
Clinton Lackey Gushes with Obama About Life in the White House

January 8th, 2017 11:15 AM
ABC’s resident Clinton insider George Stephanopoulos kicked off a special edition of This Week on Sunday with what he billed as President Barack Obama’s “exit interview.” As would be expected, the entire hour show was dedicated to their conversation with much of it set up to help Obama frame his legacy. But the interview started out slow with Stephanopoulos asking fluffy questions about life in…

CNN Touts Liberal Women Marching on DC Pretending to Be Non-Partisan

January 7th, 2017 4:50 PM
On Friday's CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello, host Costello devoted a four-minute segment to a pair of liberal women who are hoping to get 200,000 women to march in D.C. on Donald Trump's first day in office as President  Even though the group is obviously left-wing, not only were there no ideological labels used to describe their views, but they were even allowed to promote themselves as if they…

MSNBC Panel: Dems Need More Time to Grill ‘Bigot’ Sessions

January 6th, 2017 12:56 AM
MSNBC’s ever pleasant Joy Reid set her sights on Republican Senator Jeff Sessions on All In Thursday, with the usual accusation if racism. Reid and her panel of leftists were up in arms that congressional Republicans would only allow two days and four Democratic witnesses for Sessions’ attorney general confirmation hearing. “They have asked for more time because Jeff Sessions hasn't completed his…

MSNBC’s ‘All In’ Rewrites History of the Passing of ObamaCare

January 5th, 2017 1:02 AM
MSNBC’s Joy Reid apparently believes that the memory of the American public is so horrendous, that she actually attempted to rewrite the history of the passing of ObamaCare on Wednesday’s All In in an attempt to smear the GOP. “Republicans have been saying for SO LONG that they're going to repeal and replace, repeal and replace,” she exclaimed to Democratic strategist Jess McIntosh, “It's just…

CBS Spotlights Anti-Jeff Sessions Protest at His Alabama Office

January 4th, 2017 10:18 PM
Wednesday evening appeared to be CBS’s turn to hype the sit-in protest, orchestrated by the NAACP, at Senator Jeff Sessions’ office in Mobile, Alabama, after ABC was the sole network reporting it that morning. “Six arrests were made last night when protesters from the NAACP staged a sit-in at Jeff Sessions' senate office in Alabama,” announced fill-in anchor Josh Elliott during the lead-in, “They…

MSNBC’s Melber Paints Trump as Danger to First Amendment

January 4th, 2017 12:54 AM
MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber was hosting on All In Tuesday night when he smeared President-elect Donald Trump as a threat to the First Amendment. Melber’s fear stemmed from an incident that occurred over the weekend where Trump kicked author Harry Hurt III off of one his golf courses, “Because of a grudge over Hurt's 1993 biography of Trump, Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J…

Nets Finally Side with Trump, Tout Tweet Aimed at House GOP

January 3rd, 2017 10:10 PM
The liberal Big Three networks finally found a use for President-elect Donald Trump, and it’s to smear Republican members of Congress. The same networks who blacked-out unethical Democrats were up in arms Tuesday after the House GOP attempted to reform the Office of Congressional Ethics, but after it’s retraction they credited the president-elect. “The best-laid plans of Republicans armed with a…

Brian Stelter Glorifies Media in CNN’s Election Look Back Book

December 30th, 2016 4:29 PM
In an apparent attempt to frame the narrative of the 2016 election, CNN Politics published their “first-ever book” Unprecedented: The Election That Changed Everything in early December. Included in the tome is a longwinded essay crafted by CNN’s resident media critic Brian Stelter, where he chronicled the plight of the liberal media covering then candidate Donald Trump. His own anti-Trump bias…

MSNBC’s Hayes Blames Too Many Twitter Mentions for Hillary Defeat

December 30th, 2016 12:10 AM
In the wake of President-elect Donald Trump’s victory over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in November, the Democrats and the liberal media have been in a frenzy trying to find a reason for their comeuppance. At first they ran to their usual cries of racism and misogyny, but on MSNBC’s All In Thursday night the straw grabbing got weird as host Chris Hayes literally blamed too many…

AP Report: Atlanta Grad Students Still Can't Deal With Trump's Win

December 29th, 2016 1:25 PM
In an item published on Tuesday, Matt Sedensky at the Associated Press reported on what he observed in a graduate "Faith and Politics" class at Emory University immediately after and during the weeks following this year's presidential election. Class members' immature reactions to the election's result and the reporter's injected commentary are both disturbing, but very useful. That's because…

MSNBC Analyst Smears Conservatives for Caring About Food Stamp Fraud

December 29th, 2016 12:34 AM
MSNBC’s Ari Melber was up in arms Wednesday night, as he filled in on The Rachel Maddow Show, at Fox News for daring to report that food stamp fraud was up to roughly $70 million in 2016. But the outrage at Fox gave way to outrage at the white working class for falling for the racist “dog whistle” of caring about said fraud. “Why is this all coming up again now,” he inquired to his radical…

NBC Goes All In to Back Secretary Kerry on Israel Double-Cross

December 28th, 2016 9:44 PM
Secretary of State John Kerry took to the podium Wednesday and unloaded on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the State of Israel, claiming they were impeding the Middle East peace process. Later on that evening, NBC Nightly News went to bat for Kerry running two reports backing up his assertions. “Kerry painting a dire picture when it comes to reaching a peace deal in the Middle East…

MSNBC’s Hayes Fears Trump ‘Could Literally’ Trigger Nuclear Armageddon

December 28th, 2016 12:37 AM
MSNBC took their fear mongering of President-elect Donald Trump to new heights Tuesday night when All In host Chris Hayes reported that, “Trump’s comments about nuclear weapons have experts worried he could literally inadvertently trigger a catastrophe.” Hayes used two segments of his show to try to drive home his narrative and help spread his fear. He also brought on Esquire writer Charlie…

ABC Sticks Up for Obama After Trump Tweets Criticism

December 27th, 2016 9:59 PM
Network news outlet ABC was not amused by President-Elect Donald Trump’s tweets targeting President Barack Obama Tuesday evening, as reporter Mary Bruce rebuked much of Trump’s harsh criticism of the lame-duck president. “Now, the president-elect, 1,200 miles away [from Trump Tower], but not off Twitter, where he again took aim at President Obama,” announced Tom Llamas, filling in for Anchor…