AP Reporter's Flat-Out False Claim: 'Home Construction' (Really Down

May 16th, 2012 5:48 PM
I just about knew it when I heard a top-of-hour radio report this morning. When the announcer intoned that there was a 3% increase in "home construction" in April, I said to myself: "There's the Associated Press again, up to its old tricks." That was indeed the case. When I went to the related AP reports, I found that they were, like the economic data coming out during the Obama administration…

Spin Cycle: AP Writes More Positively About Retail Sales Data as Day P

May 16th, 2012 12:44 AM
On Tuesday morning at 8:30 a.m. ET, the Commerce Department reported that seasonally adjusted U.S. retail sales in April rose by 0.1%. In an 11:12 a.m. report via the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, carried at the Detroit News ("U.S. consumers hold back retail sales, even as gas prices fall"), Martin Crutsinger was appropriately not impressed: "Lower gas prices in April weren'…

NBC Seizes On JPMorgan Losses to Promote Dem Calls For Regulation

May 15th, 2012 4:10 PM
Dutifully doing its part to find any excuse to expand government regulation, NBC News on Monday and Tuesday immediately touted Democratic efforts to exploit a $2 billion loss of private money for banker JPMorgan Chase to push for more government intervention in the banking industry. On Monday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Anne Thompson used the news to pump up struggling Democratic…

Eerie Similarity? New Obama Attack Ad Mirrors CNN Story on Romney and

May 14th, 2012 5:43 PM
A new Obama campaign ad – which CNN showed a clip from on Monday – features former steelworkers attacking Mitt Romney and his leadership of Bain Capital. Yet this January CNN piece on Bain Capital's ventures in South Carolina provided the same critical aura of "bad memories" and "bitterness" toward the company from South Carolina steelworkers. United Steelworkers is one of the heavy hitters…

AP's Wiseman Falsely Claims That Recent Spike in Unemployment Claims

May 10th, 2012 12:16 PM
As Zero Hedge wrote this morning in response to today's initial unemployment claims report and the related press write-ups: "Same Trick Different Week." As has been so typical in analogous instances for the year or so I have been following the weekly claims numbers closely, the Associated Press (aka the Administration's Press), Reuters, and Bloomberg headlined a "dip," a "fall," and a "drop" in…

After Weak Jobs Report, Wires Obsess Over Obama Reelection Impact

May 5th, 2012 4:41 PM
To the extent that it was there at all, there was far too little emphasis in yesterday's wire service reporting on yesterday's OMG-awful jobs report (worse than most believe, as will be shown in a later post) was far less on those who continue to be affected -- like, say, the unemployed, under-employed and discouraged, who should be the object of such news stories -- and far too much…

Eric Lichtblau of NYTimes Tries Guilt by Association to Tie Wal-Mart t

May 2nd, 2012 3:06 PM
The April 22 New York Times lead story by investigative reporter David Barstow, using internal company documents to ouline how the retailer Wal-Mart bribed Mexican officials to facilitate their way into the country, had reverberations in the business and political worlds, and also managed to hurt Wal-Mart's stock price, which the paper eagerly noted the next day on the front of the Business…

In Going After Apple's Tax Avoidance, NYT Never, Ever Criticizes Calif

April 30th, 2012 11:56 PM
At the New York Times on Saturday (in Sunday's print edition), reporters Charles Duhigg and David Kocienewski, in a report riddled with conceptual flaws and misleading statistics, bemoaned "how technology giants have taken advantage of tax codes written for an industrial age and ill suited to today’s digital economy." They focused their attention almost entirely on Apple, seemingly in…

AP Won't Let Go of 'Government Budget-Cutting' As Reason For Tepid Fir

April 30th, 2012 4:07 PM
On Friday evening, it was Christopher Rugaber and Paul Wiseman. Today it's Martin Crutsinger. Together with Derek Kravitz (who isn't in on the latest offense -- yet), perhaps the just-named quartet of alleged journalists should be named "The Four Distortsmen." Today, it was Crutsinger who, in the wake of a mediocre report on consumer spending, again invoked "government budget-cutting as the…

Per AP, Tepid GDP Growth Largely Due to Government 'Budget-Cuttting

April 28th, 2012 11:34 AM
In the first quarter of 2012, the federal government spent $966 billion. That's 10% more than the $877 billion spent during the previous quarter, and 2% more than the $949 spent during the first quarter of 2011. Yet the party line Friday evening from Christopher Rugaber and Paul Wiseman at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, is that economic growth in the first quarter,…

EPA Regional Administrator's Real Philosophy: 'Crucify' First, Intimid

April 26th, 2012 6:00 PM
Yesterday, as apparently first reported at the Daily Caller, Oklahoma Republican Senator James Imhofe revealed that Environmental Protection Agency Region 6 administrator Al Armendariz had explained his enforcement philosophy towards companies within his jurisdiction as "[C]rucify them ... Find people who are not compliant with the law, and you hit them as hard as you can and you make examples…

Establishment Press Ignores Ind. Union’s Legal Claim: Right-to-Work

April 24th, 2012 3:13 PM
As of 1:30 p.m., what follows was a story only at Big Government, The Blaze, and the Daily Caller. The news is that an Indiana union has expanded the scope of an already-filed lawsuit by claiming that the Hoosier State's recently enacted right to work law violates the Thirteenth Amendment's prohibition against slavery because it forces unions to work beside and negotiate on behalf of workers…

AP: Obama's Chances Improve in Ohio and Mich. Because of Him; No Menti

April 22nd, 2012 3:27 PM
It has become clear what the Obama campaign's strategy for trying to win states like Michigan and Ohio is and will continue to be. In three steps, it's as follows: 1) Pretend that the states' Republican governors, John Kasich in Ohio and Rick Snyder in Michigan, who both succeeded free-spending Democrats who presided over stagnant economies, have had nothing to do with their increased…

AP Headline, As Past Two Weeks' Initial Unemployment Claims Soar: 'Aid

April 19th, 2012 9:40 AM
UPDATE: The headline at AP's 9:37 a.m. report now reads "US unemployment claims signal slower hiring." That's nice, but it won't what was broadcast immediately after the report's release until news outlets become aware of the revision. The games the Associated Press's Chris Rugaber and the wire service's headline writers are playing with the weekly unemployment claims from the Department of…