Maher Claims Steve Jobs 'Not a Corporate Type' Before Saying 'Apple Ma

October 8th, 2011 3:53 PM
Does Bill Maher ever listen to the nonsense coming out of his mouth to make sure he doesn't contradict himself from one minute to the next? On Friday's "Real Time," the host paid his respects to Steve Jobs by claiming how liberal the Apple founder was adding "He was not a corporate type" only to minutes later accurately note, "Apple makes their s--t in China. And they could still make it here…

LAT’s Oliphant Lets Joe Biden Babble Away, Part 3 of 3: How TARP Rea

October 6th, 2011 11:59 PM
In a report filed at the Los Angeles Times's Politics Now blog earlier today, Washington Bureau reporter James Oliphant relayed a number of whoppers delivered by Vice President Joe Biden without anything resembling a challenge. In Part 1, I noted how Biden, who in August described Tea Party sympathizers as "terrorists" and in September as "barbarians," today spoke in complimentary terms of how…

AP's Choi Fails to Identify the Law, the President, or the Political P

October 3rd, 2011 1:01 AM
If you only read Thursday's coverage of Bank of America's decision to impose a $5 monthly debit card fee by Associated Press Personal Finance Writer Candice Choi, you would have no idea that last year's "Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act" triggered BofA's decision. The legislation gave the Federal Reserve the power to limit debit card interchange fees. The Fed's limit…

Labor Department's Negative 2010 Consumer Spending Report: AP Misses

September 27th, 2011 8:39 PM
What if I told you that the government put out a report today which would lead one to infer that the economy might barely have grown last year, and that it even may have contracted -- and that the reporter who appears to have been the only one who covered it didn't grasp its potential significance (or, conceivably, chose to ignore it)? Today the Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor…

As 'Jobs Hard to Get Number' Hits 28-Year High, AP Claims Consumers' R

September 27th, 2011 1:19 PM
The Conference Board's September Consumer Confidence Survey came out this morning. Overall, it rose very slightly from a miserable 45.2 to a still-miserable 45.4. Consumers' assessment of near-term prospects slid from 34.3 to in August to 32.5, while their longer-term outlook improved from 52.4 to 54.0. At the Associated Press (saved here for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes…

As Its Execs Say They'll Take the Fifth, AP Calls Solyndra an 'Embarra

September 22nd, 2011 1:09 AM
Let's note the likely reason why what Julia Seymour observed earlier today is the case -- namely, that network news reports have taken to calling the Solyndra situation an "embarrassment." The use of that term probably dates back to September 16, which is as far as I can tell the first time the Associated Press filed a beyond-perfunctory report about now-bankrupt Solyndra, the beneficiary of…

AP National Story Criticizes Walker's Jobs Website For Out-of-State Jo

September 21st, 2011 11:03 PM
UPDATE: BizzyBlog commenter "Rich in Iowa" notes that what the AP is criticizing is "a clearinghouse for employers and job seekers hosted by the State of Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development and  this site pre-dates Walker’s Governorship by, oh, maybe a decade." Boy, Scott Bauer and the Associated Press have really, really nailed Scott Walker this time -- not. Bauer found that some…

Networks Portray Solyndra Debacle as 'Headache' for Obama, Fail to Que

September 21st, 2011 10:52 AM
The Solyndra scandal is certainly an "embarrassment" for the White House, as some network news reports have called it. But somehow those same reports have still failed to criticize Obama's green jobs programs for fiscal waste, even the government loan program that gave Solyndra millions. To their credit, all three broadcast networks aired stories in September about the California solar…

At AP, It's 'LightWhat

September 20th, 2011 10:35 PM
So I figure that I need to catch up on the LightSquared saga. This is the company which, as Fox News reported on Thursday (the URL date is September 15, though the time stamp is the next day) is building "a nationwide, next-generation, 4G phone network." The problem is, as Fox further noted, that there are concerns that "many, including (General William) Shelton, think (the network) would…

Buttressing Buffett: For 10 Years, the Liberal Media Championed Billio

September 20th, 2011 3:52 PM
President Barack Obama's nicknaming his new tax increases on the wealthy the "Warren Buffett rule" is fitting since the billionaire has spent a decade campaigning for a tax hike, a campaign his friends in the liberal media have been more than willing to join. For over 10 years the media promoted Buffett's complaint that the wealthy in America don't pay enough in taxes, spurred on by a Buffett's…

AP's Sept. 16 Solyndra Story, Part 2: A Pathetic 'Both Parties Were In

September 17th, 2011 12:50 AM
Part 1 on the Associated Press's September 16 evening story ("Obama admin reworked Solyndra loan to favor donor"; saved here at my web host for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) by Matthew Daly and Jack Gillum criticized the reporters and the wire service for making it appear as if all the findings in the story were the result of original work. Two other paragraphs in the…

AP's Sept. 16 Solyndra Story, Part 1: Passing Off Weeks-Old News As It

September 16th, 2011 10:50 PM
The public learned on September 3 from William McQuillen at Bloomberg (possibly earlier elsewhere) that now-bankrupt Soyndra's private investors restructured the company's finances in January by lending the company "$75 million." As a condition of doing so, they convinced the government to give the new loan senior status over all other creditors. Now taxpayers face a likely loss of hundreds of…

MSNBC's Ratigan -- Who Constantly Blasts Crony Capitalism -- Ignores S

September 16th, 2011 4:54 PM
MSNBC ranter extraordinaire Dylan Ratigan is no fan of "crony capitalism" -- when businessmen get government to help them socialize the risk of their ventures through government subsidies or bailouts, leaving taxpayers on the hook for failure while reaping the benefits of government largesse. The Obama administration's handling of solar energy firm Solyndra is a perfect example of same. Yet…

In Detroit's Big 3 Auto Talks, AP 'Forgets' GM and Chrysler Workers Ca

September 7th, 2011 11:57 PM
It's hard to figure out why Tom Krisher at the Associated Press bothered filing a report on the status of contract talks between Detroit's Big 3 automakers and the United Auto Workers. The only reason I can discern is that he wanted to brag about how he and his wire service pals have access to anonymously-sourced info about how the talks are going. Surprise: As has been the case almost always…