NYT Headlines Decline in Median Net Worth Since 2003, Downplays Much S

July 28th, 2014 12:20 AM
Which is the more important statistic: A 36 percent decline in U.S. median household net worth since 2003, or a 43 percent decline in that same statistic since 2007? The average person would certainly be more concerned about the latter, which represents an annual drop of about 7 percent compared to the less than 4 percent per year seen in the past decade. But apparently if you're a reporter…

AP's Crutsinger Thinks Today's Econ News Was Good; Bloomberg's Glinski

July 18th, 2014 8:00 PM
There were two pieces of significant economy-related news today. The first was that the Conference Board's index of leading economic indicators increased for the fifth straight month, this time by 0.3 percent, while May's increase was revised up to 0.7 percent. The second was that the University of Michigan's preliminary June reading on consumer confidence came in at 81.3, a decline from May.…

AP Quickly Buries Bad Housing News, While Reporter Crutsinger Blames I

July 17th, 2014 11:59 PM
Late this afternoon, I went to the Top Business Headlines page at the Associated Press's national web site to get today's new home construction news. Because the AP didn't have a story there (saved here for future reference), I knew it had to be bad, especially because to ignore it, the wire service made room in its Top 10 stories for an item on Toyota experimenting with fuel cells and aircraft…

Fever-Swamp Left Celebrates How CNBC's Steve Liesman 'Embarrassed' Ric

July 16th, 2014 1:39 AM
Paul Krugman at the New York Times and other fever-swamp leftists who, incredibly, are operating under the assumption that the economy has experienced an acceptable if uneven "recovery" during the five years since the recession ended are celebrating what they believe was an epic live "embarrassment" of Rick Santelli at the hands of Steve Liesman at CNBC on Monday. A Google search shows that…

AP's Taylor Swallows Administration's Absurd 2014 Full-Year Growth Est

July 12th, 2014 7:45 PM
At the Associated Press on Friday afternoon, Andrew Taylor, who it should be noted covers Congress and is not routinely on the economics or business beat, relayed an Obama administration prediction that economic growth in 2014 will come in at 2.6 percent. Taylor noted that this estimate, lowered from 3.3 percent, came about because of "the unexpected 2.9 percent drop in gross domestic product…

Time Warp: Bloomberg Touts UN Report Calling for U.S. Emission Cuts to

July 9th, 2014 7:17 PM
Bloomberg’s Eric Roston attempted to keep a straight face while promoting a draft report for the United Nations. It said U.S. emissions would need to be “cut to one-tenth of current levels, per person, in less than 40 years.” Short of societal regression, it is unclear how that could be done. “It’s perilous to say these things in the U.S., where a mere description of the scale of the climate…

Press Lionizes Buffett, Ignores Near Reappearance of Recession Under H

July 8th, 2014 5:20 PM
The press loves billionaire Warren Buffett, who can be relied to support President Barack Obama even in implausible circumstances — such as the current economy, where the "recovery" following the 2008-2009 traditionally defined recession has been worse than any since World War II, and barely better than what was seen during the awful post-Depression 1930s. Thus far, the press has managed to…

Press Won't Connect End of Jobless Benefits With Faster Job Growth; Kr

July 6th, 2014 9:45 PM
Fox News contributor and syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer made a very interesting and logical correlation Friday. The press has predictably failed to make the connection or even to relay Krauthammer's point, simply because it leads to the default assumption that conservatives were right on an important economic issue. To be clear, the point Krauthammer and National Review Online's…

AP: ‘Humming’ and ‘Rising’ U.S. Economy Is a ‘World-Beater

July 6th, 2014 5:10 PM
In the latest White House press release disguised as analysis at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, AP stenographer Paul Wiseman sang the praises of this nation's "humming" job market and its "steadily rising" growth as the economy is "finally showing the vigor that Americans have long awaited." Wow. Of course, the White House — er, Wiseman — never mentioned the following (…

CNN's Tom Cohen Baffled by the Obama Popularity 'Disconnect,' Holds Re

July 4th, 2014 8:04 PM
A prominent exhibit explaining why the nation's trust in its media establishment has dropped to precipitous lows would likely include Tom Cohen's Thursday afternoon column at CNN expressing befuddlement over President Barack Obama's unpopularity. After all, Cohen's headline crows that under Obama we have "more jobs" and "less war" (!), so there's a "disconnect" which must be explained. To…

Lefty Media Slam ‘Parasitic’ Ridesharing Companies Like Uber

July 3rd, 2014 9:46 AM
As people celebrate freedom this Independence Day, the left continues to fight on behalf of an industry monopoly and against consumer freedom. Historically, liberals championed “trust busting” laws prohibiting monopolies. Since the monopoly in question is made up of union members, often in a government partnership to limit competition -- they cried foul. Just look at the upstart companies…

Nationally Promoted Hobby Lobby Protest at Flagship Store Draws (at Mo

July 1st, 2014 1:11 AM
Shortly after 3 PM Eastern Time Monday afternoon, an outfit called "Faithful America" issued a "Media Advisory" for an event which would take place at 7:30 PM Central Time. In the email, Faithful America claimed to be "the largest and fastest growing online community of Christians taking action for social justice," and to have 300,000 members. They may have that many members, but only about 0…

NYT: Scientists 'Startled' at Great Lakes' Rise; Another Warmist Predi

June 30th, 2014 9:13 AM
An undated but clearly recent page at the National Wildlife Federation breathlessly warns readers, in a section entitled "Threats from Global Warming," that "Lake Erie water levels, already below average, could drop 4-5 feet by the end of this century, significantly altering shoreline habitat." A Thursday Huffington Post Canada Business entry observed that "the (Great Lakes) basin has…

As Wind Farm Gets Permit to Kill Eagles, AP's Scott Smith Claims Wind

June 28th, 2014 9:13 AM
In a Thursday evening writeup about how the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will allow a California wind farm to "become the first in the nation to avoid prosecution if eagles are injured or die when they run into the giant turning blades," reporter Scott Smith at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, took a big gulp of his hi-test White House koolaid, and wrote: "Under President…