AP's Darlene Superville: Critics of Obama Economy Are 'Deniers'

February 29th, 2016 5:34 PM
It appears that there's an effort underway to expand the definition of "deniers" beyond the realm of climate change/"global warming." Ideally, in leftists' minds, a "denier" would be "anyone who doesn't accept leftist dogma without reservations." That definition would apparently extend to anything relating to the economy, if Associated Press White House reporter and dedicated Barack Obama…

AP: U.S. Economy Started 2016 'With a Bang'

February 29th, 2016 2:07 PM
At the Associated Press, in a Friday morning writeup, the wire service's headline writers and reporter Martin Crutsinger demonstrated extraordinary auditory powers. The headline writers somehow heard the entire U.S. economy start the year off "with a bang." Meanwhile, Crutsinger, continuing to earn his designated title of "worst economics writer" given by Kevin Williamson at National Review…

CBS Chides Rubio for Hitting Trump; Escalated a 'Crippling Civil War'

February 26th, 2016 10:55 PM
Pretending to show compassion and interest in the future of conservatism and the Republican Party, Friday’s CBS Evening News and anchor Scott Pelley lectured Marco Rubio for triggering “a crippling civil war” by attacking Donald Trump in Thursday’s debate that “reached lows that many Republicans would say are beneath the dignity of the office that the candidates are seeking.”

Telemundo Anchor Pleads with Rubio to Keep DACA in Place If Elected

February 25th, 2016 9:40 PM
Telemundo anchor Maria Celeste Arraras made her debut in Thursday’s CNN Republican Presidential Debate by not surprisingly touting the liberal line on illegal immigration by pleading with Republican Senator Marco Rubio (Fl.) to keep President Barack Obama’s executive action on young illegal immigrants (known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA). Later, she demanded: “Why does…

Debate Preview Update: Yep, Telemundo's Arrarás Preparing To Be Awful

February 25th, 2016 3:08 PM
Telemundo's María Celeste Arrarás, in an interview with Politico's Hadas Gold, confirms our pre-debate analysis and concerns.

AP Ignores Dems' 'Extraordinary' Record of Court Obstructions

February 23rd, 2016 11:53 PM
The Associated Press clearly hopes that most Americans still pay little to no attention to New Media. That's the only credible argument one can employ as to why the wire service's Alan Fram, in his Tuesday evening dispatch, characterized the unanimous decision of Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee not to hold hearings on a potential Supreme Court nominee this year as "extraordinary."…

Biden in 1992: Without Advance Consultation, I'll Block ANY Nominee

February 23rd, 2016 11:13 AM
As noted yesterday at NewsBusters, an enterprising individual poster at C-SPAN posted a 1992 video of then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Joe Biden indicating that then-President George H.W. Bush should "not name a (Supreme Court) nominee until after the November election" — and that if he did, his committee would "seriously consider NOT scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination…

Alan Colmes Fabricates Cruz's Absence From Scalia's Funeral

February 20th, 2016 9:41 PM
Liberal Alan Colmes, apparently miffed at people who have criticized President Barack Obama for not attending the funeral of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, asserted earlier today that GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz would not be there. Colmes got it wrong. Cruz was there, and it was known for quite some time that he would be there. Colmes, since the words "I'm sorry" are apparently…

Stephanopoulos: Win Puts Hillary ‘On a Solid Path to the Nomination'

February 20th, 2016 7:52 PM
Commenting on the Nevada Democratic caucuses during Saturday’s World News Tonight, ABC chief anchor and former Clinton administration official George Stephanopoulos gushed that her win over Bernie Sanders placed her “back on a solid path to the nomination” prior to the socialist Senator’s rise up through the primary states thus far.

Matthews Chats with Hillary on Judicial ‘Litmus Tests,' Bashing Rubio

February 16th, 2016 8:52 AM
Hillary Clinton made her latest appearance Monday night on the friendly confines of MSNBC’s Hardball as she partnered with host Chris Matthews to discuss “litmus tests” for judicial appointees and trash Republicans over their reaction to the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia plus Senator Marco Rubio for his pro-life views.

AP Deceptively Covers Supremes' Stay of EPA 'Clean Power Plan' Reg

February 10th, 2016 11:56 PM
If you're a couple of reporters at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, it's one thing to be personally disappointed and even upset at yesterday's move by the Supreme Court to grant a stay to states challenging the "Clean Power Plan" regulation issued by the Obama administration's Environmental Protection Agency last October. It's quite another thing to falsely portray what…

Ramos Reports from N.H. by Trolling Trump Supporters at Polling Sites

February 10th, 2016 5:02 AM
While touting the usage of cell phones in 21st century journalism on the Tuesday edition Fusion’s America, host and liberal Univision anchor Jorge Ramos played clips of his cell phone video reports from New Hampshire that included numerous encounters trolling Trump supporters who were merely standing outside polling places to support the billionaire.

CBS Evening News Hails ‘Terrific Interview’ of Obamas by Gayle King

February 8th, 2016 10:50 PM
Monday’s CBS Evening News continued to bask in the supposed glory of CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King’s pre-Super Bowl interview with President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama with additional excerpts and anchor Scott Pelley gushing over the “terrific interview.” Of course, CBS continued to make no mention of King’s connections to the Obamas as both a personal friend and donor to…

NY Times: Women Backing Sanders Need to 'Grow Up'

February 7th, 2016 5:43 PM
Hillary Clinton's campaign is in a place it doesn't want to be, and the New York Times really, really wants to help. Yesterday, Madeleine Albright told a New Hampshire audience at a Clinton rally that "there's a special place in Hell" for women who don't support Hillary. Her outrageous attempt to shame women into voting for Mrs. Clinton followed Gloria Steinem's Friday appearance on Bill Maher's…