
Late Night Matthews Loves ‘Mellifluous,’ Beautiful’ Hillary Clinton

October 10th, 2016 12:59 AM
In the early hours of Monday, Chris Matthews raved about the “beautiful” Hillary Clinton’s “mellifluous” voice in Sunday’s presidential debate, hailing her for “looking great” and having a “winning” possibility. The Hardball host praised her “presidential-ness” as he gushed, “I was watching her very closely tonight, her whole presentation. She looked great. She looked great in terms of…

CNN Misquotes Trump, then Says He Sounds Like ‘Stalin or Hitler’

October 10th, 2016 12:38 AM
During the second presidential debate Sunday, GOP nominee Donald Trump declared that he would appoint a special prosecutor to look into the Hillary Clinton e-mail situation because he felt the original outcome was suspect. Clinton soon after remarked that she was glad someone like him wasn’t in charge, to which Trump replied that she would be in jail. From there CNN went off the deep end with…

Politifact Helps Hillary with Live Fact-Check, None Judged to Be False

October 9th, 2016 11:51 PM
NewsBusters has documented extensively over the past year Politifact's blatant bias and selective fact-checking of liberals, but the divide kicked into high gear on Sunday night in the second presidential debate as, using previous posts, it examined only six statements by Democrat Hillary Clinton versus 15 statements by Republican Donald Trump.   

Pushy Martha Raddatz Spars With Trump Over Media Bias

October 9th, 2016 11:35 PM
Co-debate moderator Martha Raddatz frequently interrupted Donald Trump and sparred with the businessman over media bias and fairness during Sunday’s debate. After a discussion on the state of Syria, the journalist attempted to move on and Trump interrupted, “She just went about 25 seconds over her time. Could I respond to this?” 

Of Course: MSNBC Brings on Carville to Rebut Trump's Clinton Attacks

October 9th, 2016 8:55 PM
Who else would MSNBC bring on to rebut Donald Trump’s press conference with several women that claim they have been assaulted or harassed by Bill Clinton? Why, James Carville, of course. Minutes before Sunday night’s presidential debate, Brian Williams wondered, “James, this was part, probably the worst component you had to deal with in running a Clinton campaign. The thing about it is, that was…

MSNBC: GOPers Dropping Trump Because Crude Talk Is About 'White Women'

October 9th, 2016 8:19 PM
According to MSNBC, the only reason some Republicans are dropping Donald Trump after his disgusting comments on an audio tape is because it involves “white women.” Discussing Friday’s tape in which the candidate insisted he could “grab [women] by the p***y,” AM Joy guest Rebecca Traister on Saturday insisted, “I'm really struck by these Republicans who are suddenly disavowing him, as if this is a…

Chuck Todd Denies Hillary Attacked Bill's Sex Assault Victims

October 9th, 2016 4:09 PM
Viewers of Sunday's Meet the Press on NBC could witness the recurring elephant in the room with regard to the Clintons that journalists repeatedly try to tamp down, in the form of Hillary Clinton's reported history of threatening and trying to discredit women who have made sexual assault accusations against her husband. Liberal Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus tried to minimize the issue to…

TV Critic: Beware of Artifice and Manipulation of 'Town Hall' Debate

October 8th, 2016 5:38 PM
Baltimore Sun TV critic David Zurawik warned that the "town hall" debate on Sunday night will be nothing of the sort. "Expect more artifice than authenticity," warned the Sun headline. The imperatives of commercial television have molded and manipulated an illusion of democracy, Zurawik warned. He used a very recent example of Clinton calculation: 

Esquire Pundit: Pence, Trump Cut From Same Cloth of Crazy

October 8th, 2016 1:16 PM
Commentators on the right gave Mike Pence high marks for his showing in the vice-presidential debate, largely because he, unlike Donald Trump, articulates straight-no-chaser conservatism. To Pierce, however, the ideological divide between Pence and Trump is about as wide as a crack in the sidewalk. In a Wednesday post, Pierce predicted that even though Trump represents the “obvious culmination”…

Sunday’s Town Hall Debate: Brace for More Clinton-Friendly Questions

October 8th, 2016 10:18 AM
The 2016 presidential and vice presidential debates have already been notable for their bias, with NBC’s Lester Holt pounding Donald Trump with a skewed set of questions during the first debate, and CBS’s Elaine Quijano doing the same with Mike Pence on Tuesday. So what should viewers expect at tomorrow night’s town hall-style debate? A look at the past six town hall debates finds — with one…

ABC Skips Controversial Clinton Ad Buy, Focuses on Her Little Girl Hug

October 6th, 2016 9:13 PM
The Hillary Clinton campaign was caught in a rather humiliating blunder Thursday, as it was discovered that they bought air time on the Weather Channel in battleground states effected by Hurricane Matthew. Out of the only two networks to cover politics that evening only CBS had mentioned it, while ABC ignored it. “Clinton’s camp had to sidestep an embarrassment of its own. Reversing a recent move…

Bee on VP Debate: ‘Care Bear’ Kaine vs. ‘Homophobic Race Bannon' Pence

October 6th, 2016 3:07 PM
After some time off from blogging TBS’s Full Frontal and an acknowledgement from the show that yours truly lives rent free inside their heads, I checked back in on Samantha Bee’s unfunny program as she opined that the vice presidential debate featured “Hillary Clinton’s care bear” Tim Kaine facing “homophobic Race Bannon” known as Republican Mike Pence.

CNN Presses Pence on Past Trump Remarks, Tosses Softballs to Kaine

October 6th, 2016 2:07 PM
As Democratic and Republican vice presidential nominees Tim Kaine and Mike Pence appeared in separate interviews on Thursday's New Day, there was a blatant difference in how each guest was received, as Kaine was mostly served up softballs by Alisyn Camerota, while Chris Cuomo spent nearly all his time hitting Pence over controversial statements Trump has made in the past, repeatedly pressing the…

ABC: Would Be ‘Terrible Decision’ for Trump to Mention Bill’s Affairs

October 6th, 2016 1:09 PM
Good Morning America’s Jon Karl on Thursday warned Donald Trump against mentioning Bill Clinton’s numerous affairs at Sunday’s debate, lecturing that it would be a “terrible decision." Talking to former Bill Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos, Karl opined, “All this talk about him going after Bill Clinton's infidelities, I think that's very hard to do in an intimate setting where the town…