In Denial: AP Report Dodges Obvious Potential Reasons For Friday Dive

November 14th, 2010 11:02 AM
When you increase demand for something, its price should go up. In the case of bonds, if the demand for them increases, their price should go up, and their effective interest-rate yield should go down. That didn't happen on Friday when the Federal Reserve began executing its second round of "money from nothing" quantitative easing. Even though the Fed increased demand, bond prices went down…

AP Howler: BP Spill Handling a 'Stain' on Admin's 'Reputation for Rely

November 12th, 2010 10:42 AM
Thursday evening, NB's Ken Shepherd accurately pointed out how little establishment press interest there has been in prominently carrying an Associated Press report about how the Obama administration has been, in the words of the wire service's Dina Cappiello, "downplaying scientific findings, misrepresenting data and most recently misconstruing the opinions of experts it solicited." This is…

From Soda Taxes to Happy Meal Toy Bans, Media Feed Viewers Food Police

November 11th, 2010 11:07 AM
Food-filled winter holidays will soon arrive. But the liberal news media have already spent recent days comparing soda to an illegal drug, promoting a toy ban in kid’s Happy Meals, and generally bashing fast food companies for giving customers exactly what they want. CNBC’s Erin Burnett outdid food police groups on Nov. 8, when she compared soda to cocaine in a segment discussing a “fat tax…

CBS: Government Needed to Stop Fast Food Industry That Wants to 'Get K

November 9th, 2010 11:36 AM
At the top of Monday's CBS Evening News, anchor Katie Couric warned viewers: "They promised to fight childhood obesity, but the biggest chains may be working harder than ever to get kids hooked on fast foods." Moments later she touted a new study: "...the big chains promised to help fight childhood obesity, but a report out today suggests they've done the exact opposite." Couric fretted over…

Here We Go Again: Climate Taxes on the Table, Accompanied by Usual Med

November 7th, 2010 9:40 AM
They're back, they have their media water-carriers in place, and the Obama administration is smack dab in the middle of it. The United Nations is pushing for countries in the developed world to keep their "promise" to, in the worlds of Charles J. Hanley at the Associated Press,  "raise up to $100 billion a year in new money for poorer countries to cope with climate change and reduce their…

MSNBC Panel Gives Convoluted Explanation of Democrat Backlash; Attacks

November 2nd, 2010 9:06 PM
When MSNBC’s Chris Matthews starts to rationalize the American electorate’s temperate, get out of the way. On MSNBC’s Nov. 2 election coverage, “Hardball” host Chris Matthews offered his assessment of how the Democrats and President Barack Obama found themselves in such dire straits. He said it started with the left’s favorite boogeyman of the past, President George W. Bush. Video Below…

On Verge of Tea Party Inspired Election Wave, CNBC’s Cramer Says Tea

November 2nd, 2010 8:12 PM
Assuming you’re a free-market oriented individual and you’re tuning into CNBC’s “Your Money, Your Vote” election coverage, this is probably not what you expected to hear. Anchor Carl Quintanilla asked CNBC “Mad Money” host Jim Cramer about the Tea Party movement, which by many measures is what has propelled a hugged Republican wave on election night. Video Below Fold

AP's Taylor Tries To Minimize Impact of Impending 2011 Tax Increases

November 1st, 2010 6:14 PM
One of the more egregious results of the Democrat-controlled Congress skipping town without passing a budget, thus failing to address the issue of whether scheduled income tax increases will really go into effect for everyone, the highest income-earners, or no one at all, is that the Internal Revenue Service and employers have been left in the lurch with no idea of how to prepare for next year…

CNBC Finally Embraces Santelli's Tea Party Rant

November 1st, 2010 3:27 PM
One day before what many say will be an historic election; CNBC appears to finally be embracing one of the most famous moments in the network’s history: A Feb. 19, 2009 “rant heard around the world” by CME Group floor reporter Rick Santelli, which is credited by many for igniting the Tea Party movement. Throughout the day on Nov. 1, CNBC aired a 30-second spot encouraging viewers to tune into…

Newspaper Circ Drops Another 5%; WSJ Is Sole Meaningful Gainer

October 31st, 2010 9:02 AM
This past week, we learned that it was another year, another dive for newspaper circulations: 5% for dailies, and 4.5% on Sundays, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations. That's not as bad as some past declines, but it's still going the wrong way. As usual, they'll blame the Internet, and reject the possibility that persistent, pervasive bias and blind adherence to politically correct…

CNN's Velshi Bashes Ethics of U.S. Chamber of Commerce with Left-Wing

October 25th, 2010 4:24 PM
Someone should tell CNN anchor Ali Velshi that attacking the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for its political activities is so last week. During the “XYZ” segment of the hour he anchors of “CNN Newsroom” on Oct. 25, Velshi did his best impersonation of an MSNBC anchor and railed against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for its political activities. Velshi lamented the barrage of negative advertising in…

AP Lowers the Housing Recovery Bar By At Least

October 20th, 2010 5:54 PM
In a report so riddled with errors, inconsistencies, incompleteness and sloppiness that it's really hard to know where to begin, Associated Press real estate writer Alan Zibel couldn't even keep his housing recovery benchmark remotely consistent with what it was only a month ago. The Census Bureau's September release of information about August housing starts and building permits informed the…

NYT Japan Write-up Downplays Decades of Stimulus, Fails to ID Causes o

October 16th, 2010 7:27 PM
Only the New York Times could burn through 2,500 words about Japan's economy and not use the word "stimulus." The Old Gray Lady's Martin Fackler did refer to Fed Chair Ben Bernanke's just-announced second attempt to "stimulate" economy, but dodged the central lesson: The government created the Japanese people's malaise, and our government, despite Japan's experience, seems determined to do the…

WaPo Buries Former Obama Car Czar's Troubles with SEC, NY Attorney Gen

October 15th, 2010 4:50 PM
Steven Rattner, the first Obama car czar who allegedly "bribed a political consultant to win business from New York's pension fund for his former investment firm," was extremely close this week to cutting a deal with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), only to see that agreement held up this week to the intervention of New York Attorney General and Democratic gubernatorial candidate…