David Shuster's Online Reading List a Who's-Who of Far-Left Opinion

January 31st, 2010 12:11 PM
How can journalists possibly claim to be "objective" (in the Old Media, I-have-no-opinions sense of the term) when they get their news only from hyper-partisan sources on one side of the political spectrum? To do so should make any reporter blush.But David Shuster, apparently, has no issue with undertaking such objective journalistic endeavors as "fact checking and analyzing", while gathering…

MSNBC Brass: Shuster Tweets 'Inappropriate'--Breitbart Forces Retracti

January 28th, 2010 4:21 PM
A spokesperson for MSNBC told Politico today that the channel's brass has reprimanded David Shuster for derisive tweets he directed at James O'Keefe Tuesday. Within hours, he had retracted portions of his tweeted comments on air during an interview with Andrew Breitbart.This humble blogger documented the Twitter exchange yesterday, and pointed out that Shuster was much quicker to assume O'Keefe's…

David Shuster 'Giddy' to Cover James O'Keefe Arrest

January 27th, 2010 3:57 PM
Update - 1/28, 10:25 AM | Lachlan Markay: Law enforcement officials have clarified that O'Keefe is not being charged with an attempt to wiretap phones. Will Shuster issue a retraction?It's often said that bias shows through in what journalists decide to cover or not cover. So it was telling when Politico's Michael Calderone tweeted today, "@DavidShuster just said he's off to New Orleans to report…

George W. Bush Gets Applause Despite Katrina ... Oh, Wait

January 26th, 2010 6:02 PM
(This post has been updated below.) 'Ya just gotta love BDSers (those with Bush Derangement Syndrome). Their hatred is so intense that it causes them to get even the most elementary of facts wrong. In this case, it's sports guy Filip Bondy of the NY Daily News, writing about this past Sunday's NFC Championship game in New Orleans:If you needed further proof of this [New Orleans racial] divide,…

NewsBusters Interview: Tim Carney, Author of 'Obamanomics

January 22nd, 2010 11:08 AM
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Americans were treated to a number of populist sermons on the "special interests" who would oppose "reform" at any cost to maintain the "status quo" from which they "profit financially or politically." The drug companies, the energy companies, the Wall Street bankers, and the health insurers were the corporate enemies of a just and harmonious America, or so…

MSNBC's Deutsch: Mass. Voters Opted for 'Visceral Comfort' of a White

January 20th, 2010 2:40 PM
There are times when speaking in a stream of consciousness is a good and wholesome thing.  None occur in front of a camera, as evidenced by the public escapades of MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch.The former ad-man took to today’s “Morning Joe” set yesterday morning to offer the following wisdom in reference to the impending Massachusetts electorate:He is a traditional-looking middle-aged white male.  We’re…

Globe Columnist Goes Off Deep End: Mass. Electorate Was 'Drunk on Powe

January 20th, 2010 1:12 PM
I heard Rush reading from a newspaper column during his first hour, but missed the first couple of paragraphs. So I didn't know its origin. Given what I was hearing, I thought that El Rushbo was surely reading the latest from Maureen Dowd at the New York Times. Nope. It turns out that it was written by the Boston Globe's Brian McGrory (pictured at right; original is at this link). McGrory wants…

MSNBC's Brzezinski Talks Media Bias, Blames Lib Media for Starting Fox

January 19th, 2010 5:17 PM
TVNewser has a transcript par excellence, for your reading pleasure.  In sum, Mika Brzezinski has gone off the Big Media reservation again, in a good way. Let’s just say she unwittingly (?) offers praise for a cable news network with much better ratings.In an interview for her new book, Brzezinski spoke with Julie Menin about the partisan nature of today’s American media:BRZEZINSKI: "I've worked…

WaPo's Quinn: Scott Brown Success Due to '80s Semi-Nude Photo Shoot

January 19th, 2010 2:35 PM
The special election in Massachusetts is sure to be a close one. Should Republican Scott Brown prevail, however, the liberal media will have a host of ways to explain away the election as an anomaly and by no means a referendum on either the president or his legislative accomplishments (or lack thereof).Perhaps one of the most absurd instances of this thinking came on last night's "O'Reilly…

Good, Bad, Pathetic: AP's Kuhnhenn Calls 'Bank Fee' a Tax, Labels As

January 19th, 2010 8:34 AM
Last week, in his "analysis" of Barack Obama's proposed "bank responsibility fee," the Associated Press's Jim Kuhnhenn got one important thing right and two others very wrong.The part he got right was describing the proposed fee as a "tax." The first thing he got wrong was identifying the proposed move as a legitimate form of "populism." The second is his claim that the idea is "straight out of '…

When Bush Plummets in Polls, It's News--Obama, Not So Much

January 17th, 2010 2:17 PM
It is a strange paradigm among much of the mainstream  media that plummeting poll numbers are of far greater import for Republicans than  they are for Democrats. That, at least, is the logical conclusion of the relative silence of major media outlets on the steep decline in President Obama's poll numbers compared with the decline in President Bush's.According to an Allstate/National Journal poll…

Krugman's Evolving 'Conscience': Conservative 'On the Take,' Liberal D

January 14th, 2010 5:24 PM
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman's double standards: A conservative radio host who was paid by the Bush administration to push its education agenda was "on the take," but a liberal professor paid by the Obama administration while pushing its health care agenda "is no big deal."When it was revealed in January 2005 that conservative radio host and commentator Armstrong Williams was paid $240,…

'Bubbles' Brzezinski Picks a Favorite Founding Father: Lincoln

January 14th, 2010 4:56 PM
Via Ed Morrisey at HotAir.com, we find out what you get when you cross a liberal, with a blonde, and a person of Polish heritage: Mika "Bubbles" Brzezinski.Coming back from commercial this morning at the MSNBC Clown Kingdom, the bump-in video clip was one of Sarah Palin’s interview with Glenn Beck.  Palin stated that it took all of the Founders to come up with the Constitution, but that George…

Politico Serves As Open Channel for UnID'd Liberal Groups To Do Damage

January 12th, 2010 5:34 PM
Ken Vogel, the Left Whisperer The Politico's Kenneth P. Vogel was today a poor excuse for a journalist.  He was, however, an excellent excuse for a public relations flack for President Barack Obama and his Administration.Recall if you will the brouhaha that arose after C-Span Chief Executive Officer Brian Lamb publicly released a letter to House…