PBS Seethes at Michael Knowles: ‘You Don't Believe Gay People Exist?'
PBS News anchors and reporters have brought the soft soap for sob-story interviews for people losing their jobs thanks to Trump executive orders and Musk-driven budget cuts, without any ideological labels attached to their designated victims. Yet the rare conservative who appears on the News Hour is almost guaranteed to get smacked with at least on warning label. So no…

Seth Meyers With Biden: Ignorant Or Just Sloppy?
Ya gotta love this. So last week was CPAC. Thousands of conservatives gathering in Maryland’s National Harbor for the usual presentations by notable conservatives in fields ranging from foreign policy to economics to social issues.

FLASHBACK: Recalling Years of Liberal Media Mockery of CPAC
For years, both journalists and late-night comics have ridiculed CPAC as akin to “the bar scene in Star Wars,” “an aviary for far-right ‘wacko birds,’” and an “audience of malignant children.”

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Malone Says Harm from COVID-19 Censorship Is ‘Ongoing’
The harms of Big Tech’s COVD-19 censorship continue to ripple throughout America, vaccine scientist Dr. Robert Malone told MRC Free Speech America.

MRC’s Bozell: Censorship Is ‘Greatest Threat to Freedom' in History
MRC President Brent Bozell left no doubt about what he thinks is the “greatest threat” to freedom right now.

We Can’t ‘Depend on Legacy Media to Get our Message Out'
Concerned Women for America President and CEO Penny Nance is a dedicated pro-life advocate who has become a leading lady in the fight for all life.

PBS: CPAC Now a Hotbed of ‘White Grievance Politics’ and ‘Anti-LGBTQ’
PBS NewsHour anchor Amna Nawaz introduced an unfriendly segment on the Conservative Political Action Conference's (CPAC) annual gathering on the Potomac. Laura Barron-Lopez’s solemnly intoned field report Friday evening was interspersed with her own opinions about the “white grievance politics” and “false belief” about teaching Critical Race Theory on display.

As CPAC Convenes, The Media Face a 'Diminished Gathering' of Support
It is an amazing thing to watch. The Associated Press denigrated CPAC as a "diminished gathering of conservatives." But the real story is the media's diminished gathering of public support.

Sen. Eric Schmitt Slams ‘Brazen’ Big Tech Censorship at CPAC
“We have to be the guardians of free speech.” Former Missouri Attorney General and new senator Eric Schmitt slammed Big Tech censorship and issued a call to protect free speech at CPAC 2023 Thursday.
Bozell on TikTok: China a ‘Bigger Threat’ Than Soviets During Cold War
Media Research Center Founder and President Brent Bozell appeared on Fox Business Network’s Varney & Co Thursday and discussed President Joe Biden’s weak China policy and whether he should ban TikTok.

Kimmel Attacks CPAC Attendees as 'Fascist' and 'Racist'
ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel reacted the first day of the Conservative Political Action Conference with his usual hurling of insults as he labeled attendees as both “fascist” and “racist.”

Congresswomen Slam Tech-Govt Attacks on Free Speech at CPAC
“We are dealing with tyranny.” Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY), Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) and moderator Katie Pavlich, Townhall editor, slammed online censorship and the far-reaching consequences of the attack on free speech.
MRC’s Schneider & CPAC Panel Talk ‘Gargantuan’ Size, Harms of Big Tech
Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody told MRC Free Speech America & MRC Business Vice President Dan Schneider at the CPAC Big Tech panel Thursday that Big Tech is “one of the most relevant issues to our daily lives right now.”

Brent Bozell Slams Media at CPAC: No Longer Liberal, They're Marxist!
During the first official day of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Media Research Center (MRC) founder and President Brent Bozell tore into the dishonest and corrupt media for the way they cover (or don’t cover) the news. Bozell declared that they are no longer liberal, they are full blown Marxists.