AP Thinks We're Thrilled to Be 'Finally Getting Over' on Gas Stations

December 14th, 2014 10:31 AM
Here's a small window into a journalist's mindset. In a report on how lower gas prices are affecting the companies operating retail gas stations, Associated Press reporter John Fahey revealed his apparent believes that there are millions of us walking around, perhaps including him, obsessed with getting back at gas station owners for charging us so much at fill-up time for years:

Thin Gruel: AP Hypes How 'Job Market Hits a Turning Point'

December 8th, 2014 2:41 PM
Friday's Employment Situation Summary contained one strong element: In November, the economy added 321,000 seasonally adjusted payroll jobs. That's not insignificant, but that news, especially in the report's full context, certainly didn't justify the level of elation seen in much of the press. Predictably, the Associated Press found a specious reason to characterize the government's report as…

The Media Messes Up the Lede

December 1st, 2014 10:36 AM
As we’ve often discussed, the Tech World Media is just as hopelessly Leftist and lost as the broader Jurassic Press. They so often get it so very wrong - often because their absurd political perspective warps their alleged “reporting.”  Saturday gave us two additional exquisite examples - one each in Politico (henceforth Pathetico) and The Hill.

OUR Walmart Demands Chain Pay $15/Hr.; UFCW-Unionized Kroger Pays Less

November 28th, 2014 1:55 PM
In a Tuesday column originally appearing at RealClearMarkets.com (found in more readable form at Economics21.org), the Manhattan Institute's Diana Furchtgott-Roth tore into the hypocrites at OUR Walmart, the union-backed effort to intimidate the nation's largest retailer into paying all employees at least $15 per hour. In the process, Furchtgott-Roth noted a particularly important fact which I…

AP: Venezuela's Chronic Shortages 'Bury Mindless Consumerism'

November 26th, 2014 9:17 AM
It's amazing how any reporter can cover the deepening economic crisis in Venezuela without saying a word about how the country got there. But Associated Press reporter Hannah Dreier was up to the task. In a bizarre, sickening November 20 report on how its people are having to get "creative" in the face of chronic shortages of basic goods to get by, she acted as if those shortages — and the over…

Schumer: Election Results Show That Dems Need to Go Further Left

November 25th, 2014 11:33 PM
An Associated Press story late this afternoon has New York Senator Chuck Schumer saying the darnedest things, with only a tiny bit of pushback from reporter Charles Babington. In the wake of a midterm election rout which saw Republicans win at least eight Senate seats, increase their House majority, and take gubernatorial races in at least three deep blue states (MD, MA, and IL), Schumer now…

AP Is Stunned at Japan's Recession Despite 'Unprecedented Stimulus'

November 25th, 2014 7:10 PM

After reading Elaine Kurtenbach's coverage of how Japan's latest dive into yet another recession is affecting young people there, I can only say, "The Keynesian koolaid is strong in this one." The AP reporter's headline says that the recession was "unexpected," and her first sentence calls it "a surprise." Anyone watching economic events in the country, and I think that's supposed to include…

No, AP: Monthly Deficit Is Not the Same As What Government Borrowed

November 21st, 2014 6:04 PM
Old habits die hard at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press — especially when those old habits help Dear Leader's regime look better, or less awful, than it deserves. It's been eight days, but it's still worth a look. On November 13, the government released its Monthly Treasury Statement for October, showing that Uncle Sam ran a $122 billion deficit. In his coverage of that…

Comedian Lewis Black Hammers Black Friday 'Tax' as 'Anti-American'

November 20th, 2014 6:31 PM
During Wednesday evening's edition of The Daily Show on the Comedy Central cable network, comedian Lewis Black devoted his “Back in Black” segment to slamming the tradition of Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving and a time when stores open early and shoppers arrive before the sun comes up to buy items at huge discounts. Black claimed that even worse than the rush to get tremendous bargains…

Press Buys Fed's Claim That Extended Jobless Benefits Had Small Impact

November 20th, 2014 10:03 AM
Boy, it's a good thing that the unemployment benefits Congress continued to extend during most of the first five-plus years of Barack Obama's presidency didn't hurt the economy much. A study commissioned by the Cleveland branch of the Federal Reserve concluded that extended benefits "only account for a fraction of the actual increase in the unemployment rate." The allegedly minimal impact of…

Not Reported: The South Is Carrying the Nation's Homebuilding Industry

November 19th, 2014 11:52 PM
Today at the Assocated Press, aka the Administration's Press, Martin Crustsinger covered the Census Bureau's report on new home construction in the usual way. Regardless of whether a given month shows improving or declining data, the wire service's overall message is almost invariably, "Things are really getting better. No, really." The sentence promoting that point of view in Crutsinger's…

Keynesian Fail: Japan 'Unexpectedly' Falls Into Another Recession

November 18th, 2014 11:41 PM

There were several more of those infamous "U-word" ("unexpectedly") sightings yesterday in the business press, as Japan — to the surprise of no one who has successfully avoided the Keynesian koolaid — reported that its economy shrank for the second quarter in a row, officially falling into yet another recession. The U-word hit the trifecta, appearing in reports at the Associated Press,…

Chevron Attacker Still the Hero in Rolling Stone Hit Job

November 11th, 2014 3:55 PM
Just as some in the press finally realized and admitted to serious ethical breaches in the legal crusade against Chevron, left-wing journalist Alexander Zaitchik continued to try to make the oil company look criminal. And one major left-wing news operation bought into it.

President's Video Advocating Net Regulation Has Phony 'Buffering' Clip

November 10th, 2014 10:49 PM
When I saw this item, I thought to myself: "Imagine the ridicule which would shower down on a Republican or conservative presidential administration if they did something so obviously childish and clumsy." But since a Democratic administration is involved, it will more than likely get scant attention or be totally ignored. What I'm referring to is the White House's inclusion of an artifical "…