A New Twist on Teaching Economics

June 21st, 2017 1:15 PM
Greg Caskey is a 27-year-old Abington, Pennsylvania, native who is a social sciences teacher at Delaware Military Academy. The academy is a thriving charter high school in Wilmington, Delaware, that was founded in 2003 by two retired military officers, Charles Baldwin and Jack Wintermantel.

Victory for Chevron Pollution Case in Spite of Left-Wing Media Crusade

June 19th, 2017 6:12 PM
The U.S. Supreme Court refused a lawyer’s appeal trying to force Chevron to pay almost $9 billion for pollution in Ecuador. Earlier court ruled the decision against Chevron was obtained through corruption actions. Reuters reported on June 19, that the court’s decision not to take the case leaves earlier district and appellate court victories standing for the nation’s second largest oil company.…

Beef Expert: ABC’s Jim Avila Hung Up, Said ‘F*** You’

June 14th, 2017 5:14 PM
The defamation case Reuters called a “trial of a lifetime,” between Beef Products Inc. and ABC over the network’s coverage of its lean finely texture beef product continued with an amazing allegation. The network news also continued ignoring the trial, in spite of depositions of ABC employees which were shared with the court the week of June 12.

After Hitting Trump on Coal Promises, ABC, NBC Skip New Mine Opening

June 14th, 2017 3:26 PM
President Donald Trump declared he would bring coal jobs back to the U.S. — first on the campaign trail and then after he was elected. Network news media reacted with a mix of skepticism and criticism. ABC and NBC evening news programs both disputed Trump’s claims and then ignored the opening of a new coal mine weeks later. In contrast, CBS Weekend News reported on the new mine.

Former Mayor Bloomberg Backs Climate Pact, Just Like His Media Outlet

June 5th, 2017 12:09 PM
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg reacted to a U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Deal by pledging $15 million to the United Nations’ climate change efforts.   As a billionaire and the eighth richest person in the world, he can afford to — unlike all the ordinary taxpayers and low-income households who would have been saddled with the burden of living up to the agreement. One of the…

Media Ignored Rosy Obama Growth Forecasts, Attack Lower Trump Target

May 26th, 2017 5:49 PM
One of the more absurd spectacles in the press's coverage of the economy is the attack on the Trump White House's long-term economic growth assumptions in this week's budget release. The same reporters, pundits and outlets now ridiculing the Trump administration's belief that the economy can consistently grow by 3 percent each year beginning four years from now were stone silent when the Obama…

Nets Quickly Tie Trump to Stock Selloff, Unlike Huge ‘Trump Bump’

May 23rd, 2017 4:13 PM
The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped sharply on May 17. The broadcasts networks all reported it that night, attributing the drop to accusations of potential wrongdoing by the president. ABC World News Tonight with David Muir blamed “turmoil” in Washington over the fact that a special counsel had been appointed that day for the Russia investigation. Former FBI director Robert Mueller was…

TBS Comedy Paints Oil Tycoons as 'Monsters,' 'Murderers'

May 23rd, 2017 12:30 AM
TBS’s Angie Tribeca often takes a turn for the ridiculous when it comes to their plots, but the most recent episode seemed more willing to go for brutal when it came to oil tycoons. Namely, while murderers can be awful, the real monsters are oil moguls.

Liberal Pushing Identity Politics Slammed by FBN Host, GOP Guest

May 22nd, 2017 7:00 PM
During Friday’s edition of The Intelligence Report on the Fox Business Network, host Trish Regan and conservative guest Ned Ryun schooled liberal panelist Pablo Manriquez regarding the use of “identity politics” when dealing with financial issues.

Now They Tell Us: AP Finally Details Benefits of Dakota Pipeline

May 15th, 2017 10:05 AM
In an item likely targeted for mid-morning Saturday publication in the hope that few would notice it, the Associated Press's James MacPherson covered "SIGNS OF (an) OIL BOOMLET IN NORTH DAKOTA AFTER PIPELINE FINISHED." The "pipeline" in question is the Dakota Access Pipeline the hard-left so despises. Though it inexplicably took the AP reporter four paragraphs to identify the pipeline as the DAPL…

AP 'Fact-Check' Goes Entirely After GOP, Misleads on Jobs

May 9th, 2017 10:55 PM
The Associated Press had a variety of howlers from Democrats and leftists it could have included in its May 8 (update on May 9) "fact check" roundup based on events of the past week. As those who have watched the wire service's conduct since the 2016 election campaign could have predicted, it included none, and instead solely went after the Trump administration and GOP politicians on nine…

Press on April Jobs Report: 'Unexpectedly' Good News, 'Scars' Healing

May 9th, 2017 10:45 AM
On Friday, the government reported that the economy added a seasonally adjusted 211,000 jobs, and that the unemployment rate dropped to a 10-year low of 4.4 percent. The day's press coverage had three noticeable highlights. The first was the headline at the Associated Press's coverage — "US JOBS DATA SHOW SOME SCARS FROM RECESSION FINALLY HEALING."

Google and Facebook Are Now Driving the ‘News’ Media Cart

May 8th, 2017 11:45 AM
Our recurring joke - that is itself a ceaselessly recurring joke - is when we mention the “Media-Left,” we always follow it with “please pardon the redundancy.”  The Media-Left merger is now seamless.  I could hand you a New York Times article and a Daily Kos article - and you would be hard pressed to determine which is which (aside from the latter’s propensity for profanity). As Rush Limbaugh…

As Venezuela Implodes, NBC Avoids Naming the Cause: Socialism

May 7th, 2017 5:29 PM
On Thursday, an Investor's Business Daily editorial cited a long list of news outlets which have recently covered the calamitous events in Venezuela, but which, in IBD's words, "continue to obfuscate, if not totally ignore" the fact that the country's implosion can be laid at the feet of one simple cause: "Socialism." One particularly appalling example exemplifying the paper's complaint came…