U.S. 'Tent Cities,' Sharp Increase in Homelessness Ignored by Almost E

March 6th, 2012 2:53 PM
Over at the Associated Press in a report with a Tuesday morning time stamp, Christopher Rugaber produced yet another predictable lemonade-from-lemons story about how the economy is allegedly "improving faster than economists had expected. They now foresee slightly stronger growth and hiring than they did two months earlier - trends that would help President Barack Obama's re-election hopes."…

The Lorax Not Just For Trees, Against Plastics

March 5th, 2012 9:04 AM
“I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees.” But not just the trees! With the help of Universal Studios, “The Lorax” drank the left-wing kool-aid and has entered the fight against plastics, and anything artificial. To top it off, The New York Times is upset that the movie doesn’t promote environmentalism enough. Really. In this adaptation of the classic Dr. Seuss book, the screenwriters took a…

GM Suspends Production of Volt, Blames Media

March 2nd, 2012 7:58 PM
Well, I guess when you think you're going to sell 45,000 cars and you're on track to achieve about 25% of that, something's gotta give. Something gave today, as Government/General Motors announced a temporary suspension of production of the company's centerpiece of environmental correctness, the Chevy Volt, and the layoff of 1,300 employees. Oh, and as readers will see in the Examiner.com…

CNBC: Stocks Rise on 'Growing Expectations' of Obama Reelection

February 29th, 2012 2:15 PM
On CNBC's Behind the Money blog on Wednesday, Fast Money executive producer John Melloy promoted a left-leaning theory as to why the stock market has been on the rise lately: "While President Obama may not be Wall Street's ideal candidate, stock prices are rising on growing expectations he will be re-elected this November." Melloy pointed to long-term political certainty as a reason for…

More Crud From AP's Crutsinger: Failure to Cite Seasonality in Steep D

February 28th, 2012 3:04 PM
At the Associated Press, covering today's durable goods report from the Census Bureau, Martin Crutsinger wrote that "Orders for durable goods fell 4 percent last month." No they didn't. They fell by a seasonally adjusted 4%. The raw data before seasonal adjustment says that they fell by over 15%:  

Statist Mindset at AP: Texas Court 'Approves' Idea That Landowners Own

February 26th, 2012 10:20 AM
At the Associated Press on Thursday, reporter Chris Tomlinson clearly took the side of statist environmentalists in covering the Texas Supreme Court's decision recognizing the right of landowners to pump water flowing through their property underground. Tomlinson's sub-headline said that the court "approved" the idea, and his text claimed that it had "expanded property owner's rights." All…

AP's Kravitz Plays 'Let's Pretend the New-Home Market Is Recovering' A

February 25th, 2012 10:59 AM
The Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, and designated drone Derek Kravitz clearly haven't tired of putting smiley-faces on the ongoing, relentlessly awful conditions in the new-home market. As shown on February 17 (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), the number of single-family homes under construction is barely above its all-time low (since records have been kept), while January's…

AP's Kravitz Makes It Appear as If Builders Started Almost 1.5 Million

February 17th, 2012 1:52 PM
Yesterday, the initial one-sentence squib from the Associated Press on the Census Bureau's monthly housing construction release stated that "(A) Surge in apartments offsets weak single-family homes, pushing housing starts up 1.5 percent" (the headline reads the same). By the time AP real estate writer Derek Kravitz turned it into a full-blown report, the headline became "US housing starts…

CNN Money Reporter Says Obama 'Put in Place' Automatic 401(k) Enrollme

February 12th, 2012 10:14 PM
On February 2, Blake Ellis at CNN Money (HT to a NewsBusters tipster), in an item which treated minor regulatory changes relating to annuities as some kind of "rescue plan" for retirees, gave President Obama credit for "measures ... (he) has put in place to help Americans save for retirement, including automatic enrollment in 401(k)s." There's no word on whether Ms. Ellis also believes that…

AP, Others Likely Misreported Chinese Chevy Volt 'We Get the Tech or Y

February 9th, 2012 11:37 PM
Sometimes you read the most interesting things in those supposedly boring trade publications. One such item of interest comes from an article in Manufacturing News (HT to an emailer) written by Richard A. McCormack which is primarily about the Mainland China's designs on the worldwide auto parts industry, including the U.S. Some of the larger American unions are demanding that the…

NYT's Nocera: Obama Rejected Keystone Pipeline 'Because He Had to Poli

February 8th, 2012 6:11 PM
On Monday (appearing in the print edition on Tuesday, New York Times op-ed columnist Joe Nocera gave President Barack Obama a pass for rejecting the Keystone Pipeline. In the process, he also complained about "the way our poisoned politics damages the country," and, in a revelation which shouldn't but did surprise him, learned that far-left environmentalists want to stop all tar sands…

Muppets Trash Fox News, Host Bolling

January 30th, 2012 2:36 PM
Apparently Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog don’t take criticism well. The pair was asked at a press conference for “The Muppets” premiere in London about concerns over the movie’s attack on the oil industry and business. The Muppets were asked how they felt when Eric Bolling from Fox News discussed their latest movie and said the Muppets were “pushing a dangerous liberal agenda and trying to…

AP's Crutsinger Falsely Claims 'Sharpest Government Spending Cuts in

January 27th, 2012 11:56 PM
In two items about today's report on economic growth from the federal government's Bureau of Economic Analysis today, Martin Crutsinger claimed that today's lower-than-expected annualized growth of 2.8% during the fourth quarter of 2011 (vs. expectations of 3% or higher) was hurt because of big "cuts" in government spending, especially federal spending -- supposedly the biggest cuts in 40 years…

As New-Home Sales Wraps 'Worst Ever' Year, AP's Kravitz Is 'Unfazed

January 26th, 2012 11:57 PM
Today's report by Derek Kravitz at the Associated Press (also known to yours truly as the Administration's Press) covering the Census Bureau's December and full-year 2011 new-home sales release put a smiley-face on the "worst ever" year (the AP headline's term) in the category. I like the adjective used at Sweetness & Light's related blog post to describe Kravitz's crud: "unfazed." The AP…