Corporate Liberalism
Declining and Deported Audiences Lead to Cutbacks at Hispanic TV Nets
March 15th, 2018 5:01 PM
The nation's leading Spanish-language television networks, Univision and Telemundo, continue to pay the price for doubling and tripling down on pushing unfettered immigration policies, and declining numbers have now led to layoffs and more.
Hannity cuestiona a Jorge Ramos sobre política migratoria
March 12th, 2018 1:50 PM
Como parte de la promoción de su nuevo libro, el presentador del Noticiero Univisión y activista de la amnistía Jorge Ramos entró al cuadrilátero de la cadena Fox News el miércoles en la noche, en entrevista con Sean Hannity. Ramos mayormente se negó a responder a las preguntas de Hannity y acusó tanto al presentador de Fox como a sus simpatizantes de criminalizar a los inmigrantes.
ABC, NBC Celebrate Dick’s Sporting Goods Pulling ARs from Stores Again
February 28th, 2018 11:32 PM
The liberal media were jubilant when news broke Wednesday morning that Dick’s Sporting Goods planned to stop selling AR-15’s at all their stores and would impose age restrictions on those looking to purchase a weapon. But what they were championing as growing momentum for their gun control cause may just be a case of political opportunism because Dick’s made the same announcement in 2012 after…
Nota de Univisión politiza la tragedia puertorriqueña
February 27th, 2018 4:35 PM
El más reciente informe sobre las dificultades que enfrentan los puertorriqueños desplazados en el Centro de la Florida se queda corto, en gran parte debido a su intento craso de convertir la tragedia humana infligida por el huracán María en balón político
Univisión promulga agenda LGBTQ, discretamente promueve ley ENDA
February 27th, 2018 1:57 PM
Esta noticia desde Miami ocupa el espacio en el centro del anticatolicismo de Univisión y su promoción estridente de la agenda LGBTQ, lejos de la corriente de pensamiento de su teleaudiencia. La cadena logró un truco difícil: el cuestionar protecciones a la libertad religiosa mientras discretamente propulsa la ley que las destruiría.
AR-15: arma de ofensa, no de "defensa", según presentador de Telemundo
February 27th, 2018 12:38 PM
En el transcurso de obtener apoyo para la prohibición de las supuestas "armas de asalto" de parte del congresista republicano de la Florida Carlos Curbelo, el presentador de Noticias Telemundo, José Díaz-Balart, declaró que el rifle AR-15 no es un arma para fines defensivos, esto a pesar de amplia evidencia de lo contrario, lo que comprueba una vez más que el fin deseado por nuestros medios de…
Cuomo Criticizes GA Lt. Gov for 'Going After' Delta
February 27th, 2018 10:55 AM
During Tuesday's edition of New Day, co-host Chris Cuomo blasted Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle (R-GA) for saying "one of the most ridiculous things we've heard in a long time from a public official." Cuomo apparently had a problem with a tweet sent out by Cagle where he suggested he would work against any tax legislation that would benefit Delta unless the airline reinstated its relationship with the…
Telemundo Anchor: AR-15 Is 'Offensive', Not 'Defensive' Weapon
February 26th, 2018 12:22 AM
In the course of eliciting support for a so-called "assault weapons ban" from Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL), Telemundo anchor José Díaz-Balart stated the AR-15 as a firearm not used for defensive purposes despite a body of evidence to the contrary, proving once again that significant erosion (if not outright repeal) of the Second Amendment is the ultimate endgame for our domestic Spanish-language…
En Telemundo, siete segundos de balance
February 25th, 2018 12:27 AM
Nuestras cadenas noticiosas hispanas en Estados Unidos siguen adelante con sus sesgos en contra de la Segunda Enmienda tras el aterrador tiroteo en una escuela secundaria en Parkland, Florida. Sin embargo, Telemundo encontró siete segundos para acomodar una voz a favor de la Segunda Enmienda... por aquello de ofrecer balance.
Univision Slams Rubio As Cold, Lacking Empathy At CNN Townhall
February 23rd, 2018 2:41 PM
The horrible school shooting at Parkland, Florida has presented Univision's news division (as well as the rest of the U.S. Spanish-language news media) with a golden opportunity to pursue two of its passions: promoting gun control up to, and including, repeal of the Second Amendment; and its war against U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of almost seven years.
Arrarás despotrica contra Marco Rubio tras tiroteo en Parkland
February 22nd, 2018 4:55 PM
La presentadora de Telemundo María Celeste Arrarás vuelve a la carga, apropiándose del tiroteo horrendo ocurrido en Parkland, Florida como fundamento de un editorial viciado contra el senador Marco Rubio, lleno de falacias, inconsistencias y difamaciones- todo en pos de la agenda de control de armas tan prevalente en nuestros medios nacionales de habla hispana.
Univision Reporter Can't Explain Obama Gun Grab That Trump Revoked
February 21st, 2018 12:05 PM
Univision has joined the establishment media's laser focus on gun control in the wake of last week's horrendous school shooting in Parkland, Florida. This also means that Univision is also spreading willful misinformation in furtherance of gun control.
Post-Parkland, Telemundo Anchor Targets Marco Rubio In Unhinged Rant
February 19th, 2018 2:26 PM
Telemundo anchor María Celeste Arrarás is at it again, unleashing an unhinged editorial rant targeted at U.S. Senator Marco Rubio that is laden with fallacies, inconsistencies and outright smears in furtherance of the gun control agenda so prevalent in our domestic Spanish-language news media.
Joe Kennedy se mofa de los 'pensamientos y oraciones' en Al Punto
February 18th, 2018 2:17 PM
El congresista Joe Kennedy compareció en el semanario político Al Punto de la cadena Univisión para presentarse como un candidato presidencial en 2020, y no perdió tiempo en mofarse de las reacciones de muchos de sus paisanos ante una tragedia.