
CBS’s Pelley Tees-Up Panetta to Smear Trump's Admin as Irrational

March 8th, 2017 9:28 PM
In a blatant effort to dirty President Donald Trump’s administration during Wednesday’s CBS Evening News, anchor Scott Pelley interviewed Clinton and Obama administration official Leon Panetta and gave him free reign to discredit the President. After rattling off a long series of Trump’s dubious claims, the first question out of Pelley’s mouth was, “Is it appropriate to ask whether the President…

NBC Drowns Out Conservative Criticism of GOP Health Care Bill, 5 Secs

March 8th, 2017 12:03 AM
Members of the Republican leadership on Capitol Hill rolled out their replacement for ObamaCare on Tuesday, and it immediately drew fire from both the left and the right. But you really wouldn’t know that if you watching NBC Nightly News that evening, where their main concern was that of the liberals. The network allowed two minutes five seconds to slamming the bill from the liberal perspective…

CBS Decries GOP Defunding Planned Parenthood in New Health Care Bill

March 7th, 2017 9:18 PM
On Tuesday, Congressional GOP leaders unveiled their new health care bill that’s supposed to repeal and replace ObamaCare, much to the chagrin of liberals and some conservatives. CBS came out strongly against the proposal and backed up Planned Parenthood in their stand against the bill. “Planned Parenthood is saying no deal to a proposal from President Trump,” announced anchor Scott Pelley during…

CNN Disparages GOP ObamaCare Replacement: 'Rich People Will Like It'

March 7th, 2017 10:51 AM
The panel on CNN's New Day Tuesday disucssed the criticisms behind the just-released Republican Party proposal to replace ObamaCare. In discussing the content -- or "the broccoli," as co-host Alisyn Camerota called it -- the panel's opposition, excluding Washington Examiner columnist David Drucker, ranged from labeling it as benefiting the wealthy to citing a new poll showing Americans'…

MSNBC’s Matthews Mocks Levin, ‘That's a Voice to Be Believed'

March 6th, 2017 10:08 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews came out swinging, during Monday’s Hardball, against conservative radio host Mark Levin for being the source of President’s Donald Trump’s claim of having his tower wiretapped by the previous administration. The 71-year-old Matthews postured like a schoolyard bully, towards the top of his program, as he mocked Levin for the sound of his voice. “Well, that's a voice to be…

NYT's Kristof Solicits a Felony in Tweet Begging for Trump Tax Return

March 6th, 2017 12:22 PM
It all started with an ignorant tweet by Vox's Matt Yglesias, who falsely claimed that "It's impressive that the IRS never leaks." The New York Times's Nick Kristof, apparently unaware or indifferent to the fact that he was simultaneously engaging in breathtaking hypocrisy and playing with fire, saw an opportunity to advertise his paper's law-subverting services, and tweeted the paper's physical…

AP Publishes Karen Pence's Private Email Address, Has No Regrets

March 5th, 2017 7:15 PM
Late Friday afternoon, Brian Slodysko at the Associated Press published a legitimate but overwrought news story on how Vice President Mike Pence, while Indiana's governor, had "emails about state business distributed from a private AOL account that was hacked last year." But the AP reporter also published Karen Pence's still-active AOL email address for no conceivably justifiable reason. Now the…

NBC’s Todd Connects 'the Dots’ of ‘Growing Evidence’ of Collusion

March 5th, 2017 3:57 PM
NBC’s Chuck Todd took a firm stand during Sunday’s Meet the Press as he pushed accusations that Trump’s campaign was colluding with the Russian government. “Connecting the dots between the Trump campaign and Russia,” he declared during his opening tease, “The growing evidence of the Trump-Russia connection threatens to consume the opening months of Donald Trump's presidency.” Through all of his…

NBC: FISA Approval Means Trump Campaign Was ‘Colluding' with Russians

March 5th, 2017 10:39 AM
Appearing to be torn between declaring President Donald Trump a liar and wanting to peg the administration as Russian conspirators, NBC’s Sunday Today decided to mischaracterize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. “We're throwing around the term FISA court, FISA warrant. Let’s explain a little bit Jeremy, what that means,” explained anchor Willie Geist, “The Federal Intelligence…

AP Takes One-Sided Hatchet to Trump's Tribute to Ryan and Carryn Owens

March 4th, 2017 10:22 AM
It's becoming quite obvious that the Associated Press, which has tilted ever more to the left for several decades, has been on the verge of going completely off the rails since their coordinated plan to elect Hillary Clinton failed in November. Naturally, the AP has directed its ever-increasing hostility at Donald Trump and his administration since that fateful day — seldom more obviously than in…

ABC, NBC Push Dem Accusations that Jeff Sessions Committed Perjury

March 2nd, 2017 10:40 PM
It appeared that two of the Big Three networks smelled blood in the water Thursday evening as both ABC and NBC lent their aid to Congressional Democrats in their push to oust Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “Many lawmakers on both sides have been calling for Jeff sessions to recuse himself when the news of these meetings broke,” hyped ABC anchor David Muir during World News Tonight, “But tonight…

CNN: Dem Senator's False Tweet 'Best Resource' to Attack Sessions

March 2nd, 2017 12:18 PM
On CNN's New Day Thursday, co-host Alisyn Camerota interviewed Wisconsin Republican Representative Sean Duffy about the developing news that Attorney General Jeff Sessions interacted with the Russians during the Trump presidential campaign, depsite then-Senator Sessions testifying during his confirmation hearing that although he served as a campaign "surrogate," he "did not have any…

Toward Better Relations with the Press

March 1st, 2017 1:40 PM
Before becoming a newspaper columnist I was a broadcast news reporter for local TV stations and occasionally appeared on the NBC radio and television networks. I have some experience at being on the receiving end of hostilities directed at the media. At a pro-Nixon, pro-Vietnam war rally I covered in the early '70s, a demonstrator looked at the NBC logo on my microphone and called me a "communist…

CNN’s Van Jones: Trump 'Became President of the United States Tonight'

March 1st, 2017 12:47 AM
From the man who infamously declared, on Election Night 2016, that Donald Trump’s win over Hillary Clinton was “whitelash” to a black president, CNN commentator Van Jones had a vastly different tone Tuesday night. The President’s address to a joint session of Congress was applauded by many for the emotional tone struck while speaking to the wife of slain Navy SEAL Ryan Owens; to which Jones…