Corporate Liberalism
Omisión: Univision cubre a medias lío de mails entre Clinton y Powell
August 23rd, 2016 2:57 PM
Los televidentes de la edición del viernes de Notciero Univision recibieron un ejemplo preciso de lo que es el sesgo noticioso por omisión, esto debido a que la cadena reportó tan solo un aspecto de la controversia por correos electrónicos entre los ex Secretarios de Estado Hillary Clinton y Colin Powell. A estas alturas, nadie debe de sorprenderse al saber cuál fue la versión que Univision…
Omission Bias: Univision Reports One Side Of Clinton-Powell Email Flap
August 23rd, 2016 12:00 PM
Viewers of Friday's Noticiero Univision were treated to a prime example of bias by omission when the network reported only one side of the ongoing email controversy between former Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and Colin Powell. By now no one should be surprised as to which side of the story was the one that actually got Univision air.
Es cierto: Univision fiscaliza más a Peña Nieto que a Hillary Clinton
August 23rd, 2016 11:18 AM
Si alguna vez se preguntaban lo que sería Noticias Univision cuando se interesa en reportar sobre escándalos y en exigirle cuentas a los poderosos, están de plácemes. Es decir, siempre y cuando no esperen que esos reportajes fiscalizen a políticos demócratas en los Estados Unidos.
Univision adquiere a Gawker. ¿Ahora, qué sigue?
August 22nd, 2016 2:27 PM
secó la tinta, y un juez de quiebras aprobó la semana pasada la la compra de Univision de Gawker Media por $135 millones en subasta. ¿Cómo engrana Gawker con la estrategia mediática de Univision, y qué sigue tras esta movida? Veamos.
Cosmo Panics for Mexican Pine Trees: ‘Stop Eating Avocados Right Now’
August 18th, 2016 11:01 AM
Overreaction and panic are typical of the environmentalist left. Cosmopolitan magazine proved it again as they ordered people to stop consuming avocados ... for the trees’ sake. “You need to stop eating avocados, right now,” Cosmopolitan demanded Aug. 17.
NBC Exec Slams ‘Demented’ Trump, Deletes Insulting Facebook Post
August 17th, 2016 3:43 PM
NBC Chairman Bob Greenblatt slammed presidential candidate Donald Trump, calling him "toxic" and "demented," after his network spend more than a decade building his image. In a Facebook post he later deleted, Greenblatt lamented the “sad state of affairs” created by “pompous businessman turned reality TV star” Donald Trump.
Univision Helps Spin Latest Clinton Foundation Controversies
August 16th, 2016 5:57 PM
It was barely a year ago when we first uncovered Univision's willfull blacking out of any potentially harmful news surrounding the Clinton Foundation. It appears that very little has changed since then. On Sunday's Al Punto, Jorge Ramos and Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-CA34) had this brief exchange upon concluding their deep analyses of Melania Trump's pre-marital immigration statuses.
Apple CEO Tells WashPost He Got Cooper’s Advice Before Coming Out
August 15th, 2016 5:22 PM
Before Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly revealed his sexuality, he received advice from CNN’s Anderson Cooper — who came out publicly in 2012. That’s what Cook told The Washington Post in a wide-ranging interview including his views on homosexuality and environmentalism.
Jorge Ramos' Transition From Advocacy to Partisanship Now Complete
August 11th, 2016 1:52 PM
We recently detailed our concerns over how Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos might have crossed a line by writing an implicit endorsement of Hillary Clinton. His most recent column, however, has erased all doubt and crossed the final line between advocacy journalism and outright partisanship.
Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi Trashes ‘The Myth of the Liberal Media’
July 30th, 2016 1:48 PM
Is media bias just smart marketing? Yes, suggests Taibbi, who claims it’s “irrelevant” that “most individual reporters” are liberals given that their profit-driven, audience-conscious corporate overlords keep them on a short leash. “Whatever their personal leanings, influential reporters mostly work in nihilistic corporations, to whom the news is a non-ideological commodity, to be sold the same…
Reportero de Univisión malinforma sobre portavoces hispanos en medios
July 27th, 2016 10:39 PM
El vicio mediático se manifiesta de varias maneras. La mayor parte de las veces, el sesgo es evidente cuando examinamos la manera en que se enmarca una noticia. En otra ocasiones, el sesgo se presenta al determinar cuáles hechos se presentan y cuáles no. Y a veces, el sesgo se revela mediante una presentación completamente capciosa de los hechos, Hoy examinaremos una instancia similar.
Univision Scrambles To Spin DNC's Damning 'Latino Brand' E-mail
July 26th, 2016 1:21 PM
The establishment media is back on its heels in the wake of some of the more explosive revelations within the hacked DNC e-mails recently released by Wikileaks. One of those e-mails, however, cut a little too close to the bone for Univision News.
Univision Anchor Jorge Ramos Pens Tacit 'With Her' Column
July 21st, 2016 9:52 AM
Jorge Ramos' latest column clarifies and brightens a formerly blurry line between journalism and advocacy; between neutrality and partisanship, tacitly endorsing Hillary Clinton for President in the process.
Univision: Anti-Sanctuary City Parents 'Depicted Undocs As Murderers'
July 20th, 2016 4:21 PM
Earlier, we showed how Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos gave an immigration lecture to the father of a young man murdered by an illegal immigrant gang member. Sadly, it wasn't just Ramos, and Univision News went further.