Al Gore Cancels $1,200 Per Handshake Event In Copenhagen

December 3rd, 2009 3:47 PM
Al Gore apparently has canceled a high-priced speaking engagement during the upcoming climate change conference in Copenhagen.As NewsBusters reported Tuesday, the Nobel Laureate was slated to lecture about his new book "Our Choice" where attendees could pay over $1,200 a ticket for the right to meet the Global Warmingist-in-Chief and have their picture taken with him.According to Danish newspaper…

'Science Is Dying': What Media Are Really Missing About ClimateGate

December 3rd, 2009 2:16 PM
While most global warming-obsessed media have either ignored or downplayed the significance of the growing ClimateGate scandal, the Wall Street Journal has been on top of this story since it first broke two weeks ago.On Thursday, Journal editorial page deputy editor Daniel Henninger penned a piece that should be an absolute must-read for all the so-called journalists in America that have either…

Climategate Is a Liberal 'News' Media Scandal, Too

December 3rd, 2009 1:32 PM
Two weeks ago, unnamed whistleblowers exposed years of e-mails from scientists working at Britain’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU). The CRU’s Web site describes it as “one of the world's leading institutions concerned with the study of natural and anthropogenic climate change,” but the e-mails paint the CRU as more of a political “war room” for radical environmentalists.As Boston Globe columnist…

Gainor Column: The Apocalypse, Space Aliens, Vampires and Unbiased Jou

December 3rd, 2009 10:20 AM
The imminent end of the world. Aliens (the ones from space, not the illegal kind). Witches and warlocks. Those are some of things Americans believe in.  Unbiased journalism? Not so much. That's what the polling tells us. A 2008 Harris Poll reinforced that belief. More Americans believe in ghosts (44 percent), UFOs (36 percent) and witches (31 percent) than believe journalists. No major media…

Jack Cafferty Highlights ClimateGate, Reads E-mails Doubting Warming

December 2nd, 2009 7:06 PM
Jack Cafferty went above and beyond many of his colleagues in the media by highlighting the ClimateGate scandal on Wednesday’s Situation Room. He presented both sides of the controversy, noting the “thousand pages of leaked e-mails and documents,” while summarizing the side of the defenders of the theory of manmade climate change. Most of the viewer e-mails he read sided with the critics of the…

Huffington Post Suffers ClimateGate Panic Attack

December 2nd, 2009 12:53 PM
Your humble correspondent has been checking the Huffington Post Green section every day since the ClimateGate scandal exploded. After all, that Green section is pretty much predicated on the theory that the earth is warming dangerously and that Man is the cause of it. At first, the Green section had a few relatively minor stories attempting to dispute the revelations of the ClimateGate scandal.…

Jon Stewart on ClimateGate: 'Poor Al Gore - Global Warming Debunked Vi

December 2nd, 2009 10:43 AM
If you needed any more assurance the growing ClimateGate scandal is far more significant than America's media has been portraying, you got it Tuesday night from Comedy Central's Jon Stewart.Somewhat surprisingly, "The Daily Show" host in his opening sketch tore apart the scientists involved in sending the obtained e-mail messages for showing "a clear effort to raise fears about global warming,…

NY Times Science Writer Blasts 'Smug Groupthink' Among Climategate Sci

December 1st, 2009 4:49 PM
Unpredictable New York Times science columnist John Tierney has again struck a blow against conventional wisdom. His Tuesday column is a scathing piece on the treasure trove of damning emails hacked from the Climatic Research Unit at East Anglia University, a hub of climatologists who believe in the theory that global warming is caused by man -- and willing to use disreputable anti-scientific…

WaPo Includes Link to RealClimate in Mann's Letter to the Editor ...Bu

December 1st, 2009 3:31 PM
A week after the explosion of the current Climategate scandal revealing that leading climate scientists engaged in ongoing email conversations about how to hide or obfuscate the real data on global warming (or lack thereof), the Washington Post on November 25 editorialized on the matter. Like other establishment media types, the Washington Post sought to make light of the shocking prospect of…

BREAKING: ClimateGate's Jones Steps Down Pending Investigation

December 1st, 2009 2:57 PM
The British scientist in the middle of the growing ClimateGate scandal is temporarily stepping down from his position as head of the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit pending an investigation.As NewsBusters reported on November 20, Phil Jones was one of the scientists on the sending and receiving end of many of the controversial e-mail messages obtained from the University's…

WaPo Includes Link to RealClimate in Mann's Letter to the Editor

December 1st, 2009 2:15 PM
I imagine the folks at the Washington Post thought they were being fair and balanced Tuesday when they published two letters to the editor that were skeptical of man's role in global warming as compared to one that supported Nobel Laureate Al Gore's view of the world.The only problem is that one letter was penned by someone very important to the Global Warmingist-in-Chief and the entire climate…

AP Promotes Copenhagen 'Momentum', Ignores ClimateGate

November 30th, 2009 11:35 PM
An Associated Press article Sunday read like a virtual advertisement for global legislation on climate change: completely oblivious to the ClimateGate scandal and failing to give one drop of ink to anthropogenic global warming skeptics. The piece, written by the AP's Ben Fox, announced its intent with the headline "Leaders Say Momentum Building on Climate Change." Readers were then treated to…

Brit Hume: ClimateGate Suggests Global Warming May Be A Fraud

November 30th, 2009 10:53 PM
Fox News's Brit Hume Monday said the growing ClimateGate scandal suggests manmade global warming may be a fraud. As NewsBusters has been reporting since e-mail messages from the British Climatic Research Unit were first revealed ten days ago, the only television news network that has been regularly informing viewers about this matter has been the Fox News Channel.On Monday, Fox's "Special Report…

Stein Raises ClimateGate on CNN; Carville Retorts, 'Pollution Lobby Is

November 30th, 2009 4:41 PM
Ben Stein made an indirect reference to the ClimateGate e-mail scandal during a face-off with Democratic strategist James Carville on Wednesday’s Situation Room: “The truth is, we’ve now got a lot of data coming out that the scientific community who are on the side of anthropogenic global warming were cooking the data and were suppressing data to those requesting their data.”Stein and Carville…