Latest Climategate Emails: BBC 'In Cahoots With Climategate Scientists

November 27th, 2011 9:02 AM
Imagine if it were discovered that free-market think tanks were caught vetting scripts of Fox News programs, intervening to prevent free-market sceptics from receiving air time, and consulted with the network about how it should alter its programing in a free-market direction. The howls of outrage would be loud, long and unrelenting from other news networks, the wire services, and leading U.S.…

AP's Kuhnhenn Runs Interference for Washington Doing Nothing About Deb

November 26th, 2011 1:42 PM
It seems that everyone in Washington believes that there is zero chance of any kind of economic calamity befalling this nation until January 2013, even though the government is on track to stay on self-destructive autopilot until then. I do not understand how or why anyone can be that confident. Jim Kuhnhenn at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, almost gleefully…

Wesley Smith Notes Pro-Embryonic, Anti-Adult Stem Cell Research Bias i

November 25th, 2011 11:52 PM
On November 15 (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I compared how two of the leading wire services, Reuters and the Associated Press, covered the announcement by Geron Corp. of its decision to halt the first government-approved clinical trial involving embryonic stem cells. Reuters fairly noted that "teams working with adult stem cells -- a less ambitious area -- are making good progress." While…

Toledo Blade: Robber Killed by Store Clerk While Scooping Up Cash Is

November 23rd, 2011 6:54 PM
I admit that I haven't kept up with trends in establishment press local crime coverage. But an item at Toledo-area blogger Maggie Thurber's place about a robbery-related story in Monday's Toledo Blade caught my attention. I hope the perspective Maggie saw on display is an outlier. I'm concerned that it may not be. You see, someone robbing a convenience store in the Glass City was killed…

AP Attempting to Rewrite History of Obama's and Dems' Occupy Movement

November 21st, 2011 8:34 PM
Give John Nolte a gold star. In a Friday post at entitled "Panicked AP Attempts to Memory-Hole Democrats’ #Occupy Endorsements," Nolte latched onto the beginnings of the establishment press's desperate attempt to distance President Obama and the Democratic Party from the rapidly devolving Occupy movement. The disingenously headlined item Nolte caught, apparently from an…

AP Story: 'Deep Cuts' (Which Aren't) Are a 'Threat' to the Economy

November 20th, 2011 9:20 AM
In their deeply deceptive Friday morning story ("Deep spending cuts pose a new threat to US economy") about how the bicameral bipartisan supercommittee is supposedly going to hurt the economy with whatever results from its handiwork, Christopher Rugaber and Daniel Wagner of the Associated Press, aka The Administration's Press, "somehow" forgot to include one "little" detail, and deferred…

Cain's Taliban 'Gaffe' Refuted by Cain Spokesman and Mere Minutes of I

November 19th, 2011 10:12 AM
Oops, he supposedly did it again. Herman Cain, the GOP presidential candidate who has experience as a rocket scientist on his resume, made another allegedly "stupid" remark. Why, if you buy the press's accounts of his statements, it's hard to believe the guy can dress himself in the morning without hanging his pants over his head and putting his socks on his hands. Here's what Cain said that…

AP Gets Fooled by a Christopher Walken Impersonator Who Has Been on th

November 18th, 2011 11:27 PM
You can't make this up: The ever-careful Essential Global News Network known as the Associated Press actually believed that a guy who has been on a DC sports show for several football seasons impersonating Christopher Walken was actually Christopher Walken. After excerpting several paragraphs from AP's unbylined (naturally) mea culpa (saved here at host for future reference, fair use and…

Free Publicity on CBS for Millionaire Liberal's Call to Tax the Rich

November 17th, 2011 3:04 PM
CBS's Chris Wragge spotlighted a millionaire's bid to raise taxes on the rich on Thursday's Early Show, all the while omitting that his guest is a big money donor to liberal candidates like Al Franken and to Wragge didn't bring on any opponents of higher taxes, nor did he play sound bites from them. Instead, he played three clips from proponents, including former Clinton aide Robert…

Newspaper Guild Endorses Occupy Movement's Thursday 'Day of Mass Actio

November 16th, 2011 8:57 PM
Five weeks ago, Dan Gainor of the Media Research Center's Culture & Media Institute thoroughly documented (at NewsBusters; at MRC) how "two separate news unions, including the newspaper guild, the recognized union for many print and online journalists, and the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) are fully behind the radical message of Occupy Wall Street." Now that the Occupy encampments…

Pattern: Media Relay Occupiers' Claims of Non-Involvement, Then Whitew

November 15th, 2011 8:50 AM
Blogger John at Verum Serum has unmasked yet another instance where initial claims by "leaders" at an Occupy site claiming non-involvement with crime fell apart after a short while. Even worse, after his post went up, a subsequent report on the same incident a few hours later scrubbed the truth to again make Occupiers appear not culpable . After the jump, readers will see the initial and then…

Leftist ProPublica Questions Politico's Decision to Publish Cain Alleg

October 31st, 2011 7:12 PM
For those who don't know, ProPublica (bold is mine) "is an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest. Our work focuses exclusively on truly important stories, stories with 'moral force.' We do this by producing journalism that shines a light on exploitation of the weak by the strong and on the failures of those with power to vindicate the…

Climategate II? 'Science-Settling' Study 'Proving' Global Warming Alle

October 30th, 2011 9:02 AM
CRITICAL UPDATE AT END OF POST A week ago (at BizzyBlog; at NewsBusters), I noted how Charleston Daily Mail blogger Don Surber quickly determined through all of a few minutes of Internet research that Berkeley professor Robert Muller, who convinced Washington Post Plumline blogger Brad Plumer that he was a "climate skeptic," has been a believer in human-caused global warming since the early…

Jonathan Alter's Blinders: 'White House Free of Scandal'; Obama Asset

October 29th, 2011 11:10 PM
Jonathan Alter, who spent 28 years at Newsweek, has been a columnist at Bloomberg News since early this year. Just this year, the reliably and insufferably liberal Alter, among many other things, called the Republican House's passage of Paul Ryan's budget plan in April an attempt "to throw Granny in the snow," and coldly calculated that in the wake of her shooting, Arizona Congresswoman…