Factory Orders Dive Again; AP, As Usual, Hides Full Extent of Decline

July 5th, 2015 11:57 PM
All the attention given to the decidedly mixed employment report the government issued early Thursday morning and the ongoing debt drama in Greece overshadowed a very disappointing release on factory orders which arrived from the Census Bureau 90 minutes later. In a cursory eight-paragraph report at the Associated Press, Martin Crutsinger relayed the basic bad news, but studiously avoided citing…

Reuters: June Job Gains (Virtually All in Services) Were 'Broad-Based'

July 3rd, 2015 10:52 PM
The folks at Reuters issued a pretty sloppy video yesterday relating to the government's June jobs report. That videos described yesterday's reported jobs gains of 223,000 as "broad-based." That's true only if you think having 222,000 of yeaterday's those seasonally adjusted gains occurring in service industries, while only 1,000 were seen in goods-producing industries, is "broad-based":

NY Times: Crises Like Greece Persist' Despite Trillions 'Spent'

June 30th, 2015 11:47 AM
The current headline at a June 29 New York Times story by Peter Eavis, also appearing on the front page of today's print edition, is "Loads of Debt: A Global Ailment With Few Cures." But the last portion of the story's web address is "... trillions-spent-but-crises-like-greeces-persist.html." That's because the original headline, the one used at the Times's Twitter account — was "Trillions Spent…

ABC, NBC Ignore Downside of Obama’s Wage ‘Boost’ Proposal

June 30th, 2015 10:19 AM
On Tuesday, the “Big Three” (ABC, CBS, and NBC) networks all highlighted President Obama’s plan to increase the income threshold for salaried workers who earn overtime pay but only CBS This Morning acknowledged the potential harm such a policy change could have on businesses. 

AP Writer Dodges Own Question on the State of China's Slowing Economy

June 29th, 2015 3:12 PM
The world's financial markets had a terrible Monday. The debt crisis in Greece (population: 11 million) has been dominating the headlines and the press's attention, while serious deterioration in China (population: 1.36 billion) is getting short shrift. It isn't just that the mainland Chinese stock market has broken the bear-market decline threshold of 20 percent in less than three weeks,…

Far More Are Delaying Major Life Events; NY Times Not Asking Why

June 26th, 2015 8:40 PM
There may no better illustration of how much harm the economy has inflicted on the American people during the Obama era than a March 2015 Harris survey commissioned by American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The AICPA's Thursday press release reported that "a majority of American adults (51 percent) have delayed at least one important life decision in the last year due to financial…

AP Ignores Bad Economic Data, Treats 2nd Quarter 'Rebound' As Certain

June 25th, 2015 1:32 PM
Yesterday, the government revised the economy's first-quarter contraction from the annualized 0.7 percent it reported in May to 0.2 percent. In covering that news, the Associated Press's Christopher Rugaber spent most of his report speculating about the second quarter's impending "rebound" as if its existence is absolutely certain, citing only the items which would cause readers to believe that'…

AP Does Bogus 'Fact Check' of Jeb Bush's 4 Percent Growth Goal

June 17th, 2015 11:41 PM
It seems as if the establishment press has ruined virtually everything connected with journalism. The whole idea of "fact-checking" is certainly no exception. The thoroughly misnamed Politifact pioneered this particular form of disinformation. The Associated Press, apparently determined to give that web site a run for its money, devoted a writeup to "fact-checking" (i.e., virtually ridiculing) a…

Gap Inc., Praised by Obama For Its $10 Minimum Wage, Is Closing Stores

June 16th, 2015 12:10 PM
In February of last year, Gap Inc., which operates Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic and Athleta stores, announced that it would raise its minimum hourly rate of pay for all U.S. employees to $9 in June 2014 and $10 in June 2015. As a result, it won "praise from President Obama who is pushing to raise the nation's minimum wage by a similar amount." The company said that the move would affect 65,000…

Business Press Mostly Fails to Note Protracted Fall in Production

June 15th, 2015 2:06 PM
Today's release from the Federal Reserve on industrial production (including mining and utilities) told us that it declined by a seasonally adjusted 0.2 percent in May. It was the sixth consecutive month showing a decline or no gain, during which time output has fallen by 1.1 percent (not annualized). Bloomberg News, which reported that economists and analysts expected an increase of 0.2 percent…

Press Takes Artificially Pumped Retail Sales Growth As Gospel

June 14th, 2015 11:41 PM
On Thursday, the Census Bureau's report on May retail sales said that seasonally adjusted sales came in 1.2 percent higher than April. The press almost universally cited that result as demonstrating that the economy's rough patch earlier this year is likely over. Yours truly and the contrarians at Zero Hedge both noted that the result is highly suspect, and doesn't adequately reflect the raw…

Politico: Obama Nearly 'Lame Duck'; Reax to Trade Defeat 'Implausible'

June 12th, 2015 7:40 PM
Even the leftist apparatchiks at the Politico seem to have a limit to their tolerance for the doublespeak the White House and President Obama routinely disseminate. Reporters Edward-Isaac Dovere and Sarah Wheaton appear to hit that limit this afternoon after Obama's effort to pass Trade Adjustment Authorization (TAA) went down in flames by a shocking margin of 126-302. Since TAA had to pass for…

AP Coverage of May Deficit Omits Debt Ceiling, Copies Previous Content

June 11th, 2015 4:31 PM
In addition to his usual tired historical revisionism, the Associated Press's Martin Crutsinger, in his report on May's budget deficit of $82 billion, failed to mention that the nation is once again operating at the legal limit of its authorized debt. Additionally, he mailed in his final five paragraphs, virtually copying what he wrote on May 12 in covering April's surplus. The nation's debt…

Dallas Reporter Ignorant on Taxation of U.S. Firms' Overseas Profits

June 10th, 2015 9:16 PM
Will Deener, who has been a business reporter since at least before the turn of the century, considers his most unforgettable experience on the job to be "Covering the crash of the Internet stocks and Enron in 2000-2002." Sunday evening, the Dallas Morning News columnist moaned about how big U.S. companies engaged in real businesses are avoiding paying billions in taxes because "the nation’s…