Press Is Largely Ignoring Recent Awesome Fossil Fuel-Related News

November 24th, 2016 10:00 AM
Since Donald Trump's election, environmental zealots have mostly had a very rough two weeks — and Donald Trump has had nothing to do with any of it. Two developments they consider really bad (meaning good for the rest of us) far outweigh the single item they're celebrating. First, in Wyoming, just two days after the election, their "fracking is bad" Exhibit A in Pavillion, Wyoming was completely…

Nets Ignore Business Attacks on Trump, Supporters After Election

November 23rd, 2016 10:20 AM
After Donald Trump’s victory Nov. 8, several business leaders freaked. The post-election response even included a CEO’s threat on Trump’s life, but none of the major broadcast evening news shows picked up the hysteria. Business leaders despaired, told employees to resign for disagreeing with their virulently anti-Trump views and warned of “extremely dangerous times.” But threatening violence and…

After AP Sets Ceiling, Economic Growth Forecasts Get Bumped Up

November 18th, 2016 10:49 AM
The Associated Press's coverage of the U.S. economy is undergoing its own presidential transition. One might expect a bit of chaos as the AP moves from frequently and inordinately praising and defending the historically awful economy we've seen during the past eight years under a Democratic administration to eventually downplaying and bashing it at every opportunity once a Republican takes over.…

Nets Drill Pipeline Supporters, Quote Opponents 7 Times More

November 17th, 2016 9:20 AM
Peaceful protest is a protected right in America. Trespassing on private property, tire slashing, damaging equipment, arson, Molotov cocktail-throwing and shooting at police are not acts of protest. They are crimes. Even eco-terrorism. Yet, the network news media sympathetically covered the “activists,” “protesters” and “demonstrators” in North Dakota opposing completion of the Dakota Access oil…

Journalists Fail to Correct Obama Howler on Economy

November 16th, 2016 12:36 AM
At a press conference in Greece on Tuesday, President Barack Obama claimed that when he came into office, "the economy was contracting faster than it did during the Great Depression, but we were able to intervene, apply lessons learned and stabilize and then begin growth again." Naturally, Elena Becatoros and Josh Lederman at the Associated Press and Gardiner Harris at the New York Times, all of…

Barely News: Company CEO 'Asks' Trump-Supporting Employees to Resign

November 11th, 2016 10:49 AM
Imagine if a business establishment told those who voted for Hillary Clinton that "you have no place here" and demanded their resignations. There would be wall-to-wall press coverage, calls for a boycott, street protests at company headquarters, and years of payback in the form of "diversity" and "sensitivity" training. There will almost certainly be none of that at Chicago-based Grubhub, whose…

The Obama Economy: Worse Than the Great Depression on One Key Metric

November 7th, 2016 1:37 PM
If you believe the Obama administration, the Hillary Clinton campaign and their apparatchiks in the press — and as we've learned during the past several weeks, all three work assiduously to sing from the same hymnal — the economy we've seen during the presidency of Barack Obama has been one of slow but still acceptable recovery and (yes, this word has been frequently used) "durable" expansion.

NBC's 'Superstore' Blasts 'Unethical' Corporations

November 4th, 2016 1:39 AM
The NBC comedy Superstore continues to insert pro-labor propaganda into its show. Thursday night's episode "Election Day" once again pits employees against their "unethical" corporation. 

Oregonian: 2.5-Percent Receipts Tax 'Could' Raise Consumer Prices

October 23rd, 2016 10:00 PM
I hope I'm right when I contend that most people in Oregon aren't as dumb as the writer of a photo caption in an article found at Oregon Live, the web site of the Oregonian, apparently is (or, one hopes, is only pretending to be). The caption's writer, commenting on a 2.5 percent gross receipts tax — not an income tax, but a tax off the top on sales — claims that "One question Oregonians have…

Bartiromo Zaps Zeke Emanuel on Obamacare, Weak Economic Growth

October 23rd, 2016 4:11 PM
Friday morning, Fox Business's Maria Bartiromo had a tense one-on-one interview with Ezekiel Emanuel, one the two major architects of Obamacare (the other one is the infamous Jonathan "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage because of the stupidity of voters" Gruber).

AP: 2016 Deficit, Up 34 Percent From Last Year, 'Totally Manageable'

October 19th, 2016 4:44 PM
The federal government's fiscal year ended on September 30. As has been the administration's habit for years with news that might draw negative attention, the Treasury Department conveniently released its year-end Monthly Budget Review Friday afternoon to minimize the discussion of its grim news.

'American Housewife' Calls Husband a Feminist, Son a 'Capitalist Pig'

October 18th, 2016 11:55 PM
ABC's new sitcom American Housewife continues to miss the mark in its interpretation of the modern American family, demonizing conservatives while promoting liberal ideology.

Three Media Items on NFL Ratings Slide Avoid Kaepernick, Anthem Antics

October 16th, 2016 9:39 PM
As the National Football League's Week 6 went into full swing Sunday, it has become clear that its TV ratings plunge is real, serious, and having a bottom-line impact. At the same time, there's a growing determination in the establishment press to avoid citing the "(Colin) Kaepernick effect" of player protests during the playing of the national anthem as a contributing factor. Recent lengthy…

Environmentalists Escalate Protest to ‘Dangerous’ Pipeline Tampering

October 12th, 2016 3:45 PM
While many activists fighting the Dakota Access oil pipeline have been exposed and even arrested for trespassing on the property, Climate Direct Action turned to criminal eco-terrorism in “solidarity” on Oct. 11. Climate change activists disrupted crude oil flowing through multiple pipelines by tampering with pipelines in four states simultaneously, according to Reuters. Enbridge Inc. pipelines…