
MTP: NYT’s Helene Cooper Praises Castro, Scolds ‘American View’

November 27th, 2016 1:47 PM
In the wake of the death of Cuba’s brutal dictator, Fidel Castro, President Barack Obama released a statement that failed to condemn him for his crimes. The statement left NBC’s Meet The Press moderator Chuck Todd perplexed on Sunday, asking The New York Times’ Helene Cooper “Why was it so positive?” Cooper blamed Todd’s confusion on “a very Americano-centric view of Cuba,” and argued that Obama…

NBC's Mitchell Glows About Castro, Reminisces About Past Meetings

November 27th, 2016 10:03 AM
Following the death of communist butcher Fidel Castro on Black Friday, the Cuban exiles and their descendants took to the streets of Little Havana in Miami, Florida to celebrate the turning point for Cuba. But on NBC’s Sunday Today, reporter Andrea Mitchell glowed about the communist leader and shared her memories of him. “[Castro] was a voracious reader … And very, very aware of everything that…

Geraldo: Castro Not 'All Awful,' 'Will Be Remembered Fondly'

November 26th, 2016 6:01 PM
In a Saturday morning appearance on Fox & Friends, Geraldo Rivera, who interviewed Fidel Castro in 1977 when he worked at ABC News, mostly defended the Cuban dictator whose death was announced Friday night. Rivera, while admitting earlier in the five-minute segment that "Communism stinks, we all know that," and that "Communism cannot compete with capitalism," nevertheless insisted in the…

Desperate Mitchell Badgers Rendell for Possible Vote Recount

November 23rd, 2016 3:23 PM
MSNBC’s resident Hillary Clinton super-fan, Andrea Mitchell, came across as particularly desperate Wednesday as she dedicated a segment of Andrea Mitchell Reports to dreaming of a possible recount in three key swing states. “Some Clinton supporters are trying to mount a campaign to ask for an audit in key states to see if a recount should be ordered,” she reported, “According to a group of…

CNN Loses it over ‘Small’ Neo-Nazi Meeting, Downplay Disavowal

November 22nd, 2016 9:22 PM

CNN continued to try and tie Donald Trump to a gathering of neo-Nazis that occurred in Washington DC over the weekend, during Tuesday’s edition of The Lead. That’s even after the president-elect denounced to group on the record with The New York Times. “And earlier today Donald Trump disavowed a neo-Nazi hate group in a way that he had until now failed to do,” pooh poohed CNN’s Jim Sciutto, “…

AP's Lederman Bemoans 'Sense of Despair' Among Obama's Aides

November 22nd, 2016 2:16 PM
As I noted yesterday in covering its pathetic hit piece on President-Elect Donald Trump's announced appointments, the Associated Press is high on the list of media outlets most simultaneously outraged and grief-stricken over the presidential election result two weeks ago. While the AP's Errin Haines Whack betrayed intense anger with Trump's selections thus far, the wire service's Josh Lederman,…

Matthews Off the High Speed Rails: 'Grab' Private Offshore Money

November 21st, 2016 11:23 PM
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews went of the metaphorical high speed rails during Hardball Monday night, as he announced a ridiculous plan to fund high speed rail. “We've got about $30 trillion sitting overseas, because of the tax laws of this country, the corporate tax rates and things like that,” he explained, “You say, ‘Why don't we find a way to grab all of that, in fact, and put it into development of…

Real AP Headline: 'Trump Staff Picks 'Injustice to America''

November 21st, 2016 11:15 PM
It's hardly a secret that establishment press news organizations have had a hard time coping with the reality that Donald Trump is this nation's President-Elect. Having worked so zealously in their failed effort to push Hillary Clinton over the finish line while abandoning all remnants of journalistic standards, the Associated Press and its reporters appear to be among the hardest hit. That…

Bloomberg WADR: Trump ‘Intends to Profiteer,’ Like LBJ and Harry Reid

November 21st, 2016 8:54 PM
Bloomberg’s political duo, Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, seemed to take conspiracy theories about a Donald Trump presidency to a new level Monday evening’s With All Due Respect, when they speculated that the president-elect would “openly” and “with impunity” profiteer off of his elected position. And in the process, they implicated both President Lyndon B. Johnson, Senator Harry Reid in such…

CNN’s Stelter: Trump Supporters ‘Confused’ by ‘Fake News’ Sites

November 20th, 2016 4:43 PM
The notion that Donald Trump was elected president of the United States because of fake news stories going viral is something the liberal media, and CNN’s Brian Stelter in particular, have been harping on for a while now. It was nagging Stelter so much that he dedicated a monologue to it during “Reliable Sources” on Sunday. “Now, to be clear, fake news infects the left and the right,” he noted at…

Sharpton: Sessions Pick, Proof GOP Is Just ‘Appealing’ to Bigots

November 20th, 2016 2:02 PM
President-Elect Donald Trump’s recent nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General appeared to have triggered MSNBC host Al Sharpton Sunday, as he took to his show PoliticsNation to bloviate how the Senator is a racist and the GOP is too. “For Americans worried about how Donald Trump will govern, now we know the answer,” he began his show, “A pick that threatens all the work done by…

ABC, NBC Smear Trump’s Cabinet Picks as ‘Really Old White Group’

November 20th, 2016 10:24 AM
As President-Elect Donald Trump’s cabinet selection process continued move along Sunday morning, the liberal media’s claims of chaos behind the scenes seemed to give way to cries of racism on the network morning shows. “So, there's a concern about lack of diversity so far in the hiring,” bemoaned ABC’s Paula Faris on Good Morning America, “We saw that he brought in Michelle Rhee and Nikki Haley,…

Google Searches on Jeff Sessions Go Straight to the Fever Swamp

November 19th, 2016 7:57 PM
The establishment press wants readers, listeners and viewers to believe that the search engines and social media are being overwhelmed by "fake news." Those making such allegations are, with rare exceptions, thinking of conservative and center-right web sites which have been countering their established wisdom and taking readers and dollars away from them. Well, if that's so, at least in regards…

Tucker Carlson Roasts Jonathan Allen Over Sessions Smear Piece

November 19th, 2016 5:38 PM
At Roll Call on Tuesday, Jonathan Allen went after four-term Republican Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions with a vengeance. Even before Sessions had been nominated for a government position by President-Elect Donald Trump, Allen wrote that "the Senate should reject him for any post that requires confirmation," calling Sessions "a partially reconstructed baiter of minorities" who "is beyond the…