Where Did the Fed Foreign Lending Story Go

April 7th, 2011 1:02 AM
Last Friday, in what one would think would be a bombshell story headlined "Foreign Banks Tapped Fed’s Secret Lifeline Most at Crisis Peak," Bloomberg's Bradley Keoun and Craig Torres reported that foreign banks secretly and routinely tapping the Federal Reserve's "discount window" lending program, primarily in 2008 and 2009. Some specifics: "(The) loans protected a lender to local…

McDonald's Hiring 50,000, Media Celebrate. But In Reagan Era, Media Di

April 5th, 2011 3:51 PM
First, let me make something clear. One thing I learned in my first job as a dishwasher back in the Mesozoic Era is that all work conscientiously done can be noble. I don't criticize McDonald's for wanting to grow their business and the businesses of their franchisees, and I surely won't criticize anyone for taking a fast-food job to put food on the table or to gain an employment foothold.…

L.A. Times's Oliphant Forecasts Possible Political Peril for GOP in Ma

April 1st, 2011 4:23 PM
The media are hard at work spinning today's jobs report for maximum political advantage for the White House. Witness Los Angeles Times reporter James Oliphant, who has filed an article for publication in tomorrow's paper entitled, "Drop in unemployment doesn't mesh with Republicans' script." Here's how Oliphant opened his April 2 story:

Reich Touts FDR's Mid-1930s Depression-Era Growth; He and the Press Ig

March 31st, 2011 5:09 PM
Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich, in a column appearing at Business Insider, says that we're heading in the direction of a "double-dip" -- and though he doesn't follow it with the word "recession," it's obvious he's not talking about an ice-cream cone. It's also obvious that he's less than pleased with the media spin that things are really okay. Along the way, Reich had to go back…

AP Uses Economist's Dubious 'Undeniable' Improvement Assertion to Fram

March 31st, 2011 12:20 PM
UPDATE, April 1: Joshua Shapiro, who is "quoted" in the AP article covered in this post, has emailed me and informed me of the following --  Christopher Rugaber did not speak with him, but instead used text from "a written note that I (Shapiro) produced after the jobless claims report was released." Shapiro is unhappy at my making it appear that he is fooled by establishment press…

NPR's Totenberg Parrots Lawyer's Claim Wal-Mart Arguing It's 'Too Big

March 30th, 2011 12:11 PM
Greedy, deep-pocketed Wal-Mart went to the Supreme Court yesterday to argue it's "too big to sue." That's the sort of rhetoric one might expect from Brad Seligman, one of the attorneys representing Christine Kwapnowski and a handful of other women who are suing Wal-Mart on the claim of gender discrimination. Appearing with Kwapnowski on Tuesday's CBS "Early Show," Seligman used those words…

Yahoo! Finance's Daniel Gross: Roberts Court 'Hostile to Workers

March 29th, 2011 10:38 AM
Handicapping a case heading to oral argument before the U.S. Supreme Court today, Yahoo! Finance's Daniel Gross insisted that "Wal-Mart has to like its chances" because "[t]he Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts has generally been pro-business and hostile to the cause of workers." Gross, who is also a senior editor for Newsweek, cited the 2007 ruling -- erroneously writing that the…

CBS Touts FDA Taking On 'Caloric Catastrophe' of Movie Theater Popcorn

March 24th, 2011 5:53 PM
In a report for Thursday's CBS Early Show, contributor Taryn Winter Brill fretted over the impact of movie theater popcorn on Americans' waistlines: "Have you ever wondered how many calories you're actually consuming in that large popcorn with butter? You probably don't want to know. Pretty soon, though, you may not have a choice." Moments later, nutritionist Katherine Brooking declared the…

No Nukes: How Three Mile Island was Disaster for Media Credibility

March 22nd, 2011 10:28 AM
The massive earthquake and tsunami that rocked Japan on March 11 claimed many lives and knocked the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant offline reviving decades-old fears as well as liberal media bias about nuclear power. The news media have promoted anti-nuclear positions since the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, although that incident did not injure or kill anyone and no long-term health…

AP's Expired Contract May Explain Much of Its Union-Sympathetic Wiscon

March 21st, 2011 8:52 PM
While looking into the News Media Guild's positions in the current standoff between it and the Associated Press, I came across the most recent contract (large PDF file) between the two. It expired this past November; unionized AP employees are continuing to work under the old contract's provisions. Many people don't know that the AP is a "not-for-profit news cooperative" which is "owned by…

Oddly, AP's Kravitz Avoids Using 'Existing' To Describe Awful Feb. Exi

March 21st, 2011 4:18 PM
The Associated Press's report on existing home sales carries Derek Kravitz's byline today. Apparently the byline withholding temper tantrum thrown by the wire service's U.S. reporters which began last week has ended (further evidence here). What Kravitz's story doesn't carry is the word "existing." How odd, since the National Association of Realtors (NAR) which produces the report, calls it "…

AP U.S. Reporters Withholding Their Bylines, Not Their Bias

March 18th, 2011 5:03 PM
Most readers here aren't aware that Associated Press reporters began withholding their bylines this week in support of their union's "quality journalism proposals." Participating reporters are refusing to have their name placed on AP stories. It appears to apply to stories datelined in the U.S. and not overseas (as seen here). It is truly a wonder that the world has gone on while AP reporters…

Omitted Fact From AP Story on Newspaper Revenues: 2010 Online Ad $ Les

March 15th, 2011 11:22 PM
No one can fairly accuse whoever wrote the Tuesday evening report on 2010 newspaper industry revenue of looking through rose-colored glasses. The same cannot be said of John F. Sturm, President and CEO of the Newspaper Association of America, whose press release today reads as follows: Quarter after quarter, newspaper advertising has shown signs of a continued turnaround and an essential…

WaPo Columnist: Verizon Counting on Old People to Die Off

March 15th, 2011 4:23 PM
To borrow from former Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), Verizon hopes old people die and die quickly. That, in a nutshell is the gripe of Washington Post Metro section columnist John Kelly, whose wrath has been kindled  by the phone company recent decision to discontinue its 936-1212 weather line: