
Crybaby Stelter Whines He’s ‘Hate Object' for Fox News Audience

October 1st, 2020 11:05 AM

It was an anti-Fox News whine-fest on Wednesday night’s Late Night where CNN host Brian Stelter appeared to hawk his new Fox-hating book, Hoax and complain about moderator Chris Wallace letting President Trump derail Tuesday’s debate. 


EPIC: Ted Cruz DEMOLISHES CNN’s Fredo Cuomo in Marathon Brawl

October 1st, 2020 5:16 AM

Wednesday night on CNN, Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo faced perhaps his strongest interviewee in eons in the form of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), who spent 20 minutes completely disemboweling the condescending, far-left, and pompous hack on everything from the economy to coronavirus to CNN’s Trump Derangement Syndrome to the election to vile extremists.

Get Him ‘Shock Collar’: Celebs Want 'Ahole' Trump Muzzled Next Debate

September 30th, 2020 9:30 PM

Well, the establishment seems to think that the first 2020 Presidential Debate between former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump was so insufferable in terms of outbursts and opponents interrupting each other during their rebuttal times, that they are contemplating rule changes to the debate format.


Donald Trump and Joe Biden

‘An Insult to Our Democracy’: Nets Unleash Debate Hate at Trump

September 30th, 2020 6:00 PM

On Wednesday morning, hosts and correspondents for the Big Three network morning shows were absolutely livid over President Trump’s Tuesday night debate performance, exclusively blaming him for making the event a “disgrace” and “an insult to our democracy.” Meanwhile, some tried to paint Biden as the “winner” of the exchange.


Navarro to Sanders: Tell Latinos in Florida, Biden's Not a Socialist!

September 30th, 2020 3:55 PM

Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders joined The View hosts today to campaign for Joe Biden after Tuesday night’s presidential debate. Co-host Ana Navarro, a Biden surrogate, tried to get the “Democrat Socialist” to rally his far left supporters to vote for Biden. But just one question later, she asked him to sell Latino voters who don’t want a Socialist in the White House to vote Biden as…

Celebs Conflicted: ‘Worst Debate Ever’ … Er, Biden Just ‘Won Election'

September 30th, 2020 1:59 PM

The first presidential debate was a mega win for the greatest, most empathic candidate on the stage, Joe Biden. Right? Well according to some in Hollywood – who’s sanity rests on Trump being voted out – yes, “Sleepy Joe” won. They wouldn’t tout any other outcome, anyway. But for others in the entertainment industry – others who seem to be more honest – the whole evening was “useless.”


Not Liberal ENOUGH for Kimmel? Late Night Host Hypes Court Packing

September 30th, 2020 1:02 PM

If it wasn’t clear that the late night comedy hosts hate you, Jimmy Kimmel pushed Bernie Sanders from the left on Tuesday night, using a post-debate interview to hype court packing. He also worried that Joe Biden was distancing himself too much from the socialist. 

Mika Brzezinski MSNBC Morning Joe 9-30-20

Mika Slimes Fox Folks as 'Lobotomized,' Forgets When They Loved Trump

September 30th, 2020 11:15 AM

On Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski slimes Fox News hosts and anchors as "lobotomized" for their debate coverage of President Trump, calling it "pathetic." At the same time she was complaining, Brian Kilmeade criticized Trump for missing the "layup" of explicitly condemning white supremacy. 


DNC PR: CBS Anchors Try to Stop Don Jr. From Calling Out Media Bias

September 30th, 2020 9:41 AM

CBS continued their spin for Joe Biden as they grilled the president’s son, following last night's presidential debate. As Don Jr. brought up Biden's scandals the media won’t touch, the CBS team repeatedly cut him off, proving his point. 


Dickerson, King Excuse Biden Debate Meltdowns Since He’s Not President

September 30th, 2020 5:36 AM

With some ABC journalists rhetorically reporting from Mars, CBS’s post-debate coverage found itself Tuesday night along similar lines as NBC, which likewise placed the lion’s share of blame on the President (instead of Joe Biden or Chris Wallace) for the debate having spun out of control. So, what CBS’s argument for blaming Trump wielding “a saw tooth” and Biden leaning more towards being…


Are They on Mars? Bruce, Muir Insist Biden Was ‘Steady,’ Kept ‘Cool’

September 30th, 2020 3:25 AM

After Tuesday’s presidential debate, ABC senior congressional correspondent Mary Bruce and World News Tonight anchor David Muir were opining from another planet, insisting Joe Biden kept “his cool,” was “the adult in the room,” and remained “fairly steady in temperament and tone” despite calling Trump “a clown,” “the worst President...ever” and told him to “shut up.”


CNN: ‘Obesely Immoral’ ‘Psychopath’ Trump Refused to Condemn Racists

September 30th, 2020 2:18 AM

Mere moments after their colleagues cursed out Tuesday’s Presidential debate as a “shit show” and suggested President Trump was actively trying to bring the country “down with him,” CNN's Anderson Cooper raged as he led the largely liberal panel in a hate fest against the President. Addressing former Obama advisor David Axelrod, Cooper literally pounded his fist on the desk as he denounced…


NBC Pins Blame on ‘Bully’ Trump for ‘Hot Mess,’ ‘Trainwreck’ Debate

September 30th, 2020 1:18 AM

After Tuesday’s exhausting and raucous presidential debate, NBC did its best to standup for fellow progressives and Joe Biden, exclusively blaming President Trump for having created the “brawl,” “crazy,” “hot mess,” and “trainwreck” of a debate that made for “a low point in American political discourse” that was inappropriate for children.


Hollywood: ‘White Supremacist’-in-Chief Has ‘Nazis’ on 'Standby'

September 30th, 2020 1:15 AM

Ah, debate night. That special evening when everyone, especially lefties in Hollywood, gathers round the TV set with their phones at the ready to call the Republican candidate a “racist.”