
CNN Trashes 'Contentious' Trump, Hails Biden, Guthrie

October 16th, 2020 7:25 PM

On Friday, CNN's New Day mercilessly attacked President Trump's town hall performance while praising Joe Biden. A discerning viewer would be hard pressed to find a nice thing that was said about Trump, while Biden was heaped with praise and even the one criticism was excused. 

Deceptive: ABC Town Hall Used Dem Speechwriter, Ex-Candidate’s Spouse

October 16th, 2020 4:35 PM

Chick-fil-A is delicious, Jesus is Lord, the sky is blue, water is wet, and town hall questioners are covert liberal activists. As reporter Tyler Olson found on Friday, two of ABC’s Biden town hall questioners “had ties to high-profile Democrats, including one questioner who previously worked as a speechwriter in the Obama administration.” And, no, that didn’t include the fact that…


CNN Pumps Up Biden Before Town Hall: Dismisses Trump

October 15th, 2020 7:34 PM

On Thursday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, Briana Keilar was all too happy to warp the facts to fit the prevailing leftist narrative. To accomplish this, the host brought on former Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron to assist in attacking the President for supposed “conspiracy theories” and then praise Joe Biden for his supposed ability to handle tough questions.


CNN CENSORS Hunter Biden Bombshell, Obsesses on Weak Trump Attack

October 15th, 2020 1:30 PM

At this point, it is common for CNN and other leftist media outlets to censor anything that could be damaging to the Democratic nominee Joe Biden. This was showcased during Tuesday’s New Day broadcast where co-host John Berman completely ignored the explosive allegations against Joe Biden in favor of two claims against President Trump. Not once were the allegations against Biden brought up.…


Cuomo Fears Court Packing Dodge ‘Hurting Biden’

October 13th, 2020 7:38 PM

Over the past week, there has been a controversy over the fact that Joe Biden and his campaign will not answer a simple question - whether or not he will support partisan court packing, where seats are added to the Supreme Court to ensure a left-wing majority. Over the weekend, Biden said that voters would know his stance on court packing after the election. His vice presidential nominee…


CNN FREAK OUT: Camerota Brings on Pence Aide Just to Scream at Him

October 10th, 2020 2:59 PM

In the wake of the coverage from leftist hacks about Wednesday’s Vice President debate, Vice President Pence's chief of staff Marc Short appeared on CNN’s New Day to give analysis of the debate. This turned out not to be the case as co-host Alisyn Camerota took the opportunity to attack the administration and President Trump. Camerota began yelling during the segment “What you didn't mention…


Stephanopoulos Schemes With Activist On Abolishing Electoral College

October 8th, 2020 11:25 AM

Fresh off covering the vice presidential debate, Good Morning America anchor and former Clinton press secretary George Stephanopoulos spent Thursday morning scheming with Democrat fundraiser Ben Sheehan on how to help Democrats win more elections by abolishing the Electoral College


CNN's Get-Well Card: 'Deeply Dishonest' Trump Has Left 'Wreckage'

October 6th, 2020 9:13 PM

“The President of the United States is a deeply dishonest person," this was the declaration uttered by CNN White House Correspondent John Harwood during Monday’s New Day. There was no evidence given, only a public opinion poll. This did not stop the partisan morning show from spending considerable time trashing the administration with such ad hominem attacks.

The copious…

Column: ENOUGH With Fraudulent Biden 'Town Halls' on TV

October 6th, 2020 5:10 PM

Beware the carefully scripted puffball “town halls” that have been organized by CNN and NBC to help Joe Biden’s campaign. As Biden makes a virtue out of having tiny, underpopulated “campaign events” for the TV cameras, these provide the fraudulent illusion of Biden engaging with undecided voters. The questions are toothless and are designed to promote answers that impress the audience as…


Bernstein Accuses Trump of 'Homicidal Negligence'

October 4th, 2020 7:13 PM

On Saturday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, host Ana Cabrera brought on ultra-hyperbolic political analyst Carl Bernstein to make insane accusations towards President Trump, accusing him of “homicidal negligence” for his coronavirus response. Naturally, Bernstein demonstrated that left-wing hacks such as himself completely lack empathy by accusing Trump of jeopardizing “national security”…


CNN Consults Peter Strzok On Election Security, White Supremacists

October 2nd, 2020 6:30 PM

If you have an anti-Trump book or view to hawk, CNN will love to have you on.  This was the case when CNN Newsroom host Brianna Keilar hosted disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok to scold and bash the President. “I worry about what the President is doing across the board to the United States government, to the leadership of that” he warned.

The disgraced former FBI agent has a…

The Hill Belches Dem Sweep ‘Would Bring Biggest Boost to Economy’

September 29th, 2020 12:12 PM

The Hill just did some vomit-inducing PR for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and other Democrats on the economy. It cited economists from an organization that had predicted economic disaster under President Donald Trump in 2016. 


MSNBC Panel MELTS DOWN Over Barrett Nomination

September 27th, 2020 7:48 PM

On Saturday night’s American Voices, MSNBC host Alicia Menendez melted down with Slate senior editor and legal correspondent Dahlia Lithwick, civil rights attorney Maya Wiley, and Rewire News Group senior editor Imani Gandy over President Trump nominating Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.


Lemon Pesters MLK III to Label Barrett 'Abysmal' on Civil Rights

September 26th, 2020 2:55 PM

On Friday’s CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon conspired with human rights activist and son of Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King III to spout woke talking points and fearmonger about President Trump nominating a Supreme Court justice. Most outrageously, Lemon encouraged King to label the actions of the Louisville police department as “terroristic actions” and to claim that a…