Headline Change at Thrush's Politico Pity Party: From 'Obama: Hey guys

April 30th, 2013 7:03 PM
The email announcing the supposedly momentous occasion of another column by the Politico's Glenn Thrush arrived in my mailbox with the following headline and subhead: "Obama: Hey guys, I'm still here -- The president's press conference brimmed with frustration and was filled with tantalizing promise." On clickthrough, I learned that the online website's massagers-in-chief changed those items…

Farrell at MarketWatch: 'Billionaires Control the Vast Majority of the

April 29th, 2013 12:39 PM
At MarketWatch this morning, Paul Farrell's hostility towards Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Milton Friedman and especially free-market capitalism boiled over. Farrell claims that capitalism "is destined to destroy the world, absent a historic paradigm shift." The problem he describes really has nothing to do with properly practiced free-market capitalism, but is instead a combination of…

Unreal: AP's Kuhnhenn Writes of 'Tough Week for Presidency

April 20th, 2013 5:33 AM
To be clear, this criticism is not of President Obama. It is directed at the Associated Press's Jim Kuhnhenn, who seems to think that the impact of any and all events in the nation and the world on the status of Obama's "presidency" is more important than any other consideration. I don't see any other way one can interpret the opening paragraph of Kuhnhenn's early Saturday dispatch (also here…

Politico's Donovan Slack Makes Up Boehner's Reaction to Obama's Budget

April 10th, 2013 6:59 PM
Any time you see an establishment press reporter fail to use quotation marks in characterizing something said by a subject of his or her report, be on the lookout for misdirection, misinterpretation, and downright distortion, especially if the person is a conservative or Republican. A story at Politico by Donovan Slack early this afternoon about the reactions of House Speaker John Boehner and…

MSNBC or MSDNC? Network Taps DNC Video Director to Produce New Show

April 10th, 2013 5:11 PM
Is it MSNBC or MSDNC?  Andrew Kirell of Mediaite reported today that the left-wing commentary network has hired the Democratic National Committee’s director of video production, Anne Thompson, to produce the network’s newest weekend show Up with Steve Kornacki.  Yet, this is just another episode in the annals of MSNBC’s revolving door of hiring Obamaites.  MSNBC has already hired David Axelrod…

Wow: NYT Coverage of Lew's European Trip Carries Claim That U.S. 'Has

April 8th, 2013 8:51 AM
Your daily dose of inadvertent humor comes from an article by Annie Lowrey at the New York Times on Sunday evening ("Lew to Press for European Policy Changes"; also in today's print edition). In "covering" (from Washington?) Treasury Secretary Jack Lew's four-day European trip for meetings with EU leaders encouraging them to pursue "growth" policies -- which in Keynesians' fevered minds…

AP's Rugaber: 'Gone Are the Fears That the Economy Could Fall Into Ano

April 4th, 2013 10:20 PM
Well, we can stop worrying about the economy now. Write it down. Chris Rugaber at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, tells readers today that the business cycle has been repealed. That's right. As of now, "Gone are the fears that the economy could fall into another recession." Even giving him the benefit of the doubt that he only meant to refer to the short- or intermediate…

AP Headline and Story Label OH-01 (GOP Congressman's 2012 Victory Marg

March 31st, 2013 9:54 PM
I guess we had better start paying closer attention to how the establishment press labels -- and mislabels -- congressional districts. The headline at the Associated Press at a lengthy column composed by Charles Babington bemoaning the lack of willingness of Ohio First District Congressman Steve Chabot to "compromise," i.e., sell out his principles, reads as follows: "PARTISAN DISCORD FINDS…

Politico's Glueck Spends Four Paragraphs Smearing the NRA Before Notin

March 30th, 2013 7:35 PM
Politico's "About" page consists of two rotating graphics: One says: "More reporters. Better coverage." The other: "A distinctive brand of journalism driving the conversation." It's hard to make a case that Politico's coverage is "better" (than what -- the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press? That would be setting the bar pretty low). And while it is distinctive, the web site…

Rasmussen Poll: 45% Say Sequestration 'Cuts' Weren't Deep Enough; That

March 30th, 2013 4:34 PM
At the Politico, Darren Samuelsohn reports that "The public has largely tuned out the Democrats’ repeated warnings about ... (what will happen) if the sequester cuts stay in place." He also notes in a separate report that Republicans "Republicans are winning the sequester wars," and that "even the White House admits there’s little chance of reversing all the cuts." Of course, what's in…

As Warming 'Hiatus' Nears Two Decades, AP Reports Continue to Unskepti

March 30th, 2013 8:29 AM
A quick review of recent dispateches from the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, finds four items which unskeptically take claims of "global warming" at face value -- and that's just from Thursday and Friday. Too bad for AP, and the public at large being brainwashed by the incessant repetition of what is proving to be patently false, that we're nearing the two-decade mark of…

Des Moines Register Publishes, Pulls Map of Guarded and Unguarded Scho

March 28th, 2013 8:40 PM
Apparently the journalistic disease known as obsessive-compulsive interactive map publishing is spreading. Late last year, Gannett's Journal News in White Plains, New York created a firestorm when it published an interactive map of gun permit holders in two counties north of New York City, obviously giving criminals, depending on how they target victims, the identity of places to rob to get…

CNN's Piers Morgan Falsely Claims Newtown Shooter Was an NRA Member

March 28th, 2013 5:41 PM
Note to Piers Morgan: Journalism isn't rocket science and making a few phone calls can go a long way. Giddy about a Newtown search warrant that showed there was an NRA certificate found in the Lanza household,  Morgan tweeted giddily:  I want to hear Wayne LaPierre explain what checks they made on Adam Lanza before sending him a @nra certificate. #Newtown — Piers Morgan (@…

Ashley Judd Not Running for Senate in Ky. (For Now); Obsessed Politico

March 28th, 2013 1:12 AM
Actress and Tennessee resident Ashley Judd announced today that she is not running for Senate in Kentucky. Politico has two items on this political development. The main story by Maggie Halberman and Manu Raju defensively describes her as "an eighth-generation Kentuckian." The second is a very short post from Caitlin McDevitt linking to the longer original which merely excerpts five…