CNN Fails to Ask Trump About Incident with Staffer and Michelle Fields

March 10th, 2016 11:28 PM
On Thursday night, CNN and its four moderators made no attempt to ask Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and his three opponents about the purported incident Tuesday night involving Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and Breitbart News reporter Michelle Fields that left Fields bruised on one of her arms. 

NBC, ABC Skip Hillary's Benghazi Lies; Bernie's Suit 'Biggest Debate'

March 10th, 2016 2:59 PM
On Thursday, while covering the latest Democratic debate, NBC’s Today and ABC’s Good Morning America avoided any mention of Hillary Clinton being grilled by Univision anchor Jorge Ramos about accusations that she lied to the families of the Benghazi victims. Instead, both morning shows focused on the “biggest debate” of the night being over the color of Bernie Sanders’ suit.

CNN Guest Slams Sanders: ‘Old Hippie From the '60s' 'Hasn't Woken Up'

March 10th, 2016 12:52 PM
ABC and NBC’s morning shows Thursday completely ignored Bernie Sanders being confronted about his radical viewpoints during Wednesday night’s Democratic Debate hosted by Univision. In 1985, he praised Cuba’s communist regime and justified those remarks during the debate. Only CBS This Morning played the clip with Sanders’ response and this mild criticism ("A view many Cuban exiles here don't…

Surprise: Ramos Hits Hillary on Claims She Lied to Benghazi Families

March 9th, 2016 10:57 PM
Univision anchor and Wednesday night’s Democratic presidential debate co-moderator Jorge Ramos took a break from his far-left questions on illegal immigration to serve up a slew of hardball questions to Hillary Clinton on both her e-mail scandal in addition to Benghazi and the belief among many that she lied about what transpired to the victims families.

Rubio Slams Liberal Media for Helping Trump; ‘Dominant’ Factor in Race

March 9th, 2016 10:08 PM
Senator Marco Rubio continued his participation in the anti-Donald Trump crusade against the liberal media on Tuesday in an MSNBC Town Hall as he pointed out that Trump has received far more media coverage than all his opponents combined and was buttressed by recent comments from CBS chief Les Moonves that Trump has been great for his network’s ratings.

Univision/WashPost Democratic Debate: What To Watch For

March 9th, 2016 3:16 PM
Univision and The Washington Post join forces to moderate the Democrat debate. Here's what to expect: an "Agenda Latina" that leans left, starting with immigration. 

Krauthammer: ‘Semi-Historic’ for Dems to Face Abortion Questions

March 9th, 2016 10:03 AM
On Tuesday’s Special Report on Fox News, columnist Charles Krauthammer praised anchor Bret Baier for finally holding Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders accountable for their hard-left abortion views: “I thought it was even almost – it was semi-historic the way you actually asked a question about abortion. I think there have been, what, seven Democratic debates and not one about abortion.”

Andrea Mitchell Uses Death of Nancy Reagan to Hammer GOP

March 7th, 2016 12:10 PM
Calling in to an NBC special report about the death of Nancy Reagan on Sunday, correspondent Andrea Mitchell was eager to use the former First Lady’s passing to attack the current crop of Republican presidential candidates: “...we know that she did not believe in extremes. That she believed in compromise. That she believed, as did her husband, in walking – in working across party lines....So I…

Mark Ruffalo on ‘Charming’ Bernie; ‘He Awoke Something in Me'

March 7th, 2016 12:24 AM
Liberal Hollywood actor Mark Ruffalo worked the spin room after Sunday’s Democratic presidential debate and appeared on MSNBC where he fomented praise for the “charming” and “fresh” socialist Senator Bernie Sanders who has both “awoke[n] something in me” and “speaks to me.”

CBS's Pelley Plays Up Republicans Likening Party to Hijacked Plane

March 4th, 2016 9:58 PM
Scott Pelley led Friday's CBS Evening News by touting how unnamed conservatives bewailed the previous evening's Republican presidential debate: "Conservatives described it with words including, 'embarrassing,' 'suicide,' and 'implosion.'" Pelley continued by spotlighting how others likened the GOP to a hijacked airplane after the debate: "It left many Republicans feeling that they were banging on…

Nets Slam ‘Vulgar’ and ‘Childish’ GOP Debate Reaching ‘New Lows’

March 4th, 2016 1:01 PM
On Friday, the NBC, CBS, and ABC morning shows all blasted Thursday’s Republican presidential debate as “vulgar” “silly” and “childish.” The same networks that have routinely provided ample airtime to Donald Trump’s personal attacks on his rivals, lectured the GOP contenders on civility.

Cruz: Media Must Expose the ‘60 Years of Failed' Policies in Detroit

March 3rd, 2016 11:03 PM
In another notable moment from Thursday’s Fox News Channel GOP debate where a candidate invoked the liberal media and their failed agenda, Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) railed against the failed liberal policies that have led to the decline of Detroit that’s been allowed to drag on for well over half a century.

Rubio Calls Out the Liberal Media for Hanging on Trump’s Every Word

March 3rd, 2016 9:39 PM
In some of his first comments during Thursday’s Republican Presidential Primary Debate on the Fox News Channel (FNC), Republican Senator Marco Rubio (Fl.) called out the liberal media for obsessively covering Donald Trump’s every move and insult instead of reporting on the issues. “The media has given personal attacks Donald Trump has made incredible amount of coverage. Let's start talking about…

Univision News Needs Donald Trump

February 29th, 2016 11:53 PM
The relationship between Univision and Donald Trump, far from being adversarial, is symbiotic.