
Clueless: Karem Claims Trump Doesn’t Deserve ‘Credit’ for Tax Bonuses

January 23rd, 2018 5:57 PM

CNN political analyst, Playboy correspondent, and Sentinel Newspapers editor Brian Karem made a fool of himself during Tuesday’s White House briefing, suggesting to Gary Cohn that it’s “unfair” to give President Trump “credit” for the bounty of businesses announcing employee bonuses and new investments post-tax reform.

CNN's Christine Romans Hides Dow's 2 Years of Pre-Trump Flatness

January 17th, 2018 11:04 PM
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 26,000 for the first time on Wednesday. When it first jumped the 26,000 hurdle during Tuesday's trading, only to fall back at the close, CNN's Christine Romans somewhat surprisingly noted it. But as she did, she positively and erroneously spun the market's awful pre-presidential election history in a way that even some conservatives have ignorantly…

Cynical Scribes Continue to Downplay Tax Cut-Driven Good News

January 16th, 2018 12:56 PM
Reporters continue to concoct reasons to complain as more than 2 million American individuals and their families have suddenly become better off than they were three weeks ago. Even the news that the nation's largest retailer is raising its nationwide minimum wage while paying bonuses of up to $1,000 to every employee, and that an automaker is investing $1 billion in U.S. production, haven't…

AP Criticizes Tax Cut-Driven Bonuses As Only a 'Sliver' of 'Windfalls'

January 14th, 2018 9:48 AM
It takes a special talent to spin news which is unquestionably positive into something negative. But Christopher Rugaber and Josh Boak at the Associated Press were up to the task in a Wednesday afternoon report on bonuses, pay raises, and other benefits which now have been showered on well over 2 million American workers since the December passage of federal tax cuts.

Not National News: Costco Pushes Back at Seattle's Sugary Drink Tax

January 13th, 2018 9:23 PM
The City of Seattle probably didn't expect pushback from Costco, seen by many on the left as retail's "anti-Walmart," after its "sugary drink" tax of 1.75 cents per ounce went into effect January 1. But that is exactly what has happened. In moves the national press, which largely supports such taxes, has thus far ignored, Costco is itemizing the built-in cost of the tax on its Seattle store's…

Bozell Scalds Media Over Ignoring Trump’s Economy; 'They Loathe' Him!

January 12th, 2018 5:56 PM
Speaking on the Friday edition of the Fox News Channel’s Your World, MRC President Brent Bozell came out swinging against the liberal media and their refusal to cover stories of economic growth under President Trump, telling fill-in host Trish Regan they “loathe him” so much that “if he finds a cure for cancer, they'll attack him for not curing AIDS.”

NYC Sues Big Oil Over Climate Change, Parroting Lefty Journo Claims

January 12th, 2018 3:02 PM
The mayor of New York City is suing the five largest oil companies in the world over climate change. Far left New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said on Jan. 10, his city was suing BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell seeking billions of dollars to “recoup money spent by the city for resiliency efforts related to climate change,” Associated Press reported. Some of the…

ABC Ignores Walmart Raising Wages to $11/Hour Citing GOP Tax Cuts

January 11th, 2018 9:18 PM
Walmart employees received some much-welcomed news on Thursday: Their hourly wage went from nine dollars an hour to eleven and on top of that, many were receiving $1,000 bonuses. The company also cited the GOP tax cuts as the reason behind the move. But instead of reporting on the great news for many workers, ABC’s World News Tonight spent two minutes and 26 seconds hyping the new movie about…

AP Downplays Tax Cuts: 'Millions' of Paychecks 'May Be Going Up Soon'

January 8th, 2018 11:33 PM
A Friday afternoon item at the Associated Press by reporter Marcy Gordon was supposedly meant to educate American workers about changes coming to their net paychecks next month. Instead, Gordon understated the likelihood that people will see increases in their take-home pay and played the tired class warfare card.

Media Mostly Mum As Tax Cut-Driven Bonuses, Raises Exceed 1 Million

January 8th, 2018 10:41 AM
How many companies have to announce new tax law-driven bonuses and raises before the left and some in the establishment press finally stop calling them "PR stunts" or some equivalent? It's doubtful we'll ever know, because even though announcements continued well into this past week and have crossed the triple-digit mark with over 1 million employees affected, media interest in compiling or…

NBC Launches Series Praising Pot Legalization

January 2nd, 2018 4:07 PM
Perhaps in a effort to compete with CNN featuring live bong hits during its New Year’s Eve coverage and excited by California’s plan to legalize recreational marijuana in 2018, on Tuesday, NBC’s Today began a new series dubbed California’s Green Rush. In a promo that aired during the morning show, an announcer declared: “California’s going to pot. From mainstream delivery to pot luck dinners. In…

Politico: Tiny Alcohol Tax Cut 'Dire'; Big Tax Cut Won't Do Much

January 1st, 2018 11:18 PM
At Politico, consistency has never been a strong point. Somehow, the just-signed tax law supposedly won't have that much of an effect on Americans' economic behavior, but there's no doubt that the bill's tiny cuts in taxes on alcoholic beverages will bring about disastrous results.

NY Times Column on How to Use Tax Cut Plays Into Trump's, GOP's Hands

December 30th, 2017 12:56 PM
New York Times "Your Money" scribe Ron Lieber seemed blissfully unaware that the suggestions he made and the language he used in his Friday column on how individuals and families might use their savings from the just-signed tax bill mirrors what President Donald Trump, Republicans, and conservatives have been saying for years.

Delusional Politico: Trump Is Building on 'Obama's Economic Legacy'

December 29th, 2017 3:04 PM
This one's for the "They can't possibly believe what they're writing" file. Thursday morning, Ben White and Nancy Cook at Politico actually claimed that President Donald Trump is building "his 2018 political message by rebranding" predecessor Barack Obama's "economic legacy."