
Nets Punt on Media-Clinton Campaign Coziness in New Wikileaks Dump

October 19th, 2016 8:13 PM
To the surprise of probably few readers, the media have been doing their best in this election to cover for Hillary Clinton’s numerous scandals and Wednesday night provided the latest case as the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC refused to acknowledge new revelations from hours earlier via the latest WikiLeaks dump that included more coziness between Clinton and the media.

On Debate Night, Poll Shows: Majority Say Media Biased Against Trump

October 19th, 2016 7:14 PM
Hours before the final presidential debate, a new poll confirms that journalists have heavily slanted their coverage in favor of Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump. According to a new Quinnipiac survey, 55 percent of Americans think reporters are biased against the businessman. This included “Republicans 88 – 8 percent and independent voters 61 – 37 percent.” 

AP: 2016 Deficit, Up 34 Percent From Last Year, 'Totally Manageable'

October 19th, 2016 4:44 PM
The federal government's fiscal year ended on September 30. As has been the administration's habit for years with news that might draw negative attention, the Treasury Department conveniently released its year-end Monthly Budget Review Friday afternoon to minimize the discussion of its grim news.

WikiLeaks Continue to Show Journalist Cooperation for Clinton Campaign

October 19th, 2016 3:53 PM
The mounting archive of WikiLeaks emails between Hillary Clinton and her staff continues to reveal the Democratic presidential candidate’s special relationship with members of the liberal news media. Not only did she hold an off the record dinner with “influential reporters, anchors, and editors” just before officially launching her presidential bid, but reporters also asked for interviews…

AP Claims Trump Wrong in Saying Bill Clinton 'Lost' His Law License

October 14th, 2016 9:56 PM
The latest installment of "Stupid Fact Checks" involves the Associated Press, which appears to be determined to deny the truth of any statement, no matter how obviously correct, made by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump or running mate Mike Pence. At Sunday's second debate, Trump said, "what President Clinton did, he was impeached, he lost his license to practice law, he had to pay an…

Kos: Cancel Last Debate, Since Trump Might Act Like a ‘Drunk A**hole’

October 14th, 2016 10:50 AM
If Daily Kos founder and publisher Markos Moulitsas gets his way (good luck with that) those who are tired of the presidential campaign will have a bit less of it to endure. In a Thursday post, Kos, arguing that “there is nothing to be gained from [next Wednesday’s] third and final presidential debate,” urged the powers that be to cancel it. “Trump has made very clear his closing pitch—insane…

Liberal Hate Radio: DC Rep Maligns Looks of Slick Willie's Accusers

October 14th, 2016 8:31 AM
On Bill Press's radio and Free Speech TV show, D.C. nonvoting congressional representative Eleanor Holmes Norton proved that Michelle Obama's recent admonition that "when they go low we stay high" is something the left pretends to advocate in theory but almost never follows in practice. Moments after quoting Ms. Obama, Ms. Norton, who no one will mistake for a supermodel, began making insulting,…

CNN's Tapper: TVOne Anchor Leaked Town Hall Question to Brazile

October 13th, 2016 4:46 PM
On WMAL's Mornings on the Mall on Thursday, CNN's Jake Tapper revealed his "understanding" about what happened surrounding the leaked town hall question to the Hillary Clinton campaign: "This was a Roland Martin follow-up. So, my understanding is that he, or...somebody on his team got that question to Donna Brazile." Brazile apparently then sent question to Hillary Clinton's campaign, as revealed…

Trump Right, Hillary Wrong on When She Left Govt.; NBC Covers For Her

October 13th, 2016 3:17 PM
This latest edition of "Stupid Fact Checks" by Hillary Clinton lapdogs in the press comes from NBC, with follow-up help from the Politico, and is an entry in two categories: "False Equivalency" and "Subsequent Goalpost Moving." In Sunday's second presidential debate, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump correctly stated that Mrs. Clinton "was there as Secretary of State with the so-called…

CNN Wrongly Claims Hillary Did Not Laugh Over Defending Rapist

October 13th, 2016 2:05 PM
On Wednesday's CNN Tonight, during a discussion of sexual harassment accusations against GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, host Don Lemon at one point cited a dubious fact check by PolitiFact -- which sometimes engages in dodgy analysis at the expense of conservatives in spite of being touted as an unbiased group. When right-leaning CNN political commentator and Trump supporter Corey…

TMZ: NBC Execs Planned to Use Trump Tape To Influence Election

October 12th, 2016 4:43 PM
NBC executives had planned to use video of the vulgar discussion between Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Billy Bush to influence the election. TMZ reported on Oct. 12, that NBC executives knew of the existence of this taped conversation before the The Washington Post released it to the public — although they’ve claimed to only know about it for about a week. The actual…

CBS Dredges Up Anita Hill Accusations, Steers Clear of Bill Clinton’s

October 12th, 2016 12:18 AM
In an attempt to demonstrate how pervasive sexual assault was in politics Tuesday, CBS Evening News went back to the 90’s for a heinous example. No, they didn’t cover the plethora of examples swirling around former President Bill Clinton. Instead, they chose one of their favorite conservative punching bags, Justice Clarence Thomas. “While these stories are being shared across social media today,…

AP Tags True Trump Assad-ISIS Claim 'Wrong,' Then 'Partially True'

October 11th, 2016 8:17 PM
Shortly after the conclusion of Sunday's second presidential debate, in reaction to Trump's statement that "Assad is killing ISIS," the AP tweeted: "Trump wrong that Syria's Assad is fighting Islamic State militants." There's one insurmountable problem with that statement, namely that, as PJ Media's Patrick Poole noted, "recent AP reporting documented fighting between the Syrian regime and ISIS…

NYMag Pundit: Trump, GOP Agree Women Aren’t ‘Full Human Beings’

October 11th, 2016 5:58 PM
Liberals like to allege that Donald Trump turns the bigoted subtext of longstanding Republican ideas into text that’s about as subtle as a whoopee cushion. As Rebecca Traister put it in a Monday article, the GOP traditionally has been “covert” about “the very biases that [Trump] makes coarse and plain.” Regarding the uproar over the Access Hollywood audio, Traister wrote, "Trump…is not distinct…