Coverage of Third Qtr. GDP and Fourth Qtr. Estimates Omits Potential O

November 7th, 2013 11:52 PM
You would think that economic forecasters, who have been obsessing over the impact on economic growth of October's 17 percent partial government shutdown might have noticed that a lot of people have all of a sudden learned that they're about to experience a major cut in their take-home pay. You would be wrong. Hundreds of thousands of Americans had received health insurance cancellation…

AP: 'Venezuela's Health Care System in Collapse'; Will Rest of U.S. Pr

November 6th, 2013 11:53 AM
The Associated Press has published a great but disturbing story. Given the frequent and deserved grief yours truly administers when the wire service lets its readers, listeners, viewers, and subscribing news organizations down, it seems only fair to acknowledge fine work when it does occur. The real question is, in the politically charged U.S. health care environment, whether the AP's…

NBC: Thanksgiving 'In Jeopardy' Because of Government Shutdown

November 6th, 2013 9:59 AM
After NBC warned viewers that the partial government shutdown that ended weeks ago may be "the Grinch that stole Christmas," on Tuesday's Today, correspondent Stephanie Gosk fretted that Thanksgiving would be ruined as well: "Macy's, the company that sponsors the Thanksgiving Day Parade, will open its doors on the holiday for the first time in 155 years....But there is a risk, the identity of one…

Venezuela Seizes U.S. Firm's Oil Rigs; AP Story Headlines Mislead

November 4th, 2013 10:41 AM
The Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro has put the country back into the expropriration business, seizing two oil rigs owned by Houston-based Superior Energy Services. Two different Friday headlines at Associated Press stories about the seizures, one at the AP's national site and the other at the Washington Post, appeared designed more to mislead than to inform.

1 Year Later: Media Link Climate Change, Sandy Every Single Time

October 29th, 2013 4:41 PM
During the 2008 banking crisis, then-Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel famously said, “Never allow a crisis to go to waste.” The broadcast networks certainly followed his advice when reporting on Hurricane Sandy since the storm became a hurricane one year ago, hitting the New Jersey coast on Oct. 29. Network reporters and experts have repeatedly claimed that the storm was either caused or…

Federal Solar Auction Gets No Bidders; AP (Just a Local Story) and Pol

October 27th, 2013 6:55 PM
Green energy is supposedly the future. Why, solar energy will break out and become a major energy source any year now, or any decade now. Or maybe never. It has been the subject of national attention ever since President Obama made it a cornerstone of his 2008 presidential campaign. Of course, what Obama claims is in energy policy has worked out to be more a of a growth-constraining, government…'s Mounting Costs, Part 1: Press Ignoring Former Admin M

October 27th, 2013 3:40 PM
The left has been ridiculing supposedly wildly overstated estimates of the costs of building the calamitous website. Based on a look at one contractor, CGI, which he must have assumed was the general contractor (i.e., the lead entity through which amounts paid to subcontracting firms would be funneled), Andrew Couts at Digital Trends originally estimated a total cost of $634…

AP Predictably Gives Weak Sept. Durable Goods Report a Positive Headli

October 27th, 2013 12:05 PM
At the Associated Press Friday morning, economics writer Christopher Rugaber's story had a predictably sunny and incomplete headline ("LONG-LASTING US FACTORY GOODS ORDERS RISE 3.7 PCT.") followed by an opening paragraph which told readers that "orders for most other goods fell" and which speculated without basis that the substantively bad news was "a possible sign of concern about the partial…

Unlike Halliburton in the Bush 43 Era, No-Bid Nature of CGI's Obamacar

October 23rd, 2013 9:53 PM
In 2003, Halliburton Company received a great deal of scrutiny from the establishment press over certain no-bid contracts obtained in connection with the Iraq War. Examples, two of which are from the Associated Press, are here, here, and here. A Google News Archive Search on "Halliburton no-bid" not in quotes allegedly returns 1,760 items (Google's counter is suspect, but the list extends to at…

Food Police Demand Pop Stars Stop Promoting ‘Disease-Causing‘ Peps

October 22nd, 2013 2:17 PM
Pepsi and pop stars don’t mix, according to one food police group. The D.C.-based Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) ran a full page “open letter” in Variety, telling pop singer Katy Perry to stop her work with Pepsi, on account of her influencing young fans. CSPI warned Perry that, “Soda companies are using you and other celebrities.” The letter then bashed her for not caring…

AP's Rugaber: Manufacturing Report Which 'Held Steady' Means 'Shutdown

October 15th, 2013 10:26 AM
Apparently desperate to claim that 17 percent government shutdown is causing pain, Christopher Rugaber at the Associated Press, aka the Adminstration's Press, decided that the Empire State Manufacturing Index's decline from brisk expansion to modest expansion was "a sign that the partial government shutdown may be weighing on the economy." Rugaber wrote what he did despite the actual report's…

SF Chronicle's Obamacare Advice: 'Working a Bit Less' Can Get You a 'H

October 14th, 2013 2:10 PM
Kathleen Pender at the San Francisco Chronicle (HT Zombie at PJ Media) had some Obamacare-related financial advice for her readers on Saturday: "Consider reducing your 2014 income by working just a bit less," because doing so could get you a "huge health care subsidy." This is not news to anyone who has studied Obamacare in detail, and shouldn't be a revelation to anyone in the business press…

NYT Coverage of Obamacare System Fiasco Blames Republicans, Cites Key

October 13th, 2013 11:54 PM
Three New York Times reporters' coverage of's systemic failures is inadvertently funny. Its opening paragraph quotes Henry Chao, described as "the chief digital architect for the Obama administration’s new online insurance marketplace," as "deeply worried about the web site's debut" way back in March, and hoping that "it’s not a third-world experience." The Third World, many of…

Daily Beast's Gross Steamed at Starbucks CEO for His Shutdown Shtick

October 11th, 2013 4:43 PM
For someone whose job title is global business editor, Daniel Gross seems far more concerned with bashing businessmen for not toeing the liberal line than reporting business news. Then again, perhaps we shouldn't expect that much from The Daily Beast. Gross, who has slammed Apple's penchant for legal tax avoidance as being "too greedy for its own good" turned his attention today to Starbucks CEO…