppose a New Jersey motel room rented for $125 a night prior to Hurricane Sandy's devastation. When the hurricane hits, a husband, wife and their two youngsters might seek the comfort of renting two adjoining rooms. However, when they arrive at the motel, they find that rooms now rent for $250. At that price, they might decide to make do with one room…

AP 's Krisher Marks 2-Year Anniversary of GM's IPO by 'Forgetting' It

November 18th, 2012 11:58 PM
In a Friday report at the Associated Press on Friday with a celebratory headline ("2 YEARS AFTER IPO, GM IS PILING UP CASH"), Auto Writer Tom Krisher described bailed-out General Motors as "thriving," but didn't identify one of the important reasons for that characterization. In paragraphs about the company's profitability and cash stockpile, Krisher failed to note that the company still hasn…