
How to Get On Spanish-Language TV : Be Liberal on Immigration

April 20th, 2016 9:00 AM
It appears Univision and Telemundo will throw just about anyone on TV that will help push their favored side in the Supreme Court battle over President’s Obama’s executive actions on immigration, Texas v. United States. 

Newsweek Fawns over Jerry Brown, Never Mind the Messes He'll Leave

April 19th, 2016 6:04 PM
Has Newsweek just admitted to something the rest of the press knows but won't acknowledge? In promoting its insufferably fawning portrayal of California Governor Jerry Brown, the weekly magazine tweeted that Brown is "arming California to meet an economic recession head-on." Recession? What recession?

Jorge Ramos Takes Twisting Trump’s Words to Whole New Level

April 19th, 2016 8:40 AM
Univision’s Jorge Ramos once again took full advantage of the opportunity to engage in wholesale Trump-bashing during an Al Punto segment about the new Mexican movie Desierto (Desert), which presents the harrowing fictional story of a gun-toting American vigilante hunting down a group of unauthorized Mexican immigrants as they cross the U.S. border.

Pro-Amnesty 'Praying' Day on Univision, Telemundo Morning Shows

April 18th, 2016 6:38 PM
One of the hosts of Univision’s morning show, Karla Martínez, told viewers she’s "praying" for the success of Obama's sweeping executive actions on immigration. 

Cleric Compares Trump to Osama Bin Laden on Univision, Telemundo

April 13th, 2016 3:45 PM
A New York cleric known for bombast, demagoguery, rabble-rousing and harangues has found receptive platforms on Univision and Telemundo, on which to compare Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump to Osama bin Laden.

Brown Touts Bogus Claim 100,000 TX Women 'Have Tried to Self-Abort'

April 13th, 2016 1:10 AM
During the daily segment on MSNBC’s Hardball entitled “Tell Me Something I Didn’t Know” on Tuesday, longtime British journalist and former Newsweek head Tina Brown touted the widely debunked claim that “over 100,000 women in Texas have tried to self-abort” since 2011 due to pro-life legislation.

CBS, AP: Racist Joke Told by Dems Is 'Race-Based' and 'Insensitive'

April 12th, 2016 3:17 PM
Add this to the seemingly endless list of "Imagine what would happen if Republicans or conservatives did the same thing" items. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary "I don't feel no ways tired" Clinton and New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio rolled out a very tired, old and insulting racist stereotype this weekend. The headline at Stephanie Condon's report on the related event at CBS News…

Cincinnati Paper Plays Race Card in Lookback at Area Hit by 2001 Riots

April 12th, 2016 1:33 AM
Despite the decay of the left-dominated blue-city model during the past several decades, liberals and the press are not fans of many urban neighborhood improvement efforts. One recent example found at a national media outlet is at Newsweek, where on April 2, Alexander Nazaryan, in an item headlined "WHITE CITY: THE NEW URBAN BLIGHT IS RICH PEOPLE," wrote that "gentrification ... turns cities…

CBS Guest Urges GA to Remove ‘Terrorists’ Who Back Religious Freedom

April 8th, 2016 8:47 AM
Appearing a guest on Thursday's edition of CBS's The Late Show, openly-gay actor Tituss Burgess used the platform to inform the audience that, if given the chance to give the commencement speech at his alma mater the University of Georgia, he would urge graduates to "get these terrorists out of office" who supported the now-vetoed religious freedom bill.

Mika Skeptical of Stephanopoulos as Dem Debate Moderator

April 4th, 2016 12:14 PM
Welcome to the club, Mika: file this one under A Liberal Discovers Media Bias . . . Back in 2012, George Stephanopoulos was somehow permitted to moderate a Republican primary debate, and proceeded to harangue frontrunner Mitt Romney on the arcane matter of the right of states to prohibit contraceptive sales, thus abetting the Dems' "GOP War on Women" narrative. Republicans were rightly outraged…

AP Video on Small Biz Reax to $15/Hr. Min. Wage Stays in San Francisco

April 2nd, 2016 8:47 PM
The Associated Press sent its cameramen and reporters out to get the reaction of small business owners to California's just-passed six-year plan to raise the state's minimum wage to $15 an hour. Anyone expecting the AP to find representative responses clearly doesn't understand how the far-left propaganda machine disguised as an objective news service operates. All three business owners…

IBD and HuffPo Columnist Agree: Hillary Should Withdraw

March 28th, 2016 6:02 PM
Who says that there can't be occasional agreements across the partisan divide? The free-market, liberty-loving editorial board at Investor's Business Daily and a Bernie Sanders-supporting columnist at the Huffingon Post agree on one thing: Hillary Clinton should withdraw from the presidential race. Okay, IBD wants her to "suspend," while HuffPo's H.A. Goodman says she should "concede." Both…

Press Ignores Obama's False-Equivalence: Some Communist Ideas 'Work'

March 26th, 2016 10:53 AM
As noted in my previous post, the press is determined that the world not learn of profound statements made by world leaders it despises. The specific reference was to Israeli Prime Mininster Benjamin Netanyahu's five-word admonishment to those who believe that some accommodation can be reached with Islamic terrorists: "Terrorists Have No Resolvable Grievances." Meanwhile, the press protects…

Media Practices the Art of Misdirection, And It's Killing Us

March 25th, 2016 6:00 PM
The crack team at the Fusion network’s investigative unit is out with their findings explaining the roots of terrorism rising out of the terrorist hotbed of Molenbeek, Belgium. Apparently, it’s the 40 percent unemployment.