The Media's Myth of Right Wing Violence

March 24th, 2010 9:52 PM
There is a disturbing chill in the air according to the leftist media. Threats of violence and rumor of murder are taking center stage instead of reporting legitimate public outrage about the passage of Obamacare. You need not click far online to hear another person refer to Glenn Beck as "dangerous", yet they can never claim specifically why. Despite their rhetoric, the media refuses to follow…

Supposedly Apolitical 'Today' Guest Is HuffPo Blogger Who Urged Reade

March 21st, 2010 9:39 AM
Jenna Wolfe's introduction of her guest on health-care on this morning's Today would surely have led viewers to believe he was an objective, apolitical voice.  What Wolfe didn't tell viewers is that Andrew Rubin is a HuffPo blogger and such an avid ObamaCare advocate that he urged his readers to call Congress to lobby for it. Here was Wolfe's intro: "The politics surrounding the health-care bill…

Vanity Fair Fears ‘Texas Witch Trials’ Will Erase the Civil Rights

March 18th, 2010 11:59 AM
In a textbook case of liberal-hysteria, Henry Rollins and Vanity Fair fear the Texas Board of Education will wipe Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Charles Darwin, the Civil Rights movement, and even the outcome of the Civil War from the pages of history in the "Great Texan Rewrite."At question is a recent victory by conservatives on the Texas Board of Education to adopt more traditional…

AP Headline Falsely Asserts 'Rebuttal' of Those Questioning Cal. 'Runa

March 15th, 2010 1:36 AM
The Associated Press's 10:33 p.m. rendition of its coverage of the ongoing James Sikes "Runaway Prius" saga begins with the following headline and opening pair of paragraphs: The problem is that the AP report's complete content, in combination with properly understood English and the relevant definitions at the always-handy, make it clear that Sikes's lawyer hasn't "rebutted"…

As ACORN Agrees to Leave Ohio, AP Writer Despicably Plays the Race Car

March 14th, 2010 11:57 PM
The Associated Press seems to have two unwritten rules on how and when to write stories about leftist controversies and setbacks: Rule Number 1 -- Do little or nothing with the story until you can figure out a way to make center-right critics or victors look like the bad guys. Rule Number 2 -- If you're thinking about covering the story any other way, refer to Rule Number 1. On Thursday, the…

Newsweek's Howard Fineman to Obama: 'Stop Caring What We All Write and

March 14th, 2010 4:36 PM
Newsweek's Howard Fineman has some stellar advice for President Obama in his recent column: stop governing for the press. Though Fineman makes the right diagnosis for Obama's ailment -- his "journalistic" style -- his assessment of its consequences is facile and ignores the intricacies of electoral politics.Fineman insists that it is not really important to cater to the journalistic establishment…

Texas Social Studies Curriculum Vote Brings Out Worst in AP Bias, Labe

March 12th, 2010 11:16 PM
April Castro and the headline writers at the supposedly "objective" Associated Press are obviously not pleased with changes the Texas State Board of Education made to the Lone Star State's social studies curriculum. Castro's report (HT to an NB e-mailer) makes almost no attempt to hide her clear disdain. She includes references to a "far-right faction" (a "faction" that happened to constitute a…

After Months of Ripping on Tea Parties, CNN Extols 'Coffee Parties

March 12th, 2010 4:39 PM has an article on its website extolling the virtues of the Coffee Party. The glowing language the piece uses to describe the movement stands in stark contrast to the cable network's treatment of Tea Party groups over the past year. CNN doesn't like the Tea Party movement, that much is clear. The cable network's on-air staff and guests have proclaimed it an "anti-government" group of "…

NY Times Obsesses Over Texas 'Conservatives' Changing Curriculum, Igno

March 11th, 2010 3:08 PM
New York Times reporter James McKinley Jr. was in Austin to cover a controversy over school curriculum in Texas, with conservatives on the state Board of Education trying to soften the liberal tone of the state's textbooks and include more records of conservative accomplishments. His Thursday story, "Texas Conservatives Seek Deeper Stamp on Texts," was positively sodden with "conservative" labels…

Tom Hanks: America Wants to ‘Annihilate’ Terrorists Because ‘The

March 9th, 2010 4:06 PM
Over the weekend, Time Magazine published a long, glowing profile of Tom Hanks to help promote his upcoming HBO miniseries “The Pacific.” And as with all things entertainment media, the subject is never challenged or even made to shift uncomfortably in his seat. The push to ascend Hanks to “national treasure” status is clearly on. Hanks does seem to be a genuinely nice man and the work he’s done…

ABC and CBS Call the Food Police for 'Misleading Labels

March 4th, 2010 2:14 PM
When the networks get a story involving food, labeling and health, they know just how to cover it: get reaction from their favorite lefty advocacy group, and paint consumers as defenseless patsies. That's what CBS' "Early Show" and ABC's "Good Morning America" did on March 4. In an alleged violation of the Federal Food Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the FDA has issued its biggest crackdowns in fifteen…

Newsweek's Romano: Obama 'Too Reasonable' to Pass Health Care

March 3rd, 2010 6:49 PM
Why can't President Obama get a health care bill through Congress? Nope, it has nothing to do with the fact that a clear majority of the country doesn't want the federal government overhauling seventeen percent of the economy. The problem is he is just too darn reasonable.So posits Newsweek's Andrew Romano, who notes that Obama could have gone wholesale-government-takeover on health care and a…

MSNBC Won't Release Video of Van Jones Calling Saddam's Human Shields

February 28th, 2010 12:26 PM
Remember Van Jones? He's trying to make a comeback, and the mainstream media seems to be lending him a helping hand in getting back into the Washington power structure. Jones, in case you don't remember, was the administration's Green Jobs Czar. He resigned after it came to light that his name appeared on a 9/11 Truther petition.That, it turned out, was not the extent of his wackiness. He led a…

MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell Bungles the Facts in 'Truth-squadding' Attempt

February 26th, 2010 3:03 PM
What good is the liberal media's "truth squadding" or "fact-checking" when it doesn't reveal any facts and is completely divorced from the truth? MSNBC's Norah O'Donnell gave a stark answer to that question this morning, when she appeared on "Morning Joe" to discuss yesterday's health care summit. O'Donnell heaped praise on the President for being "in command of some of the facts", like the "…