'Bad' News From Politico: 'Gun Control (as a Media Meme) Doesn't Survi

January 4th, 2013 1:14 PM
I'm almost surprised that the Politico's web site background isn't all black because of news delivered by its "On Media" reporter Dylan Byers on Tuesday. The "bad" news is that "gun control" as a media obsession appears to have largely disappeared, especially when you consider that some of the primary remaining stories on the topic are about David Gregory's illegal but unprosecuted (as of yet…

AP Plays Guilt by Association (With Bain!), Gives Sotomayor a Pass in

December 31st, 2012 3:50 PM
An unbylined Associated Press story at 1:34 p.m. (saved here for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) disgracefully covered a federal ruling which delivered a defeat (for now) against the enforcement of ObamaCare's contraception mandate. Unlike the Hobby Lobby situation (covered earlier today at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), where the dispute is over certain portions of the…

Rockland County, NY Paper Publishes Names, Addresses of Gun Permit Map

December 29th, 2012 9:27 AM
Turnabout is fair play. A week ago, Gannett's White Plains, New York-based Journal News published an interactive map containing " the addresses of all pistol permit holders in Westchester and Rockland counties" (previous related posts are here, here, and here). Like so many others throughout the U.S. and even throughout the world, Dylan Skriloff, Editor-in-Chief at the Rockland County Times,…

Anonymous Narrative Arrives to Defend Gregory in Meet the Press Magazi

December 26th, 2012 11:28 PM
William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has relayed the latest turns of events in the David Gregory Meet the Press magazine brandishing incident (previous posts here, here, and here). The press is finally paying attention: "Now that the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department is on record that it told NBC News not to use the high capacity magazine in its segment with Wayne LaPierre, the big media is…

Gannett's Journal-News in New York Defends Publishing Gun Permit Holde

December 26th, 2012 3:33 PM
Here's another entry for the "They can dish it out but can't take it" file. Jammie Wearing Fool is reporting, with supporting links, that Editor CynDee Royle at the Journal News headquartered in White Plains, New York, which on Saturday, as noted on Monday at NewsBusters, published an interactive map showing the names and address of all pistol permit holders in Westchester and Rockland…

DC Police: NBC Was Denied Permission to Show High Capacity Magazine

December 26th, 2012 2:29 PM
It's pretty close to a tie, but based on time stamps, Legal Insurrection's William Jacobson, at 11:23 a.m., was 22 minutes ahead of local DC TV station WJLA in breaking an important update to the David Gregory magazine clip saga going back to Sunday's Meet the Press program. (The classless credit hogs at Politico published a related story, didn't credit Jacobson, and while citing WJLA, failed…

Lefty Media Tweeters Go After Reporters at Obama Presser For Not Obses

December 20th, 2012 1:02 AM
At his news conference on Wednesday, President Obama opened with a statement of over 1,100 words, all of it on gun violence, including his announcement that "I’ve asked the Vice President to lead an effort that includes members of my Cabinet and outside organizations to come up with a set of concrete proposals no later than January -- proposals that I then intend to push without delay." That…

Ever So 'Helpful' AP Tells Readers That 'Right to Work' Name 'Is Misle

December 12th, 2012 11:14 AM
Demonstrating his and his employer's pro-union bias, Jeff Karoub at the Associated Press, in compiling a list of "5 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT MICH. RIGHT-TO-WORK BILLS," made "The Name Is Misleading" his first item. As an AP journalist, Karoub is likely a member of the Occupy Movement-supporting News Media Guild. Earlier this year, his employer's recently departed chairman, acting in an official…

AP on Friday: Mich. Right to Work Law an Exercise in 'Raw Power,' With

December 11th, 2012 6:25 PM
There will be plenty of time later to look at how the Associated Press and other wires more than likely fail to report the violence that took place in connection with right-to-work legislative actions in Michigan's legislature today. For now, let's look at the reactions of Associated Press reporters John Flesher and Jeff Karoub on Friday in an item which is no longer at the AP's main national…

Not News: Food Stamp Participation Jumped by Over 600,000 in September

December 7th, 2012 11:57 PM
The U.S. Department of Agriculture released its latest report on food stamp program participation through September today. I received the email alerting me to the release at 5:17 p.m., so it seems reasonable to believe that USDA and the Barack Obama administration wanted the new data to get as little attention as possible (as will be seen later, it's currently getting none). If so, they have…

Politico Providing Meal Suggestions as Cory Booker Takes the Bogus 'Fo

December 5th, 2012 2:49 PM
Newark Mayor Cory Booker is considered a rising star in Democratic Party politics. Though a doctrinaire liberal on many fronts, he possesses several positive traits, including a willingness to risk his own safety when he sees people in danger and the courage to call out his fellow party members when they irresponsibly bash private-equity firms which, while occasionally making mistaken…

Fox's Gutfeld Scores Direct Hits on Costas Hypocrisy, Whitlock's Bigot

December 5th, 2012 8:44 AM
In a video posted at the Daily Caller by Jeff Poor (HT Hot Air), Fox News's Greg Gutfeld went after Bob Costas's opportunism and hypocrisy on gun rights in the wake of the Jovan Belcher tragedy. He also took on Jason Whitlock's inexcusable characterization of those who believe that the Constitution's Second Amendment means what it says and insist that our government continue to act as if it does…

Politico's Sycophants Call Dems' 2012 Guv Race Efforts (Net One Slot L

December 4th, 2012 7:47 PM
Entering the 2012 election cycle, Republican governors were in charge of 29 of the nation's 50 states. After the election, their number rose to 30. Though there were disappointments, my trusty spin-free calculator tells me that's a net pickup of one. The sycophantic leftists at the Politico apparently see things differently, judging by the following email I received about Gov. Peter Shumlin…

Oct. New Home Sales Flat; AP's Crutsinger Insists on Tagging Sandy; Ne

November 28th, 2012 3:54 PM
The real news in today's new-home sales information published by the Census Bureau is that September's previously reported 389,000 in seasonally adjusted annual sales was written down by over 5 percent to 369,000. Hmm -- The higher figure, aggressively touted as the highest in 2-1/2 years by the Associated Press and other establishment media outlets, was reported on October 24, just 13 days…