
After A Day of Outrage, Kathy Griffin Apologies for Trump Beheading

May 30th, 2017 10:04 PM
For much of Tuesday, the country joined in rare collective outrage at the viral image of comedian Kathy Griffin holding aloft a mock bloody severed head of President Trump. Politicos from the left and right side of the spectrum shared a sense of disgust over the image that some equated to promoting violence, while one writer for The Atlantic didn’t have a problem with it. But at roughly eight o’…

Molly Ball Can’t Care: Trumps Playing ‘Victim’ With Beheading Photo

May 30th, 2017 6:23 PM
Late Tuesday morning, leaked images of washed up comedian and CNN News Year’s Eve co-host Kathy Griffin holding a bloody mockup of President Trump’s head aloft went viral. It took CNN hours before any host on the channel dared to bring her up. Following a warning for graphic content, Jake Tapper, host of The Lead, displayed an image. The members of Tapper’s panel were unfazed by the display, with…

Morning Joe: 'Ugly' Trump a 'Thug', 'Complete Idiot' Overseas

May 30th, 2017 12:05 PM
Following the closure of President Trump’s first foreign policy trip abroad, the cast of MSNBC’s Morning Joe were unanimous in their assessment: complete disaster. “I don’t really care what politicians are saying about a trip they know was a complete disaster,” co-host Joe Scarborough complained to foreign affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell,“You look at the President’s actions, you look at the…

WashPost Defends AP Freelancer's Sneaky Tactics at N.H. GOP Event

May 25th, 2017 9:51 PM
On Tuesday, Randy Hall at NewsBusters covered how "the Associated Press hired a 'freelancer' -- who turned out to be 'a hardcore left-wing activist' -- to attend a 'closed press' fund-raiser for the GOP in New Hampshire." In other words, the wire service sent Melanie Plenda to the event for the express purpose of crashing it, despite the NHGOP's clear instructions. It turns out that the…

Scarborough Decries: 'Stalinist' Trump to Blame for Montana Incident

May 25th, 2017 10:58 AM
In the wake of the scuffle that occurred between GOP Montana Congressional Candidate Greg Giafonte and Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs, co-host Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe went directly after President Donald Trump. “You can draw a straight line from Republican candidates thinking that sort of behavior is okay when you have Donald Trump berating reporters throughout the entire campaign,…

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Trashes Trump’s ‘Hateful’ Budget

May 24th, 2017 5:28 PM
Going after President Trump’s new budget, Joe Scarborough moved to tee up Senator Van Hollen of Maryland for a vicious attack on Wednesday’s edition of Morning Joe. “Chris, I’m a fiscal conservative,” Scarborough began innocuously, “But when I look at this budget, the blue print that the President has proposed, it is nothing less than hateful.” He then proceeded to expound upon the budget’s many…

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Questions Trump's Patriotism

May 24th, 2017 11:57 AM
Liberal Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski showed her hypocrisy on Wednesday, questioning the patriotism of Donald Trump. This from the same woman who previously decried questioning other people’s patriotism. Speaking of the President, she sneered, “I know it is a terrible thing to question someone's patriotism, but you wonder what he cares about.” Joe Scarborough replied saying,“ He's made it…

MSNBC’s Tur and Obama Flack Fight Over Who Was Supposed to Smear Trump

May 23rd, 2017 9:38 PM
On Tuesday, former CIA Director John Brennan appeared before a Senate committee to testify on what he knew of the allegations that members of Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with the Russians. In Brennan’s statements, he explained how the investigation got started. For MSNBC’s spotty political historian, Katy Tur, this meant that someone in Obama administration was to blame for not…

Scarborough's Claims of Conspiracy Destroyed by Turley

May 23rd, 2017 1:50 PM
Joe Scarborough unapologetically declared on Tuesday’s edition of Morning Joe that President Donald Trump was guilty of a conspiracy to end the FBI investigation into Russia. Stringing together the patchwork mess of media revelations and unsubstantiated claims of recent days he concluded, “Whether you work for Donald Trump in the White House, whether you are the DNI, whether you're the head of…

Schieffer: ‘Parallels’ Between Trump and Watergate, Trust Anon Sources

May 21st, 2017 3:10 PM
As the final segment to cap off Thursday’s CBS Evening News, the network allowed former Face the Nation moderator Bob Schieffer go on a rambling commentary where he dubbed Trump “the ‘What If’ president.” The premise of his commentary was “what if” the Trump had listened to Obama about hiring Flynn, and didn’t make every other misstep he had since being elected. Schieffer appeared during CNN’s so…

NBC’s Katy Tur Celebrates Teen Vogue’s Anti-Trump Awakening

May 21st, 2017 11:24 AM
After a turbulent week in American politics where controversial stories about President Trump’s administration were broken by newspapers with long-standing histories bias, NBC spent some time on Sunday Today championing a relative newcomer to “the game.” “But this national moment has brought some new players into the game as well,” touted host Willie Geist. “NBC's Katy Tur shines our Sunday…

Morning Joe Obsesses Over McCarthy’s Trump Joke

May 18th, 2017 1:54 PM
In the tumultuous world we currently live, there are a number of worthy topics of discussion. One possibility could be international issues involving countries such as North Korea, Iran, or ISIS.  Another might be hotly debated domestic issues including health care, entitlements, or even national spending. Instead of any of this, the cast of MSNBC’s Morning Joe chose to spend an entire segment…

CBS, NBC Highlight Release of Infamous Intel Leaker Chelsea Manning

May 18th, 2017 12:34 AM
Buried among the louder news stories of Wednesday evening was the release of the United States’ most infamous intelligence leaker, Army Private Chelsea Manning (formerly Bradley Manning). “Manning was released from a military prison in Kansas today. The transgender soldier served seven years of a 35-year sentence for giving government secrets to WikiLeaks,” touted Anchor Scott Pelley in a news…

Nets Flock to Special Prosecutor News, Knock Trump and Mock GOP

May 17th, 2017 10:29 PM
It appears that 5 p.m. has become the new witching hour, since for over a week that’s been when most of the major news stories regarding President Trump have been broken. It was no different Wednesday evening when D.C. was rocked by the announcement that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to be the special counsel to oversee the Russia…