AP's Babington Rolls Out Obama and Dems' Talking Points on Extending P

August 22nd, 2011 2:57 PM
The opening sentence of Charles Babington's "objective report" about the possible extension of what was billed late last year as a "temporary payroll tax cut" reads like a Democratic National Committee press release: "News flash: Congressional Republicans want to raise your taxes." It doesn't get any better until the final paragraph. Babington's babble is otherwise a long-winded, chidish…

At CSM Hit Piece, Former Biden Economist Calls Perry 'Keynesian,' Errs

August 18th, 2011 1:21 AM
The Christian Science Monitor appears to have a problem monitoring its bloggers. Even though it asserts that its "diverse group of the best economy-related bloggers out there ... (have) responsibility for the content of their blogs," the largely respected CSM should understand that Jared Bernstein has just embarrassed it bigtime. To its credit, CSM describes Bernstein, currently a senior…

AP Puts Dem Propaganda Spin on Obama's 'Me Too' Tour

August 14th, 2011 10:38 PM
I can hardly believe that the President of the United States, whose team is apparently deeply concerned about their guy's declining popularity and news stories which kept Republicans in the headlines this weekend, is going on a "Me Too" bus tour of Iowa, Minnesota, and Illinois this week. The only plausible reason for this is to attempt to blunt the generally positive GOP vibe coming out of…

AP's Writeup on Castro's 85th Birthday Tags Him As 'Revolutionary Icon

August 13th, 2011 10:59 PM
Tuesday (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), yours truly noted an email from the Associated Press's Images Group which encouraged subscribing outlets to use its "iconic images and videos" to promote the 85th birthday of Fidel Castro, the "Legendary Cuban revolutionary and longtime leader." Today, writing what may be the wire service's last calendar-driven excuse to heap praise on him while he is…

Irony Alert: Nation's Chris Hayes Doesn't Want 'Hacky Partisans' On Ne

August 12th, 2011 5:06 PM
Chris Hayes told New York magazine recently he doesn't intend to have any "hacky partisans" on his weekend MSNBC show that debuts September 17. But the NewsBusters archive reveals a trove of evidence demonstrating that the Washington editor of the left-wing Nation magazine could only live up to that standard if he banned himself from his own show:

AP Headline: Anyone Who Questions Perry's Soft Immigration Record Is

August 11th, 2011 4:29 PM
First, to be fair to Associated Press reporter Christopher Sherman, because there is no equivalent reference in the 3:34 p.m. version of his report on Rick Perry's immigration positions, the headline which will follow the jump does not appear to be of his doing. But whoever at the wire service decided on the headline to use at Sherman's piece definitely has a problem with anyone who questions…

AP's Academic 'Expert' Excusing Flash Mob Crime Is An Undisclosed New

August 10th, 2011 12:27 AM
NOTE: This post replicates one which originally appeared on August 10 but was inadvertently deleted due to system complications two days later. For some reason, Associated Press reporters Eric Tucker and Thomas Watkins, in a story about the wave of flash mob crime in the U.S. this summer, felt compelled to find an "expert" who would express some sympathy for its participants. Well, they…

AP's Images Group Promotes 'Iconic' Castro, Ché Photos Commemorating

August 9th, 2011 1:28 PM
Communist Cuba's Castro brothers may be asking themselves why they need to engage in any propaganda on their own when they have Associated Press's Images Division promoting photos of Dear Leader Fidel Castro as "iconic" and the brutal Ché Guevera as a "revolutionary hero." What follows is the text of an email NewsBusters and BizzyBlog commenter/correspondent Gary received from AP Images on…

ABC Financial Expert Slapping S&P As 'Suspect' Is Undisclosed Obama Fu

August 7th, 2011 10:13 AM
The predictable MSM reaction to Standard & Poor's downgrading of the US government's credit rating? Kill the messenger, of course.  Yesterday, we noted how Jeff Glor at CBS' Early Show parroted the Obama line about the downgrade being "political." Today it was ABC's turn.  Good Morning America had on Mellody Hobson, a regular ABC "financial contributor" and former host of her own ABC…

GDP Media Coverage, Part 2: Time's Error-Prone Embarrassment

July 29th, 2011 11:07 PM
This afternoon's report at Time.com's misnamed Curious Capitalist blog by Roya Wolverson ("GDP Report: What It Tells Us About the Debt") is an embarrassing hash of omissions, errors, and gratuitous political points. Ms. Wolverson's most obvious omission is her failure to mention the government's breathtaking downward revision to first quarter gross domestic product growth from the annualized…

Steyn Ridicules Press's Insistence on Calling Budget Ideas 'Plans'; No

July 23rd, 2011 8:28 PM
On Wednesday evening (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), I noted the absurdity of Associated Press coverage characterizing the 5-page document with 3-1/2 whole pages of text issued by the "Gang of Six" as a "plan" -- 12 times, plus in the item's headline. Though I didn't bring it up then, an obvious point to make about any of these items floating around Washington is that if the Congressional…

AP Claims Bush Tax Cuts Caused National Debt to Grow by $1.6 Trillion

July 17th, 2011 3:43 PM
In an unbylined update of the latest developments in the budget-tax-spending-debt ceiling discussions in Washington this morning, the Associated Press committed several blunders in attempting to explain what's going on and how we got to where we are. First and foremost was its list identifying "contributors" to the $8.5 trillion growth in the national debt since 2001. Here's the AP's you-can'…

David Cay Johnston's Utterly Humiliating, Totally Incorrect Anti-Murdo

July 15th, 2011 3:31 PM
I've been trying to resist taking satisfaction in David Cay Johnston's utter humiliation on his first assignment at Reuters. Y'know, there but for the grace of God, etc. I do wish him well, though I question whether the feeling is mutual. More important, I hope he recognizes the need to go into journalistic rehab. My guess is that he doesn't. The former New York Times journalist/reporter (…

WaPo, AP and NYT Furiously Spin Panetta's 'You're Here Because of

July 13th, 2011 5:54 PM
He said it, he meant it, and there's no denying it. On Monday, in a statement carried at the Washington Post, the Associated Press, the New York Times (Page A8 of Tuesday's print edition), and elsewhere, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told U.S. troops at Camp Victory in Baghdad: "The reason you guys are here is because on 9/11 the United States got attacked. And 3,000 Americans — 3,000 not…