Does He Know Where He Works? MSNBC's Chuck Todd Upset 'Right' Would Co

July 28th, 2010 9:30 AM
NBC News White House correspondent and MSNBC daytime anchor Chuck Todd told Politico's Roger Simon that the Journolist scandal has been keeping him up nights, and he's especially frustrated that "the right" would use it as "a sledgehammer" against everyday journalists, "those of us who don't practice advocacy journalism."Todd fretted: "Journolist was pretty offensive. Those of us who are…

Peter Orszag: Another Journolist Member With Government Ties? Klein Sa

July 24th, 2010 1:23 AM
NewsBusters posts Friday afternoon provided readers with a list of 65 known participants in the now-infamous Journolist (via Melissa Clouthier) and the special case of Jared Bernstein, Vice President Joe Biden's Economic Adviser (via Lachian Markey). (Aside: Does the fact that Biden has his own econ adviser explain why what the Vice President says in public about the economy is so often of sync…

Journolisters' Plot to Stifle 2008 Rev. Wright Coverage Not the First

July 20th, 2010 9:21 AM
Earlier this morning, NB's Tim Graham put up an excellent post on the Daily Caller's revelations that members of the Journolist listserv group "Plotted to Bury the Jeremiah Wright Story in 2008." Though perhaps more blatant, the Journolist effort is not the first example of acknowledged coordination on the part of key members of the establishment press. In fact, an arguably more influential…

ABC's Z. Byron Wolf Confused: Why Don't Americans Support Awesome Dems

July 15th, 2010 10:36 AM
UPDATE - 7/15, 7:00 PM: Politico makes a nearly identical argument. Ace tears it to shreads. Details below. The folks at ABC News are confused. Democrats are passing all this awesome legislation, they posit, so why are Americans acting so hostile and looking to hand Congress to the GOP? The key problems, ABC's Z. Byron Wolf deduces, are that Democrats simply have not embraced liberalism enough…

Left-wing Media Regulation Group Sees 'Astroturf' Everywhere Except in

July 8th, 2010 3:27 PM
Advocacy groups have increasingly labelled their opposition as "astroturf," or corporate-funded fake grassroots, groups in order to demean them and lessen the fact that both sides enjoy some measure of public support. Many of the organizations throwing around accusations of astroturfing, such as the Marxist net neutrality advocacy group Free Press and the liberal ThinkProgress not only engage in…

Failing Newsweek Rejects Bid from Conservative Buyer

July 1st, 2010 11:35 AM
If the folks at Newsweek had a Bartlett's handy, they might know that Albert Einstein is credited with defining insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." But The New York Times reported June 30 that the Washington Post Company is committed enough to the failing magazine's liberal ideology that it has rejected a bid from a conservative buyer. "The…

MSNBC Host Calls Left-Wing Group Co-Founded By Obama 'Non-Partisan

June 30th, 2010 9:55 PM
ROTF, laughing my Demos off . . . Barack Obama is president.  Oil is gushing in the gulf.  America was eliminated from the World Cup.  Looking for a laugh break? Try this: MSNBC has described DEMOS as "non-partisan."  OK, I hadn't heard of them, either.  But their web site just happens to mention that Barack Obama is "a founding Board member."But that didn't stop Chris Hayes of the lefty Nation…

CNN's Yellin Cites Her Own Liberal Harvard Days in Defense of Kagan

June 30th, 2010 1:07 PM
On Tuesday's Rick's List, CNN's Jessica Yellin harkened back to her college days at Harvard as she defended Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan against charges by conservatives that she is anti-military: "When I was at Harvard, a full decade before she was dean of the law school, there was already institutional opposition to 'don't ask, don't tell' steeps the whole university."Yellin,…

Media ‘Feeding Frenzy’ Continues in Palin Coverage, Gainor Says

June 28th, 2010 2:56 PM

David Weigel Affair Reveals Just How Isolated Media Left Is from Conse

June 28th, 2010 2:28 PM
One emerging narrative from the tale of Dave Weigel's resignation is the extent to which the journalistic left is insulated from opposing views. The two institutions involved, JournoList and the Washington Post, are exemplars of liberal epistemic closure.Ezra Klein's now-defunct email list provided a forum for journalists to collaborate, as long as they were, in his words, "nonpartisan to liberal…

AP Breaking: Supremes' Ruling 'Casts Doubt' on Chicago Handgun Ban

June 28th, 2010 10:54 AM
Lord have mercy, even when it hits him in the face, the Associated Press's Mark Sherman won't concede the obvious: "Cast doubt"? Is that what court rulings do now? A USA Today item has it right:

Mika Admits: I'm 'Working With White House' On Oil Spill Talking Point

June 21st, 2010 8:56 AM
Cut out the middle-woman and install Obama's teleprompter on the Morning Joe set . . . Give her high marks for candor: on today's show, Mika Brzezinski admitted that she has been "working with the White House" on oil spill talking points.  But that still leaves the issue of the journalistic propriety of someone in Brzezinski's position serving as such a blatant shill for the president.  H/t tip…

In the Best of Hands (Not): Even AP's Borenstein Sees Problems With Ob

June 20th, 2010 10:36 AM
The presidential commission tasked with investigating the BP oil spill is so short on technical expertise and packed with left-leaning politicians and knee-jerk environmentalists that even the Associated Press's resident ClimateGate apologist Seth Borenstein is concerned. On December 12, 2009, over two weeks after the ClimateGate e-mails first appeared, Borenstein wrote that "the exchanges don't…

More Washington Post Hijinks? Reporter Cancels Book Party Appearance H

June 10th, 2010 8:38 PM
It's probably safe to assume that a lot of reporters in the mainstream media lean to the left side of the ideological spectrum. And it was seen throughout the health care debate over the past year and a half - that somehow we need to raise the rhetoric beyond hyperbole like death panels, etc. One of those reporters was The Washington Post's health care reporter Ceci Connolly, who last summer…