Imagine That: 'Anti-Corporate Rhetoric' Affects the Economy

April 29th, 2016 11:16 PM
On Thursday, shortly after the government estimated that the economy only grew at an annual rate of 0.5 percent in this year's first quarter, Jeffry Bartash at commented on the especially weak performance in nonresidential business investment. That category subtracted 0.76 points from GDP, the worst result since the second quarter of 2009, during the recession. Bartash,…

Broke Socialist Paradise Venezuela Can't Pay to Have Its Money Printed

April 29th, 2016 12:44 AM
Venezuela's hyperinflationary economic crisis has gotten worse in one very important and apparently unprecedented sense than even the one seen in Weimar Germany in the 1920s. Yet the Associated Press and the New York Times apparently have no interest in telling their readers, listeners or viewers about it. In the post-World War I German Weimar Republic, the situation became so out of control…

Not News: $4 Trillion in Annual GDP Growth Lost to Regulations

April 28th, 2016 11:09 PM
The editorialists at Investor's Business Daily have reported on the results of an important study by several George Mason University Mercatus Center economists showing what regulations have cost the economy in economic growth since 1980. The establishment press, which has been singularly uninterested in reporting anything that has to potential to slow the regulatory leviathan down — y'know,…

Bloomberg: As 'Microscopic' Growth Looms, Lower Your Expectations

April 27th, 2016 12:08 PM
Just in time for tomorrow's first-quarter economic growth announcement from the government, Bloomberg Businessweek's Economics Editor is telling readers: "Don't Sweat America's Upcoming Microscopic GDP Growth." Besides, Peter Coy writes, people need to get used to the supposedly inescapable fact that "Normal growth for the U.S. economy is just a lot lower than it used to be." Americans shouldn't…

Boycott Won’t Work Against Target’s ‘Inclusive’ Transgender Policy

April 27th, 2016 10:58 AM
On Wednesday’s CBS This Morning, while co-host Gayle King noted that “a petition against the retail giant Target is gaining a lot of momentum” over the company’s transgender bathroom policy, financial contributor Mellody Hobson dismissed the protest: “You know, it's very hard for these kind of boycotts to work.  We haven't seen real success since the civil rights era in the 1960s.”

Delusional AP Treats Awful Economic Report as ‘Rebound’

April 26th, 2016 12:33 PM
Today's stories at the business wires covering this morning's disastrous durable goods report from the Census Bureau ranged from good to absolutely horrid. March orders only increased by a seasonally adjusted 0.8 percent, less than half of the 1.7 percent to 2.0 percent increase that was expected. Additionally, February's originally reported decline of 2.8 percent was revised down to -3.1 percent…

Obama Takes Credit For 'Saving World Economy From a Great Depression'

April 25th, 2016 6:25 PM
If what Barack Obama contended in London, England on Saturday was obviously true, I suspect that the establishment press would be broadly proclaiming it and looking back at the President's wonderful work. What Obama is claiming — that his presidency is responsible for "saving the world economy from a Great Depression" — is nonsense, but he's clearly beginning to lobby for it to become the…

Press Blows Off 10-Solyndra $ Losses at Two Bankrupt Solar Companies

April 22nd, 2016 9:50 PM
Solary energy company SunEdison filed for bankruptcy on Thursday. According to Reuters, the company's stock traded as high as $33.44 in July 2015. The stock closed at 22 cents today. Nine years ago, the company's market value was over $17 billion. According to the Associated Press, in July of last year it was still worth $10 billion. The losses aren't limited to investors, however, a fact that…

Unsettling Science: The Media’s Legal Climate Crusade Against Exxon

April 22nd, 2016 10:18 AM
Galileo, the famous Italian astronomer and scientist, once said, “In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” Tell that to the UN IPCC and the news media. Presumably, Galileo would find the use of the so-called “scientific consensus” on global warming as the basis to call for prosecution of dissenters unsettling. Everyone should…

Cherry-Picking AP Pushes Positive NY Report, Ignores Dour Philly Data

April 21st, 2016 4:47 PM
On Sunday, I noted how the Associated Press wouldn't let the awful national news from the Federal Reserve on Industrial Production (second straight month of 0.6 percent contraction) stand alone without trying to offset it with phony evidence that U.S. manufacturing is showing "signs of stability." That "evidence" was primarily a positive manufacturing survey result from just one state: New York.…

Coincidence? Two Media Outlets Push Same Minimum Wage Advocates

April 20th, 2016 11:54 PM
On April 1, the Associated Press, in an online video which I covered in an April 2 NewsBusters post, interviewed three California business owners about the impact the state's just-passed $15-per-hour minimum wage would have on their businesses. Though the video was headlined "Small Businesses React to Calif. Wage Increase," the owners interviewed weren't representative of the whole state in any…

Press Ignores Weak U.S. and World Economy's Impact on Intel's Layoffs

April 19th, 2016 11:38 PM
In another blow to the U.S. and worldwide economy, chipmaker Intel announced today that it is reducing its worldwide workforce by 12,000 people, a cut of 11 percent. Of course, there are tech-related reasons why the company made the move, most notably the shift by some users to tablets and smartphones, where the company's market penetration has been weak and almost non-existent, respectively, as…

Business Wires Trying to Spin Bad Numbers for Obama Administration?

April 19th, 2016 11:21 AM
The government reported this morning that seasonally adjusted March housing starts and building permits fell by 8.8 percent and 7.7 percent, respectively, far worse declines than analysts and economists predicted. After the report, the business wires at least communicated the facts accurately, but continued to insist almost to the point of editorializing that there's no reason to be worried…

Moody's Predicts First-Quarter Contraction — and Hides It

April 18th, 2016 7:19 PM
Longtime readers know that if the current stagnating economy were occurring during a Republican or conservative presidential administration, the press would be searching high and low to find a "respected" economist or analyst forecasting the beginning of an economic contraction while screaming that a recession is just around the corner. Instead, the business press has stuck to saying that "most…