
Joe Scarborough: 'Bizarre' To Think Putin Would Beat Biden in a Debate

March 22nd, 2021 6:46 AM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says that "people [on the right] this past week [were] actually bizarrely cheering for a Putin/Biden debate. And bizarrely saying that Biden would be wiped out by Putin."

Tour de Force: Here Are the Top Ten McEnany Smackdowns of 2020

December 28th, 2020 7:04 PM

Assuming the position of White House Press Secretary on April 7, Kayleigh McEnany had quite a 2020 with a slew of crises to attend to as the fifth woman and third mother to serve as a president’s chief spokesperson. And with a press corps filled with journalists hell-bent on spewing hatred at the Trump administration (instead of asking real, probing questions), McEnany faced a near-constant…

Jon Ossoff

Nets Thrilled By Georgia Dem’s Media-Created Debate Stunt

December 7th, 2020 2:40 PM

On Monday, the partisan network morning shows were gleeful over Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Jon Ossoff being allowed to debate an empty podium during a media-orchestrated stunt Sunday night. After the Atlanta Press Club willingly hosted the Ossoff infomercial, the NBC, ABC, and CBS broadcasts eagerly declared that incumbent Republican Senator David Perdue was a “no show” and “skipped a…

Oil and America’s Energy Future

October 27th, 2020 3:38 PM

During last Thursday's debate, Joe Biden said his goal as president would be to "transition away from the oil industry." He has also said the future is in cars powered by electricity. Biden would build 500,000 charging stations across the country. It wasn't the first time he attacked the oil and job-producing industry in his worship of the cult of "climate change." According to Energy…


Misleading CNN Assails Trump's Zero Tolerance of Illegals

October 24th, 2020 2:30 PM

On Friday's New Day show, CNN ran multiple segments reacting to the presidential debate discussion of border security as CNN regulars tried to correct President Donald Trump's statements, but ended up misinforming their own viewers in the process.


CNN Downplays Biden Lies, Blasts Trump's 'Serial Dishonesty'

October 23rd, 2020 7:42 PM

“So if you've been watching the debates on CNN, you know that one of the most anticipated moments of truth literally comes from CNN fact checker Daniel Dale,” proclaimed CNN New Day co-host John Berman on Friday. There did not seem to be a lot of anticipation though, nor was there a lot of fact checking. There were, however, a lot of attacks on the President, and a lot of covering for Joe…

Donald Trump and  Joe Biden

Nets Cheer Biden ‘On Offense’ After Trump ‘Got Personal’

October 23rd, 2020 5:24 PM

On Friday, Joe Biden’s sycophantic cheerleaders on the network morning shows hailed the Democratic nominee supposedly going “on offense” after President Trump “got personal” by bringing up the Hunter Biden corruption scandal. Ignoring the growing evidence backing up the story, reporters and pundits still insisted it was an “unverified” “smear” against the Bidens.

Twitter Blue-Checks Think Trump’s ‘Coyote’ Remark Refers to The Animal

October 23rd, 2020 3:38 PM

Prominent Twitter lefties including Hollywood celebs and Democrat politicians rushed to condemn President Trump’s use of the term “coyotes”in a discussion on legal immigration during the final presidential debate. Their reasoning, however, was not because they claimed the term was xenophobic, but because they couldn’t imagine small canine being able to carry immigrant children across the…

John Dickerson

CBS’s Dickerson Promises ‘News Cycle’ Will Bury Biden Corruption

October 23rd, 2020 9:56 AM

Appearing on Friday’s CBS This Morning, 60 Minutes correspondent John Dickerson assured viewers that allegations of corruption against Joe Biden and his son don’t “matter” to voters and even promised that the “news cycle” would make sure to bury the scandal in the final days leading up to the election.


CBS Barely Mentions Sleazy Hunter, Tries to Haul Joe Past Finish Line

October 23rd, 2020 5:38 AM

On Thursday night after the final 2020 presidential debate, CBS News put its thumb on the scale for the Biden campaign in helping to drag him across the finish line, surmising President Trump wasn’t able to jettison himself back into the race due to grim attacks on Hunter Biden, an insensitivity to race issues, and spewing a torrent of lies.


ABC Hawks ‘Feistier’ Biden Going ‘On Offense,’ ‘Not Sitting on a Lead’

October 23rd, 2020 3:13 AM

Unsurprisingly, ABC journalists followed the markers on Thursday they laid down following the first 2020 presidential debate and vice presidential debate, going all out to boost the Joe Biden ticket. For this debate, ABC personalities gushed over the “feistier” Biden going “on offense” and putting President Trump “on the defensive repeatedly” to prove that calling so many lids “paid off.”


Jake Tapper: 'MAGA Bubble' Doesn’t Love Their Sons Like Biden Does

October 23rd, 2020 2:15 AM

Harkening back to a ridiculous tweet he posted late Wednesday night, CNN host Jake Tapper spit venom at what he called the “MAGA bubble” following Thursday's debate by suggesting they didn’t love their sons nor cared for strangers as the Bidens did. All of this, mind you, was done during the network’s post-debate analysis where he suggested the Hunter Biden laptop scandal was a lie so “sleazy…


MSNBC Smears Voters: Trump Appeals to ‘Lizard Brain’ ‘White Guys'

October 23rd, 2020 1:19 AM

You know it might have been a bad night for Joe Biden by the way MSNBC responded. The post-debate Democratic hack crew on Thursday night turned to MSNBC regular Jon Meacham to attack the country. Meacham ranted that the President appeals to the “lizard brains" of “white guys.” He also sneered that Trump was “auditioning for a show on Fox.” 

What Are They Smoking? Celebs Say Biden Won Debate 'By a Mile'

October 23rd, 2020 1:12 AM

No surprise here, in La La Land Joe Biden was declared the obvious winner of the second and final 2020 presidential debate. Though you have to wonder in what alternate universe these people were watching the debate.