For Conservatives Online, Plenty of Commentary But Not Enough News

December 13th, 2009 3:54 PM
A number of the conservative movement's prominent online figures are battling to be the right's equivalent of Talking Points Memo or Huffington Post--political organizations that report hard news. Many believe that to truly harness the power of the Web, political organizations must report their own news, rather than comment on reporitng from traditional outlets."The left needs Daily Kos, but they…

Toward the End, Editor and Publisher Lurched Left

December 11th, 2009 3:00 PM
With the demise of the Editor and Publisher this week, many media commentators are nostalgic for the hard-nosed trade journalism the newspaper industry publication often engaged in. E&P's strength was always in its core mission of reporting news industry trends. In its latter years, like a number of other outlets, it began to stray off-course into garden-variety, hypocritical leftist media…

Breitbart Unveils 'Big Journalism' to Combat 'Democrat-Media Complex

December 10th, 2009 4:20 PM
Battling the "Democrat-media complex" is hard work, but Andrew Breitbart shows no signs of letting up. He announced today in an interview with Mediaite that he will launch a new site entitled "Big Journalism" in January designed solely, in his blunt words, to "fight the mainstream media."Big Journalism will be the latest addition to the prominent network of Breitbart's sites, which include…

WaPo Raises Victory Flag For Warner, Kaine -- Ignores Mark Levin

December 10th, 2009 12:10 PM
The Washington Post has a problem with partisan memory loss.Many of you may have heard of the recent nastiness of a Virginia homeowners’ association attempting to deny Colonel Van T. Barfoot (U.S. Army, Ret.), a Congressional Medal of Honor winner, the right to erect a flagpole in his own front yard.  If you are like me, you heard about this first on Wednesday, December 2, on the Mark Levin radio…

Morning Joe's Barnicle to Michael Steele: What Are 'You People' For

December 9th, 2009 3:41 PM
“Morning Joe” was a little tense this morning.Fresh off Donny Deutsch’s defense of Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) slavery analogy, Mike Barnicle asked GOP Chairman Michael Steele about what proposals the GOP favored for health-care reform.  Along the way, however, he used an unfortunate choice of words:MIKE BARNICLE: [...] What are you people for?MICHAEL STEELE: You people? [starts laughing] Who are…

As Poll Numbers Decline, White House Won't Ditch Permanent Campaign

December 8th, 2009 11:13 AM
The Obama presidency is, for better or worse, the most media saturated administration in the nation's history. Due at least in part to revolutionary changes in the sharing of information, but equally abetted by the president's media-hungry personality and style of governing, Obama's face is just about everywhere these days.And Americans have noticed. In an attempt to land a spot on a DC-based…

56 Papers Issue Joint Editorial Demanding Action On 'Profound Emergenc

December 7th, 2009 1:27 PM
The earth is burning, the earth is burning! And it's all our fault! That's the essence of an editorial slated to appear in 56 newspapers worldwide today, including at least one in the U.S. Michelle Malkin pointedly notes that we aren't likely to see much interest in ClimateGate out of these "Chicken Little" publications. Here are some paragraphs from the very deep, very wide fever swamp, taken…

MSNBC's Scarborough Points Out NPR's Bias Hypocrisy

December 7th, 2009 11:29 AM
For the dog-bites-man news category: Joe Scarborough had a moment of intellectual schizophrenia today.On MSNBC's Morning Joe, co-host Willie Geist and executive editor Jim VandeHei were discussing a Politico story about internal political pressures at National Public Radio (NPR).  Apparently, NPR's top political correspondent Mara Liasson was asked by NPR executives to reconsider her…

A Tale of Two Leaks: NYT Bashed Palin, But Won't Touch ClimateGate

November 24th, 2009 12:41 PM
The ClimateGate email leak has demonstrated in full force a glaring double standard in the mainstream media's coverage of leaked information. Too often, liberal media outlets jump at the chance to damage conservative figures by publishing sensitive information, but refuse to publish such information if it discredits or hinders the left's efforts.As Clay Waters reported yesterday, Andew Revkin,…

WaPo: Climate Schemers 'Under Attack' By Skeptics Who Dare to Question

November 23rd, 2009 2:58 PM
The release of internal emails from Britain's University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit shows scientists plotting to ostracize and marginalize other researchers who question their assumptions on anthropogenic global warming. Yet the Washington Post finds that such a strategy is but a natural reaction to attacks on these scientists by climate skeptics.The Post characterizes the CRU, and the…

Times Shills for Second Stimulus, Ignores Widespread Fraud in First

November 22nd, 2009 11:19 AM
A "new consensus" has emerged on the success of the economic stimulus package, according to a New York Times headline. In touting the supposed success of the legislation, and hinting at support for another round of spending, the Times neglected to mention the widespread fraud that characterizes the administration's attempt at shoring up the economy.As reported by P.J. Gladnick on Saturday, the…

Tax Increase Campaign Item 3: Wars Cost Money And Rich Must Pay, MI Se

November 21st, 2009 10:37 AM
At this point, there should be little doubt that there is a concerted attempt underway to use the war in Afghanistan as a justification for punitively taxing high earners. Last weekend (noted at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), the New York Times discovered that wars cost money. It cited Wisconsin Democratic Congressman David Obey's concern that funding the Afghanistan effort at the level requested…

AFP Writes Up Proposed Tax With 'Next to No Chance' of Passage to Set

November 20th, 2009 10:59 PM
You've got to hand it to the propagandists at the AFP. When heavy-hitting members of the party they favor announce an idea whose main purpose is, as the New York Times suddenly "discovered" last weekend, to remind people that wars cost money and distract from supposedly more important priorities, the wire service leaps into action. Even AFP acknowledges that the tax proposal by several top-tier…

NYT Discovers That Wars Cost Money

November 20th, 2009 12:22 AM
Really, who knew? In what appears to be the opening round of a rearguard action against what leftists used to call "the good war" (only because they felt they needed to pretend they had pro-war bona fides to make their anti-Iraq War arguments look stronger to the general populace), the New York Times's Christopher Drew reported last Saturday for the Sunday print edition that sending more troops…