
Naming Names: Tucker Slams Media Folks Who Attacked Catholic Teens

January 21st, 2019 11:53 PM
The liberal media had been left reeling after a weekend of spreading misinformation and smears against a group of innocent Catholic high school students who were being harassed in front of the Lincoln Memorial. At the start of the Monday’ edition of his show, on Fox News Channel, Tucker Carlson shamed those who jumped to the conclusions that fit into their narrative. Naming names, Carlson also…

CNN's Briggs: MAGA Hat 'Caused an Overreaction' by D.C. Protesters

January 21st, 2019 6:25 PM
On Monday's Early Start, as CNN caught up on informing viewers about how the infamous exchange between MAGA hat-wearing Kentucky high school students and Native American protester Nathan Phillips began, host Dave Briggs seemed unconvinced with Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann denying that he had taunted the Native American activist and war veteran as Briggs also blamed the…

Awful: MSNBC Panelists Place Kids Alongside Neo-Nazis, Segregationists

January 21st, 2019 5:21 PM
On Sunday’s Kasie DC, the MSNBC panelists did their best to have it both ways when it came to the liberal media-fueled controversy involving the Covington High School students. Over the course of their discussion, they insisted that the story symbolized the need to be careful when jumping to conclusions while plowing ahead by placing the students alongside neo-Nazis, the KKK, and segregationist…

Twitter Won’t Delete Threats Against Covington MAGA Teens

January 21st, 2019 4:37 PM
Twitter has refused to delete many calls for violence by verified Twitter celebrities against conservative Catholic students or suspend the offenders stay from the platform. A fake news story falsely accused Covington Catholic High School students of harassing a Native American activist outraged the internet this past weekend. The story has since been corrected by some outlets, but the damage has…

USA Today Publishes Smear Story on 'Beastly' Covington Kids

January 21st, 2019 4:07 PM
USA Today acknowledged online on Twitter early on Monday that the viral first take on Covington Catholic students for "attacking" a Native American activist in Washington is unraveling: "The longer version of the incident is more complex, and now that it has surfaced, the rush to judge the teenagers is coming under attack."

Weekend CNN, MSNBC Spend Over 53 Minutes Trying to Smear KY Students

January 21st, 2019 3:43 PM
Between Saturday morning and Sunday night, CNN and MSNBC spent 53 minutes and 20 seconds on the fallout from Friday's confrontation between Covington High School students in Washington for the March for Life, a Native American veteran named Nathan Phillips, and the Black Israelites. 29 of those minutes came before anyone realized that perhaps things weren’t as they wanted it to appear. Of course…

NYT Hot Take: ‘Racist’ MAGA Teens ‘Mocked a Native American Veteran'

January 21st, 2019 3:13 PM
The New York Times used an old, unrelated local story to slanderously accuse Trump-supporting kids of racism. The charge was based on the now infamous viral video confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial between Catholic students and an American Indian activist. Members of the supposedly fact-based media have been obliged to furiously backtrack from their initial hot take of racist Trump students…

Nets Spend 19X Air Time Smearing Pro-Life Teens vs. March for Life

January 21st, 2019 1:48 PM
Between Saturday evening and Monday morning, NBC, ABC and CBS devoted a stunning 19 minutes 5 seconds to falsely accusing teenagers who participated in the March for Life of racism following a confrontation with left-wing activists. That was after the broadcast networks only managed to provide a pathetic 58 seconds of coverage to Friday’s annual demonstration protesting the Supreme Court’s 1973…

ABC Admits ‘Rush to Judgement’ Over MAGA Hat Teens Viral Vid

January 21st, 2019 11:38 AM
ABC’s Good Morning America admitted Monday that the incident at the March for Life that went viral appearing to show Catholic teens in MAGA hats sneering at a Native American veteran, was taken out of context. However, ABC failed to acknowledge that their own network also slandered these kids with their hasty reporting based off of on one viral video.

Chuck Todd Irritated Dubious Buzzfeed Used to ‘Tar All Media’

January 20th, 2019 4:21 PM
In an outburst on Twitter on Saturday, NBC moderator Chuck Todd lashed out at “those trying to tar all media” with the dubious Buzzfeed story by suggesting they “aren’t interested in improving journalism but protecting themselves.” That irritation carried over to Sunday’s Meet the Press where he ended the show by decrying those people once again, despite “all media” pouncing on the now-debunked…

ABC Has No Women's March Query for Dems, GOP Hit on MAGA-Hat Teens

January 20th, 2019 4:10 PM
On ABC's This Week, host Martha Raddatz began the program with Democrat presidential aspirant Kirsten Gillibrand, but never asked her a single question about the Women's March controversies over anti-Semitism, even though she spoke on Saturday at a Women's March event in Des Moines. But Raddatz pressed Sen. Jim Lankford (R-Okla.) to denounce a viral video that alleged to show Catholic teenagers…

NBC Blasts Catholic Students as ‘Racist’, Fails to Retract Hot Take

January 20th, 2019 10:01 AM
On Saturday, people were outraged after video surfaced appearing to show Catholic students attending the March for Life harassing Native American Vietnam veteran Nathan Phillips at the Lincoln Memorial. NBC Nightly News plastered the screen with the boys’ faces that evening while calling them “racist”. But additional video exposed that Phillips was the one who approached them and banging a drum…