Cheney Shooting
Nets Devote as Much Time to Whining About Being Snubbed as to Victim
February 14th, 2006 9:55 PM
The three broadcast network evening newscasts all led Tuesday night with the minor heart attack suffered by the victim of Vice President Cheney’s hunting accident, but all gave equal time to, for the second night in a row, obsessing over the snubbing of the White House press corps -- this time how Scott McClellan didn’t inform them of Harry Whittington’s complication. ABC co-anchor Charles…
Matthews on Cheney Hunting Mishap: “Has Press Been Playing This Down
February 14th, 2006 6:40 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews seriously asked on the 5pm EST edition of Tuesday’s Hardball, about media coverage of the Cheney hunting accident: “Has the press been playing this down?” Matthews exclaimed that he was “shocked” at how “this was bottom of the fold in the New York Times and the Washington Post yesterday.” He went on to claim: “I've talked to experts, they can't believe that the papers…
A “Hardball” Foul Ball: Matthews Spends 45 Minutes on Cheney Hunti
February 14th, 2006 12:20 AM
Mondays are normally a target rich environment for television talk show hosts that, like most Americans, take weekends off. After all, they’ve got more days to cover than normal. And, given a major East Coast snowstorm, a Congressional report on how the three levels of government handled the Katrina disaster, two air marshals facing drug charges, Saddam returning to trial, Alabama church burnings…
Networks Obsess Over Delay in Disclosure of Cheney’s Hunting Acciden
February 14th, 2006 12:09 AM
On Monday night, both the NBC Nightly News and the CBS Evening News, led with Vice President Cheney’s accidental shooting of a hunting companion, treating it as the most important news of the day as they focused on journalistic upset with how the late Saturday afternoon shooting wasn’t disclosed until noontime Sunday -- and then to a local reporter instead of to a member of the White House press…
Franken: Cheney Shot Whittington 'Just to Watch Him Die
February 13th, 2006 10:04 AM
Remember back in October when Al Franken joked with David Letterman about Karl Rove and I. Lewis Libby being executed for treason? Well, Franken is at it again with a blog entry Sunday evening at the Huffington Post. This time, the target of his tasteless satire is Vice President Dick Cheney who accidentally shot his hunting partner on Saturday:“Over the weekend, Vice President Dick Cheney shot…