Cheney Shooting
Globe's Valentine to Veep Casts Him as a Killer
February 8th, 2007 11:23 AM
What better way for the Boston Globe to get into the loving Valentine spirit than by portraying the Vice-President of the United States as a wanton killer?Contact Mark at
The NewsBusters Weekly Recap: January 20 to
January 26th, 2007 10:15 AM
As the 2008 campaign heats up, members of the mainstream media are having trouble deciding between their old favorite (Hillary) and the new flame (Obama). Both CNN and ABC leapt to the defense of Senator Barack Obama after he was accused of attending an Islamic madrassah as a child. (Of course, ABC once devoted an entire episode of "Nightline" to murky allegations that George W. Bush did coke as…
The NewsBusters Weekly Recap: January 6 to
January 12th, 2007 9:50 AM
Last week saw the dawning of the new Democratic majority and members of the media seemed to be charmed by the event. ABC reporter Cokie Roberts described a photo-op of new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi holding her grandchild as "fun" and "completely natural." CBS’s Bob Schieffer interviewed Pelosi and pressed her to raise taxes. And "60 Minutes" commentator Andy Rooney became nostalgic for Democrats…
Olbermann and Dean Suggest Impeaching Bush Cabinet Members
January 3rd, 2007 10:38 PM
On Wednesday's Countdown, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and frequent guest John Dean discussed the possibility of a Democratic Congress moving to impeach members of President Bush's Cabinet as an alternative to actually impeaching the President or Vice President.
Boston Globe: Cheney Out? But, Wasn't He Elected
November 14th, 2006 10:40 AM
The Boston Globe's recent article on Dick Cheney's "fate" after the recent elections is an interesting, if not subtle, attempt to make it seem as if the Vice President were somehow on his way out just like Donald Rumsfeld was. Even painting Bush as "forgetting" the VP was in a recent meeting intimating that Cheney is not included in running the country anymore.(Cheney doesn't need Rumsfeld…
CNN Anchor Snidely Asks Tom DeLay: ‘Think Karl Rove is Still a Geniu
November 8th, 2006 12:45 PM
CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien talked with former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on Wednesday and displayed a snide attitude over the Republicans’ midterm losses. She even tried to goad DeLay into bashing Karl Rove: O’Brien: "Think Karl Rove is still a genius?"Delay: "Oh, yes. Just because you lose one ball game doesn't remove your genius." O’Brien: "Really, you think that -- this is kind of a big…