Rush: Wrong, Mary Mapes, Your Dad Did Not Badmouth You on My Show

October 13th, 2015 4:39 PM
Back in September 2004, blogger Charles Johnson over at Little Green Footballs helped defuse an explosive allegation from Dan Rather on 60 Minutes II -- that then-President George W. Bush went AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War -- by pointing out the embarrassing fact that documents obtained by Rather to prove the claim were written in Microsoft Word font that wasn't…

Cass Sunstein's 'Just Embarrassing' Revisionist 2nd Amendment History

October 8th, 2015 3:39 PM
Did you know that the "The Gun Lobby Rewrote the Second Amendment"? No, really. Even though not a single word contained in that amendment has changed in over 220 years, you should believe it because former Obama administration official Cass Sunstein said so at Bloomberg View on Wednesday.

Update: ESPN's Ratings Down 9 Percent in Prime Time in Third Quarter

October 7th, 2015 10:42 PM
In a September 23 post ("Impending Layoffs at ESPN Aren't Only About the 'Media Landscape'"), I argued that ESPN's impending decision to lay off hundreds of employees is at least partially due to its determination to stuff political correctness down viewers' throats. I noted that the network's ratings suffered a nearly 30 percent decline from August 2014 to August 2015 — a sea change which…

Forensic Firm Rebuts PP Defenders, Says CMP Videos are 'Authentic'

September 30th, 2015 1:57 PM
Tuesday afternoon, Alan Fram laughably headlined his coverage of Planned Parenthood head Cecile Richards' appearance before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee at the Associated Press as follows: "FACING CONGRESS, PLANNED PARENTHOOD CHIEF REBUTS VIDEOS." She did no such thing. Most notably, Fram quoted Richards making the following statement to the committee: "The outrageous…

Not News: Richards' False Planned Parenthood Mammograms Claim

September 30th, 2015 10:03 AM
In Congressional testimony on Monday and Tuesday, Planned Parenthood head Cecile Richards twisted or failed to tell the truth in several instances. As shown last night, one of them related to how many of its facilities are involved in the provision of fetal tissue for compensation. Her claim that it's "less than 1 percent" is only plausible if the organization has recently terminated such…

CBS Uses Lib Group Passed as ‘Non-Partisan’ to Bash Trump's Tax Plan

September 30th, 2015 1:58 AM
Tuesday’s edition of the CBS Evening News used a liberal tax group, passed off as “non-partisan,” to bash, from the left, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s tax plan. Trumpeting the “non-partisan Tax Policy Center,” chief White House correspondent Major Garrett used multiple soundbites from senior fellow Howard Gleckman to hype that “an independent analysis says Trump's plan would…

CNN's Costello Boosts Planned Parenthood's Talking Points as 'Facts'

September 29th, 2015 2:08 PM
On Tuesday's CNN Newsroom, Carol Costello treated Planned Parenthood's own talking points about "three percent" of its services are abortions as "facts." Costello emphasized that "$500 million in federal funds goes to Planned Parenthood. None of that money...pays for abortions....Planned Parenthood says only three percent of their services are dedicated to abortion. The group says 97 percent of…

Veteran AP Reporter Promotes Absurd 'Laissez Faire Regulation' Myth

September 24th, 2015 1:48 AM
The competition for the most annoying aspect of establishment press business reporting is fierce. One which immediately identifies a reporter as hopelessly biased and ignorant is any reference to "laissez faire" as a condition allegedly present in any modern economy anywhere on earth. "Laissez faire" is an economic concept involving "an economic system in which transactions between private…

Impending Layoffs at ESPN Aren't Only About the 'Media Landscape'

September 23rd, 2015 11:16 AM
Word on the street is that ESPN is planning to lay off "200 to 300" employees in the coming months. The go-to euphemism surrounding the impending layoffs, according to Variety's Brian Steinberg, is "the changing media landscape," primarily the "cord-cutting" phenomenon. In July, the Big Lead blog, in discussing Keith Olbermann's expected departure from ESPN, explained that "millennials are…

At AP, Global Warming 'Deniers' and 'Skeptics' Are Now 'Doubters'

September 22nd, 2015 11:57 PM
In what appears to be a mixed result in the quest for clarity, the Associated Press has announced that its reporters and those who wish to adhere to its Stylebook guidelines will henceforth refer to those who don't worship at the altar of the global warming/climate change absolutists "doubters" instead of "deniers" and "skeptics." The specific change reads as follows: "To describe those who don’…

AP: CMP Videos Only Describe PP 'Sending Fetal Tissue to Researchers'

September 22nd, 2015 5:38 PM
The Associated Press, serving as the left's de facto Praetorian guard, came through for its abortion-supporting masters once again today. The wire service's Alan Fram, in a sentence describing the Center for Medical Progress's Planned Parenthood videos, told readers that they show "how they sometimes send fetal tissue to medical researchers" without noting that doing so routinely generates money…

NY Times Cohosts 'Oil and Money' Confab; Iran Oil Minister to Attend

September 20th, 2015 6:28 PM
A year ago, Tim Graham at NewsBusters noted that the New York Times was "offering 13-day tours of Iran guided by Times journalist Elaine Sciolino" at the bargain rate of $6,995 per person. Among other things, it promised "excellent insights into ... (the) life and accomplishments" of Ayatollah Khomeini, the ruthless Islamist leader who posed as a liberator, but then imposed a fundamentalist…

Business Wires: US Weakness Didn't Influence Fed's No-Change Decision

September 19th, 2015 10:02 AM
The business press is trying to convince readers, listeners, and viewers that Janet Yellen's Federal Reserve kept interest rates at zero not because of U.S. economic conditions, which supposedly "look good" with "steady economic growth." No-no. She stayed the course because of the troubled tglobal economy. Thursday evening, Reuters wrote that the Fed failed to move "in a bow to worries about the…

Real USA Today Article: ‘Where Would You Flee If Trump Wins?'

September 18th, 2015 10:53 PM
In the pre-social media days, we endured "threats" from various people, mostly celebrities with far-left political views, that they would leave the country if a Republican presidential candidate won election or reelection. Late director Robert Altman, actor Alec Baldwin, actress Kim Basinger, singer Barbra Streisand, and others threatened to leave the U.S. in 2000 if George W. Bush won that year'…