Salon Lets Former Occupier Rant Against 'Sexist' Video Game 'Legend of

October 9th, 2013 4:26 PM, which attacked Disney earlier in 2013 for its apparent lack of LGBT characters, plunged into a new depth of left-wing wackiness in a Saturday post that targeted a 15-year-old video game. Writer Jon Hochschartner unleashed against "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" for its supposedly "deeply problematic" handling of "class, race, gender and animal rights". The website…

USAT's Tim Mullaney: ' a Winner Despite Glitches

October 5th, 2013 10:06 AM
Early Friday afternoon, USA Today's Tim Mullaney excused's "glitches," confidently predicted that "they'll get fixed" (in about two months!) and pronounced the enterprise "an out-of-the-box success for consumers shopping for health insurance" which will "sell tons of insurance," even though he had to go to a canned calculator found elsewhere to do much of his work. As to "selling…

Too Good to Check? Obamacare Poster Boy Has Not Purchased Anything

October 4th, 2013 2:28 PM
(UPDATE: See Chad's response to Washington Post's Sarah Kliff at the end of this post.) If what Reason's Peter Suderman is reporting is correct — and he certainly appears to have done the kind of digging you would expect conscientious journalists to do — the establishment press's lionization of Chad Henderson the Fantabulous Obamacare Enrollee is about to fall apart. Suderman spoke at length…

MSNBC's Chuck Todd: WWII Memorial, Reid Cancer Stories Driven by 'Manu

October 4th, 2013 10:44 AM
On Thursday, MSNBC's Chuck Todd, in the introduction to his "Daily Rundown" program, characterized both the response to the Obama administration's barricading of the World War II Memorial and Harry Reid's response to a question about helping children with cancer by funding the National Institutes for Health ("Why would we want to do that?") as "manufactured outrage." World War II ended in 1945,…

AP Howler, Easily Disproven: Obamacare Enrollment Mess Demonstrates 'S

October 3rd, 2013 11:48 AM
Early Thursday morning, swallowing an Obama administration fallback talking point hook, line, and sinker, Juliet Williams and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, described the horrible problems users have had during the past two days in even accessing the Obamacare exchanges, including "overloaded websites and jammed phone lines," as proof of "strong…

Media Protection Racket Alert: Politico's Byers Defends Reid 'Cancer

October 2nd, 2013 11:58 PM
Politico's Dylan Byers is determined to tell us that we didn't see and hear what we really saw and heard, and that Matt Drudge is a filthy liar (Update, 8:20 a.m., Oct. 3: as well as Real Clear Politics —"Reid To CNN's Dana Bash: 'Why Would We Want To' Help One Kid With Cancer?") for relaying what CNN's Dana Bash saw and heard — and reported. Today, after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid…

CNN Email: Market's Tiny Wed. Losses Due to 'Looming U.S. Default,' No

October 2nd, 2013 5:07 PM says that the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed down 58.56 points today. The S&P 500 lost 1.13 points, while the NASDAQ lost 2.96 points. In percentage terms, those losses were 0.39%, 0.07%, and 0.08%, respectively. Even though there's usually a large element of speculation relating to why the broad markets go up or down on any given day, the pretend know-it-alls at CNNMoney.…

Politico: Obama, in Govt. Shutdown, Puts on a 'Display of Resolve and

October 1st, 2013 7:20 PM
The folks in office administration at the Politico had better put in for extra janitorial help. With all the horse manure their reporters are slinging during the partial government shutdown, it's gotta be getting knee-deep in those hoary halls. One of the more egregious examples of insufferable obsequiousness today came late this morning via Edward-Isaac Dovere and Reid J. Epstein. You see, in…

CBS Lets Sebelius' Former Adviser at HHS Spin For ObamaCare

September 30th, 2013 6:25 PM
CBS This Morning did its best over two days to put the most positive spin on the rollout of the ObamaCare insurance exchanges. On Saturday, the newscast turned to Bloomberg's Peter Gosselin, who likened the exchanges to "shopping for anything online on Amazon". However, the program failed to point out that Gosselin once worked in the Obama administration, and advised HHS Secretary Kathleen…

As Contrary Evidence Mounts, Establishment Press Ignores President's

September 29th, 2013 11:44 PM
Google News really needs to work on its results counter. The first page of its 10:15 p.m. search listings on [Obama "widespread evidence"] (typed exactly as indicated between brackets) tells us that there are "about 90 results," but moving to the second page of listed results shows there are only 11 (technically 13, because the first listing on the first page has three items). Those sparse…

AP's Lederman Falsely Frames Obamacare Opponents' Position: It 'Requir

September 29th, 2013 4:54 PM
Overheated and intellectually dishonest statements this weekend revolving around the impending government shutdown have not been limited to politicians in Washington, or even to pundits and commentators. Saturday at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, Josh Lederman, in a "Spin Meter" story, falsely claimed that Obamacare opponents believe that the law will mandate the…

IPCC Global Warming Report Moves Former WSJ Weatherman to Tweet 'Tears

September 29th, 2013 11:44 AM
Whether the ice caps are melting and by how much may be debatable, but the debate is over as to whether former Wall Street Journal weatherman Eric Holthaus, who now works at Quartz (, has had a meltdown.In a series of tweets on Friday afternoon (scroll down at link; HT Twitchy), Holthaus told the world of his reaction to the latest wave of hot air emanating from the Intergovernmental…

NBC Boosts Liberal Slams of Cruz for Using 'Green Eggs and Ham' Joke i

September 26th, 2013 11:22 AM followed the lead of Politico on Wednesday in hyping left-leaning attacks of Senator Ted Cruz for reading Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham" during his marathon floor speech against ObamaCare. Kasie Hunt and Carrie Dann spotlighted the critiques of Cruz from overt liberals, including former Obama campaign adviser David Plouffe; and Senators Chuck Schumer and Claire McCaskill. The…

'Dr. Seuss Expert'? Politico Turns to Far-Left Former ACORN Adviser to

September 25th, 2013 3:55 PM
Politico's Lucy McCalmont passed off a left wing professor as a "Dr. Seuss expert" in a Wednesday item about Senator Ted Cruz reading "Green Eggs and Ham" to his daughters during his marathon floor speech. McCalmont spent the bulk of her short article quoting from Occidental College's Peter Dreier slamming Cruz. The academician contended that Seuss would be "offended at almost everything that…