
ABC Ignores Jobs Report and Low Unemployment, Hypes Global Warming

November 6th, 2017 4:20 PM
The U.S. unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level in seventeen years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ October jobs report. The report also showed 261,000 jobs added, but ABC didn’t bother covering the good economic news on Nov. 3. World News Tonight ignored the report, but found time to cover a study blaming fossil fuels for “man-made” global warming.

CNN, Other Media: Trump Doesn't Know Japanese Produce Cars in the U.S.

November 6th, 2017 4:08 PM
At CNN, disgraceful journalism has become so routine that we now expect it to be the rule rather the exception. Even in that context, Daniel Shane's claim at the networks CNNMoney website, manufactured with selective editing, that President Donald Trump doesn't know that Japanese companies already build cars in the U.S., is especially risible.

Bloomberg, Quartz Waste Readers' Time on Trivial Renewables Job Growth

October 27th, 2017 3:59 PM
It would be hard to find an example of a story covering an aspect of business and the economy more pathetic than Jordan Yadoo's report on the government's biennial 10-year employment growth projections published at Bloomberg News on Tuesday. 

AdAge Writer Tries to Downplay NFL's Ratings and Attendance Slides

October 26th, 2017 9:27 AM
Last week, Anthony Crupi at was either willfully ignorant or deliberately deceptive when he claimed that the size of the National Football League's TV ratings decline is inconsequential. Crupi also appears to be quite wrong in contending that actual game attendance — not reported attendance, but "turnstile" attendance — during the 2017 season is only barely down compared to last year.

Evening News Labels Lefty Group a ‘Watchdog’ In Anti-Trump Report

October 24th, 2017 1:33 PM
CBS Evening News aired complaints about a “revolving door” of government employees going to industry roles under the Obama administration on Oct. 20. But CBS quickly seized the opportunity to attack the Trump administration.

AP Ignores Illegality of Now-Halted ObamaCare Subsidy Payments

October 15th, 2017 9:36 PM
There's a lot of competition for this dubious distinction, but the media's treatment of President Donald Trump's decision to end certain Obamacare subsidy payments to insurance companies is perhaps the most blatant example of comprehensive bias on a single topic seen during the past week. Apparently, the press realizes that acknowledging how Trump's justification for ending the subsidies is…

Media Dishonestly Slam 'Big Soda' for Chicago Soda Tax Repeal

October 13th, 2017 11:57 PM
On Wednesday, "the Cook County (Illinois) Board of Commissioners repealed the penny-an-ounce levy on sweetened beverages it passed last November." The inflammatory "Big Soda" label appears frequently in press coverage of this reversal of what the government-always-knows-best crowd had thought was a major nanny-state victory, and reflects the fact that many in the media are quite unhappy with this…

Rolling Stone: Clean Power Rollback Not Very Consequential, But Deadly

October 11th, 2017 4:26 PM
Rolling Stone magazine contributing editor Jeff Goodell seems to have trouble with logic in addition to his disdain for coal power. In, “Scott Pruitt Can’t Stop the Death of Big Coal,” Goodell claimed that without the EPA’s Clean Power Plan — an Obama “accomplishment” — coal is still “a dead industry walking.”

Firm Behind ‘Fearless Girl’ Paying $5M Settlement to Underpaid Women

October 6th, 2017 2:58 PM
In spite of the media’s love for the “Fearless Girl” statue that faced down the famous Wall Street “Charging Bull,” it turns out the company behind the statue may not be isn’t so women-friendly as it claimed. Mediaite reported on Oct. 6, that the company behind the statue agreed to pay $5 million in back pay to allegedly underpaid women and minorities.

Scarborough Slams Gun Maker 'Getting Richer' as 'Children Slaughtered'

October 4th, 2017 8:48 PM
On Wednesday's Morning Joe, MSNBC was again showing itself to be the news network where the conservatives talk like liberals while the liberals also talk like liberals as host Joe Scarborough went on a rant against gun makers supposedly "getting richer" after mass shootings because the talk of gun control drives a temporary spike in gun purchases.

Naomi Klein: Fossil Fuel Companies Should be ‘In the Dock’ for Warming

September 22nd, 2017 10:25 AM
Liberal activist Naomi Klein blamed oil and coal companies for the devastation of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma and called for their prosecution in a recent interview. Klein appeared on the left-wing Democracy Now! program on Sept. 18, and complained about the supposed “world of extremes” she says is taking place because of a “warmer world.” Democracy Now! is funded by liberal donors…

AP Enters the Florida-Bashing Frenzy Over Irma, 'Climate Change'

September 20th, 2017 1:10 AM
Tuesday afternoon, Clay Waters at NewsBusters noted how two September 18 items in the New York Times ridiculed Texas and Florida, two recently hurricane-ravaged states whose governors and legislatures are pro-growth and Republican. Josh Boak, an economics writer at the Associated Press, was actually a day ahead of them on Florida, filing a Sunday item which claimed that "Irma's destructive…

Hurricane Devastation Gives Firms Chance to Show Capitalism Has Heart

September 13th, 2017 3:10 PM
Horrible disasters like the recent Category-4 Hurricanes Harvey and Irma focus attention on heart-wrenching stories of lost lives, near misses and property destroyed in the storm or ravaged by looters. They also have an uncanny way of illustrating the many people who will pull together in a crisis and how the benefits of capitalism are often used to help those in need.

NYT Piles on, Laments Houston’s ‘Untrammeled Growth,’ ‘Laissez-Faire’

August 31st, 2017 12:34 PM
Showing the timeliness and sensitivity it’s renowned for, the political left is using the tragedy of Hurricane Harvey in Houston to excoriate it as an example of an untrammeled free market run amok, and suggests such laissez-faire policies made the damaging storm even more dangerous. The front page of Thursday’s New York Times featured Manny Fernandez and Richard Fausset's “A Limitless City, Now…